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ah,, there's where the Freiburg Bass player has been hidden... Winter adé seems to be appropriate for the todays temperature :)

Yes, you got it! :tup Do you know the whole thing, there are two discs related to this project. I have them both. ... and ... Here in my hometown there is sunshine, too. :D and i am wearing a T-shirt !

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Yes - and it's so hard to spot when quotes are nested. It's the same as trying to spot when you have the wrong number of brackets in a formula.


Yeah, and it reminds me to the old days of fortran-programming or "Spaghetti-Basic" :g

Never did Fortran, but spaghetti basic was a speciality of the house!




Here in my hometown there is sunshine, too. :D and i am wearing a T-shirt !

I too am wearing a t-shirt, but that's because the central heating is on and making it comfortable. Outside is cold and damp, working up to rain later. I thought Germany had colder winters than we did in the far west.



The weather is acting pretty strange during the last years over here. Doesn't follow the rules any more. July was extremely hot and dry, August was chilly and rainy, September turned unexpectedly warm after a slow start, which continued through the first half of October. It turned cold then again, but today we're sunny and mild - I was driving with the windows open! (Mr. Bassman and I live about 50 miles apart.)


The weather is acting pretty strange during the last years over here. Doesn't follow the rules any more. July was extremely hot and dry, August was chilly and rainy, September turned unexpectedly warm after a slow start, which continued through the first half of October. It turned cold then again, but today we're sunny and mild - I was driving with the windows open! (Mr. Bassman and I live about 50 miles apart.)

The highets temperature for today was about 21 degrees (on my balcony in the sun) and now (it's dark outside 19.17 local time) it shows still 14 degrees (all Celsius), that is more like May not November.


didn't notice anybody :(

thoroughly selected tracks combining a strong even compilaton



Thank you, Andrew. When i listened to some of the BFT-CDs i had the same symptoms. But, when the answers were given, there was always the "clap-on-forehead"-Syndrom, too. Sometimes i possessed the recording by myself but couldn't remember it. But, as you stated, you have fun when you listen to the compilation, and that is a real main aim in BFT (to me). And we all get some new ideas about one of our favourite things !

with regards

Mr. Bassman


I'm afraid I'm once more making a fool of myself, but here are some impressions on disc one... thanks, Mr. Bassman!

#1 nice little opener - setting the theme?

#2 Everything I Got Belongs to You - a nice old-fashioned arrangement with horn backings. Like the singer a lot, somewhere close to the songbirds but with a heavier touch in the voice, very nice! Sounds like from the 50s? Very nice, although the backings get a bit tiring after a while... don't dare to mention any names...

#3 That's one of those stiff Glenn Miller riffs, no? The growling brass is cool and the beat is decidedly dry and funky. Not to put this down, but it sounds like something any kind of professional big band could do... nice, but lightweight fun.

#4 A very, very nice combination, bass & baritone sax! Tune sounds familiar... a bit tame, bari could try a bit more, soundwise, but it's nice! A combination I'd like to hear more often, for sure!

#5 Bass sound is pretty ugly, gives this away as a retro recording (prob. by older guys, thus retro is unfair...) of much more recent vintage than it is, stylistically... tenor is pretty nice, drummer I don't like a lot - pretty clichéd bop fillings, all stuff you can hear much livlier and done in a more swinging way on recordings of all the great bop drummers (Max, Philly Joe...).

The sound also keeps me from enjoying the bass solo a lot, sorry.

Tenor is the only thing I really like here... the tune sounds familiar, too, but as usual I can't pin it down...

#6 Sounds like it could be a Dave Brubeck tune... but the rhythm is even more restrained, Wright would swing in an earthier way and Morello would play a bit more... but this drummer starts building some and gets quite good, too! Tenor is of the "inside" kind of Trane followers, not bad at all, but sound's a bit thin.

Not a bad performance at all, but maybe a bit long?

#7 Post Bill Evans piano trio? Bass solo is good, but in the intro/theme it's too "glibberish" for my taste...

#8 Now we're talkin'! I like this one a lot! Swings quite some, even though there's no drummer. Nice vibes, not sure who, but either some mainstream chap (Hampton) or a rather modest modern one (Charles?). Very nice tenor here! Out of the Hawk bag, but much softer... Lucky T? Long time I played any of his stuff... hm, thinking of Lucky would make Bags the obvious choice, but if that's bag he's quite laidback, not to say restrained! Not Bags & Lucky, no... nice trombone/tenor shout chorus! Nice how at the very end the trombone gets a bit dirty and a wee tiny bit out of line, compared to the very tight surroundings.

