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Time to hit the hay. Gonna let "James Smith and His Trio" take me out tonight. Shoulda gone to bed a long time ago, but once again, the time flies and my brain just rambles.

One more kiss goodnight for the kiddos, one more for the love of my life, and then time to move along to dreamland, wherever that may be tonight.

May you all have much rest tonight and many blessings tomorrow. Tomorrow's another day. Same old arguments, same old grudges, same old BS. But not this time. Tomorrow's gonna be different. Forgive and forget. Love one another. Pursue my dreams with an unquenchable thirst. And hopefully, that sentiment will linger long after I've pounded the SNOOZE button 3 or 4 times.

Good night all. See you in the morning.

  • 2 weeks later...

OK, anyone else out there need specific conditions for successful attainment of sleep? I need the following to reach REM nirvana: 1) noise/ moving air (my fan takes care of this. I can't hang with those Sharper Image-type noise machines- thunder, waterfalls and chirping critters keep me awake) and 2) cool temperature (sweaty bed not good unless doing horizontal tango) and 3) low level of light (slight anxiety of total darkness).

Unfortunately, my wife prefers 1) absolute, still silence 2) HOT room and 3) DARK room. I refer to her preferred sleep environment as "The Crypt". Needless to say, we have two separate sleeping areas. I swear this saves our marriage, since we both need to get the maximum amount of sleep. I'd rather sacrifice a little intimacy than deal with her or me lacking in adequate rest. The two of us sharing a hotel room? Forget it.

Also, when she wakes up in the morning, the covers on her bed haven't shifted in the least. A corpse shifts and squirms more than she does. I could set full glasses of wine around her and they'd still be there, undisturbed, in the morning. My covers are on the floor, the mattress cover is gone and I wake up shivering on a bare mattress like a junkie. Am I the only one suffering from this? I hope not.


Am I the only one suffering from this? I hope not.

I'm with you on preferring to sleep alone, though for the opposite reason. My wife is the shifter. Can't stay still. Drives me crazy. And for me, the fan is optional unless it's really hot. Come to think of it, it sounds like you and I could sleep with each other's wives just fine. :excited: But let's not go there. :g


My one ironclad requrement is the least possible illumination (usually augmented with a pillow over my head anyway). I do a lot of shifting and I've also begun to snore on occasion, and my wife is a light sleeper to begin with, so she's the one who suffers. I, on the other hand, could easily sleep through a nuclear holocaust. :g


I recently found out that I have a deviated septum, which is the reason that I snore. My wife hates my snoring, and is begging me to get the necessary surgery to correct it. But that surgery requires that my nose be broken and reset! I don't want a broken nose! Am I selfish because I'm putting myself before my wife's comfort?

As for my sleep requirements, I really don't have many. I like a cool room (I'll sometimes turn up the AC before I retire), I prefer less light if possible, and I like a little noise. My wife's chief sleep requirement is that I go to bed soon after her, because my snoring is less likely to wake her if we're in the same general sleep cycle. But if I come to bed a few hours after she goes to sleep, my snoring will wake her and she has a hard time falling back asleep after that.

Posted (edited)

I am so glad that my wife and I are very compatible sleeping wise. I love sleeping with my wife. I now have a hard time falling asleep without her. Habit built up I guess.

Alexander, in your shoes I would be very reluctant to have my nose broken and reset!

My one problem is that I seem to "need" less and less sleep, I can't seem to sleep more than seven hours tops a night. . . and I still seem to "think" I "want" more but it just doesn't happen!

I get up and listen to my stereo. . . win win I guess.

Edited by jazzbo

Am I the only one suffering from this? I hope not.

I'm another one who prefers to sleep alone.

My comfort conditions vary greatly than my wife's. I like the room cooler than she does, but more importantly, I like to stick some JAZZ on!! She doesn't like to sleep with music on.

We probably sleep half of the week in the same bed and the other half in separate rooms. Then I crank the JAZZ!!! :P

Posted (edited)

Am I selfish because I'm putting myself before my wife's comfort?

Maybe it's in your "enlightened self-interest" (that's a Marxist concept, not?) to reduce your snoring -- both for the marriage dividends and your own HEALTH. Some people say "snoring causes sleep apnea" while others say "sleep apnea causes snoring" -- a chicken-and-egg debate -- but apparently "even without the added danger of sleep apnea, snoring alone can cause an increase in blood pressure."

Edited by maren

When I go to sleep, I like to take a headset and cd player with me. That usually does the trick. I don't have it on to loud so that it doesn't disturb my wife. Right now, I'm listening to Stan Getz West Coast sessions, the 3 cd set. Now, there are some times when I'm just so wired that I can't go to sleep and I have to go to another room just to settle down. Usually, some reading helps to do the trick.


I usually program the cd player before I go to sleep. Last night I drifted off listening to Billie Holliday. I shift around a lot, but never really wake up at all during the night, unless some kind of extroardinary noise/event happens.


Hey, wake up Big Al!

zzzzzzSHNORT.... huh? wha.. wha... did I miss anything?

Lately, our room has been awfully stuffy, causing it to be warmer than normal. This is fine for my wife, who gets cold when the mercury dips below 95; not fine for me, Mr. Light Sleeper.

I can't remember the last time I slept the entire night without waking up for one reason or another: too hot, too cold, sheets bunched up under me, potty break, psycho-cat growling at the neighbor cat. Last night I woke up all itchy with the chorus of "Domingo Morning" running thru my head (not that that's a BAD thing, mind you!). I'd give anything for a full night's sleep that didn't leave me feeling groggy in the morning.

  • 2 weeks later...

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