#9 Fairly recent recording, not bad, tenor has some nice small sonic inflections, but alltogether this doesn't really convince me.

#10 I love this kind of funk with a real double bass... beats are sort of drum'n'bass-like... a bit of a pastiche, but fun!

#11 This one grows on me... I hit the repeat button a few time because I drifted off, but I begin to like it! The guitar reminds me of some of the tunes on Keziah Jones' great blue-cover album (the blufunk one, before he turned to doing harder stuff).

#12 Another post-Evans trio... nice one.

#13 More funky stuff. The combination of sax/trombone is a good one, and too rarely heard, I think. Ray Anderson? Sounds definitely familiar... one of my favourite cuts, with its lazy funky groove!

#14 More groovy stuff, good, but not the most involving... not sure if the soprano amounts to much, but I like it, even if it may just be noodling around...

#15 Is that from Dieter Ilg's folk songs album? I heard another tune from it elsewhere when it came out in the 90s, very nice. Would be a disc to get, eventually! Very nice closer!


Hi King Ubu! Thanks for the nice statements :) Okay, here are the coments, again with the blue-letter-quote-system :

#1 nice little opener - setting the theme?

:) This would be too simple ... in a secret way, yes...

#2 Everything I Got Belongs to You - a nice old-fashioned arrangement with horn backings. Like the singer a lot, somewhere close to the songbirds but with a heavier touch in the voice, very nice! Sounds like from the 50s? Very nice, although the backings get a bit tiring after a while... don't dare to mention any names...

Yes, the songtitle is correct. The recording is from the 50s - 1956 exactly. The singer is great, I like her very much. The bass-player is mentioned in her text... and this gives you a clue, why this is a very special tune for the bass.

#3 That's one of those stiff Glenn Miller riffs, no? The growling brass is cool and the beat is decidedly dry and funky. Not to put this down, but it sounds like something any kind of professional big band could do... nice, but lightweight fun.

Well, GM and his band played that tune, but it was written not by GM. The arranger is still not unveiled. Oh well, I think they are a professional bigband, but to me, I am not that involved in BigBands, they sound great . The lightweight-fun-Factor is on a certain level here, but there is a lot of seriosity in it. Maybe it is the GM-Factor ??? But, okay... it's not Giant steps :w

#4 A very, very nice combination, bass & baritone sax! Tune sounds familiar... a bit tame, bari could try a bit more, soundwise, but it's nice! A combination I'd like to hear more often, for sure!

Yes, this track is really a rare thing to be found. A fine tune, well played and a superb recording, to my ears.

#5 Bass sound is pretty ugly, gives this away as a retro recording (prob. by older guys, thus retro is unfair...) of much more recent vintage than it is, stylistically... tenor is pretty nice, drummer I don't like a lot - pretty clichéd bop fillings, all stuff you can hear much livlier and done in a more swinging way on recordings of all the great bop drummers (Max, Philly Joe...).

The sound also keeps me from enjoying the bass solo a lot, sorry.

Tenor is the only thing I really like here... the tune sounds familiar, too, but as usual I can't pin it down...

:cool: Oh-oh... :D You can't imagine, who they are ? Okay, the sound is not very well, the bass-player uses magnetic pickups on his doublebass, the recording sounds in the way they sound in reality. I can confirm this, because i listened to them in those days.... back in the 80s. They were not that old on the recording day. Well, the drummer is a case of his own.... The bass-player wrote this tune, I am sure, that this tune is not that familiar. Another info to the sound.... the label is well-known for high-class-recording. There is al least another take in the BFT from that label. But in this case, i can get over this sound, i like this tune anyway, but i can understand, that there will be much more pleasure, if the bass-player had used some other amplification... and... the drummer .... is a case on his own. The Tenor-player is a fine musician, i forgot to mention that, and the piano-player a fine accompanist, isn't he ?

#6 Sounds like it could be a Dave Brubeck tune... but the rhythm is even more restrained, Wright would swing in an earthier way and Morello would play a bit more... but this drummer starts building some and gets quite good, too! Tenor is of the "inside" kind of Trane followers, not bad at all, but sound's a bit thin.

Not a bad performance at all, but maybe a bit long?

Interesting, Dave Brubeck is always the first name to be mentioned, when there is an uneven rhythm beside the 3..., but not in this case.

#7 Post Bill Evans piano trio? Bass solo is good, but in the intro/theme it's too "glibberish" for my taste...

Yes, a post Bill Evans-Trio, i like the "glibberish" - description, but it is a fine balladesk tune. It is a debut-album...

#8 Now we're talkin'! I like this one a lot! Swings quite some, even though there's no drummer. Nice vibes, not sure who, but either some mainstream chap (Hampton) or a rather modest modern one (Charles?). Very nice tenor here! Out of the Hawk bag, but much softer... Lucky T? Long time I played any of his stuff... hm, thinking of Lucky would make Bags the obvious choice, but if that's bag he's quite laidback, not to say restrained! Not Bags & Lucky, no... nice trombone/tenor shout chorus! Nice how at the very end the trombone gets a bit dirty and a wee tiny bit out of line, compared to the very tight surroundings.

I am really happy about that enthusiastic statements. One can hear, that there must be a lot of happyness and fun during the record-session. The tune is a hommage to the "old days" if you like. Well, the vibe-ist is noone you have mentioned, but... he likes his Hampton. Weeeelllll, now the big surprise... Tenor is the same musician on #5 :excl: ... Yes the ending is a kind of a little hurricane, as they blow nicely together. If you would know, who this is, you would be more polite to his dirtyness ... another info... it is indeed the same label as #5 !

#9 Fairly recent recording, not bad, tenor has some nice small sonic inflections, but alltogether this doesn't really convince me.

okay, got your point of view.

#10 I love this kind of funk with a real double bass... beats are sort of drum'n'bass-like... a bit of a pastiche, but fun!

:D well, what about the violin-player ? You know the tune ? I am nearly sure, you could know this.

#11 This one grows on me... I hit the repeat button a few time because I drifted off, but I begin to like it! The guitar reminds me of some of the tunes on Keziah Jones' great blue-cover album (the blufunk one, before he turned to doing harder stuff).


#12 Another post-Evans trio... nice one.

Yes, it is a post-Evans-Trio. The whole CD is nice, i can recommend this, if you like that.

#13 More funky stuff. The combination of sax/trombone is a good one, and too rarely heard, I think. Ray Anderson? Sounds definitely familiar... one of my favourite cuts, with its lazy funky groove!

No Anderson on this. Yes, a great band and a nice recording, too. What is your impression about where do they come from ? I can imagine, that there is more stuff played by these musicians, that you will like!

#14 More groovy stuff, good, but not the most involving... not sure if the soprano amounts to much, but I like it, even if it may just be noodling around...

Okay, not all musicians are great involvers every day, and sometimes there is some noodling :D But it is not on the worse side. Not a great work, but nice, indeed. To which place(country) would you put them ?

#15 Is that from Dieter Ilg's folk songs album? I heard another tune from it elsewhere when it came out in the 90s, very nice. Would be a disc to get, eventually! Very nice closer!

No, this track is not from Ilg.... but there is one in the BFT :excited: But back to this tune, it is a nice closer and the song is quite familiar... but it is not a folk-tune, beside it sounds like. And i agree, this is a nice closer for the CD#1

with regards

Mr. Bassman


I wonder if the arranger is Ernie Fields Jr. His father ran an important territory band in the '30s and had a big hit with "In the mood" in 1960. Ernie Jr has been doing some work with Fred Wesley in Europe.


No, it is not Ernie Fields jr. The person is not that connected to this kind of stuff. So i was surprised, when i read it in the booklet. Giving a clue... the person worked some times ago with a trumpet player and together they realized some fine stuff (well... to me). The arranger is well-known and released a lot using his own name....

with regards

Mr. Bassman


Gil Evans :blink: ?

... just returned from the gig this evening... and risked an eye before i go to bed... ahhhh ! some work to do :D

Yes, Gil Evans. I was somewhat surprised, that he worked on this tune, but i don't have another recording, is there one published ? MG stated in the booklet, that he only adapted it for this project.

with regards

Mr. Bassman


... i just returned from a gig with mikeweil and the other friends, who don't share this list.... :D in a few hours there is the next trip to Hamburg (600km one-way...), but.... here are the comments, I can't go to bed... i have to answer this before... :) Well, Nate, i got your message and i picked the quotes...

10: Hm..... violinist & bassist with a very contemporary rhythm track. Enjoyable.


11: Guitar used as percussion--nice. The kind of track I can appreciate--with all the spotlit breakneck stoptime stuff--even if it's not really my thing, & all the tapping does go on a little too long.... I suppose it could be Uwe Kropinski, judging from the one time I saw him live with Doppelmoppel.

:tup Hey ! Here we go..... the guitar player is recognized! Well done.... even the percussion-thing is right. It is the guitar as a percussion-instrument... and we have no overdubs at all. But there is still something missing.... maybe another percussion-specialist ???

12: Sounds like a jazz standard I should know but can't place it. I dunno, this is an accomplished track which does exactly what I expect it to--in particular the way the pianist opens the solo, & the habit of plunking the same note in a teasing/playful fashion, is a bit overfamiliar. Can't say who it is, my ability to distinguish between the many post-Evans/Jarrett piano trios is not finely honed.

I think, it is not a Jazz-standard in the normal sense.... but they perform it as a "maybe"... it is another kind of "Standard", german people should be able to recognize this one ( the original composer is a "well-known" one in Germany, ... maybe not the Jazz-people :eye: ).... Okay, there is somewhat "familiar" in the playing etc., but as they are more the younger guys they will still have some time for a development.

13: Minor-key blues with a trombonist with a few quirky multiphonics things going on, & frazzly alto saxophonist. & for once a pianist who really keeps surprising... some real out-of-nowhere phrases in that solo! No idea who it is, but excellent stuff. I definitely don't know the pianist as he's pretty distinctive. Is the bassist the leader? A little surprised at the ordering of solos, though I suppose it could be that way because the bass leads more naturally back to the head.

I can imagine, that you will like some other works of these musicians, they are somewhat a working band and they know each other for a while. I can confirm, that the bass-player is the leader here. They do sometimes unexpected or somewhat surprising things.

14: Hm.... interesting. The soprano sax began in John Surman territory but towards the end of the solo there are a few phrases that are hallmarks of Marty Ehrlich, so I'll go with Ehrlich.... though I hadn't previously thought of them as players who could be confused for one another!! (I guess the link is that both are players with an interest in bringing a certain folk-music quality to jazz.) No idea who the guitarist is. The track is good if not especially memorable.

Interesting point... beside it is not Ehrlich, but the folk-music is a clue to this. These people have a strong relationship to the folk-music of their own. I have to give a funny clue.... i got this record as a "try-for-fun" from ebay.... nobody was bedding against me.... so i got this one.... and was pleased to listen to their recording. Sometimes there are very strang ways.... Well, it is not that "giant step", but it is not that bad !

15: An attractive signoff. I'm guessing they're trying for an African flavour here?

Oh... no Africa at all ! Maybe in a hidden way ??? VERY hidden... Okay, i give some clues.... this bass-player is a famous one (hopefully ???) and this tune is well-known .... ehhh .... children will recognize this one more easyly.... i guess... more the girls :eye: even the older girls, because it is not a creation of our days, it has some age..... but... this tune is not a folk-tune, it sounds like, but it was composed..... by Jazz-musicians! Can this help a little ?

with regards

Mr. Bassman


Aha, I was wondering if that was Kropinski.... been years since I saw him play but he's pretty unmistakable. -- You a fan of Helmut "Joe" Sachse, the other guitarist in Doppelmoppel? I remember him as been terrific too. He has a few discs on FMP but I've never checked them out....


Aha, I was wondering if that was Kropinski.... been years since I saw him play but he's pretty unmistakable. -- You a fan of Helmut "Joe" Sachse, the other guitarist in Doppelmoppel? I remember him as been terrific too. He has a few discs on FMP but I've never checked them out....

I know Helmut "Joe" Sachse not very much and i have no recording from Doppelmoppel. I remember some radio-broadcasting some time ago. Maybe there is a bit of music with Joe waiting on the tapes.... I think about some airplay with Baby Sommer .... can't remember by heart. Back to the BFT... it is easyly to hear, that there is no Joe Sachse on this track :w .... Kropinski has a special connection to some other musician. This one is not reveiled yet. Okay, mikeweil knows it... because he "ordered" me to put something into this BFT. ... and he is not very pleased.... because he knows something about the instruments of this musician. :D

with regards

Mr. Bassman


no, I have to admit where Krupinski would be sorted in there is a black hole in my collection....guess I need to change that and fill that gap.

Cheers, Tjobbe

Okay, but when you mend your black hole, there are several CDs with the UK and DF-Duo and some very impressive solo-CDs, I think, Nate can recommend another (or some other) recording(s) of UK.

with regards

Mr. Bassman

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