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2006-2007 Hot Stove Thread

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Speaking of the Japanese pitcher, I have to say I am surprised that no one has broken the story of who won the bidding for the right to negotiate. I think the odds are pretty low this guy is "Fat Pussy Toad" Irabu all over again, but there are risks involved. Specifically, Japanese lineups aren't filled with sluggers swinging from their heels, as he'll especially face if he goes to the AL. The other factor is work load, I believe Japanese pitchers throw much more both in games and in between, so there's the risk of overuse or just plain wearing down. He's also not exactly a Clemens/Papelbon physique, much more like Pedro's, and we know what happened eventually there.

Edit: don't want to get ahead of myself, but its being reported that the rumor making the rounds of the baseball writers is that the Red Sox have won the bidding. Oh, if it were only so ... :g

Edited by Dan Gould
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And speaking of Sheff, did he let it fly to reporters yesterday or what? I particularly enjoyed these statements:

If only Gary Sheffield could speak one more time with George Steinbrenner, the man who made him a Yankee three years ago, Sheffield is "absolutely" sure he would remain in pinstripes.

But that conversation won't happen, Sheffield said last night, because of "too many middle men." Although Sheffield never referred to general manager Brian Cashman by name, it was clear he was at the top of his list.

"You know who the middle man is," Sheffield said, smiling and chuckling under his breath. "You all talk to him every day."


Sheffield initially cited Steinbrenner's health as the reason he didn't push harder for a face-to-face conversation, but then Sheffield blamed the "middle men" for keeping it from happening.

"When you got middle men blocking [steinbrenner] and won't let you do certain things," he said, "they get in the way and their personal feelings get in the way. And that's what happened."

Gary Sheffield's How to Make Friends and Influence People - the ultimate gag Christmas gift. In stores now!

When asked about Bobby Abreu, Sheffield said, "He's a good player, but like I say, you can draw it up any kind of way. He ain't me. And that's the bottom line. I understand them having to make this move for the remainder of the season, but to sit here and I'm leaving because of it, I always was told you leave because someone is better than you. I don't think that's the case here."

Hmmm ... six or so years younger, steals more bases in a month than Sheff will in a year, higher OBP, and he's not a pain in the ass everytime he opens his mouth. Who would you prefer? One thing's for sure, Sheff's ego is still healthy!

And the quote Yankee haters will enjoy most ...

As for his own potential revenge, Sheffield vowed that he will get the Yankees somewhere, sometime. "When you let me go, I have a chip on my shoulder," he said, "and I'm coming with it."

If that's not a guarantee that the "middle men" will send him far, far away, I don't know what is.

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From the ESPN website:

Tim Kurkjian thinks the winning bidder for Japanese pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka will pay about $25 million, and if he had to guess right now, Kurkjian would say the Yankees will be the big winners.

Up over and out.

Big Al may take solace in the fact that Hicks wants to make a splash, has lots of money, and has thrown it around foolishly before. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they are the winners, either.

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From the ESPN website:

Tim Kurkjian thinks the winning bidder for Japanese pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka will pay about $25 million, and if he had to guess right now, Kurkjian would say the Yankees will be the big winners.

Up over and out.

Big Al may take solace in the fact that Hicks wants to make a splash, has lots of money, and has thrown it around foolishly before. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they are the winners, either.

Solace? Hell, it frightens me to death that Hicks may be opening his wallet to Scott Boras again. I don't care how good this kid is; no pitcher has ever survived the Rangers "coaching" staff without some serious regression in fundamentals.

And on top of all that, they are actually looking into signing Barry Bonds. Looks like my prediction may come true. If that happens, I will actively root AGAINST the Rangers for dropping all pretensions to integrity that they've been spouting since hiring their new manager.

Hicks just may edge out Jerry Jones as the most hated team owner in the Metroplex, although Cuban is coming pretty damn close with his treatment of Don Nelson. But that probably belongs in the NBA thread.

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I'd really like to see Gillick spend the money to get another starter. But there's mighty slim pickin's this year.

THAT is in verrrry short supply this year- I wonder what the winning bid will be for that Japanese pitcher(forget his name)everyone is raving about- I hear it may go to $25-30m, just for exclusive negotiating rights, then there's a contract(with Scott Boras as his agent!) above that.

I'm a Yankee fan, and I almost puked when I saw that the Yanks are considering a return of Clemens & Pettite, one old guy who can't pitch a full season and another guy who's had elbow surgery and still has elbow problems! :tdown Huge mistake if they go that way.

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Well, I finally broke down and signed up for baseball insider...sigh....I am such a whore for baseball info....

I thought they would back down, and give us Gammons, et al for free, but they didn't. And now with little baseball on sportscenter, what was I to do? I'm weak! :winky: Surely a snippet here at there ain't bad, and I did find a long gammons post on the STL site that was still up after a week or so..

Al, cheer up, all is not lost!!!

add the Rangers to the list of teams the 28-year-old left-hander is considering.

Evidently, playing for new Texas manager and former A's coach Ron Washington holds some appeal for Zito, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports. "Barry Zito called me," Washington told the newspaper. "He wants to make a visit here. Texas wasn't on his list, but it is now."

Washington admitted that money will be a deciding factor in the end. He said he is too new on the job to know if the Rangers will compete in a bidding war for Zito, whose agent is Scott Boras.

If the Angels are able to sign Zito, it would allow them to trade one of their other pitchers for a hitter, perhaps Toronto center fielder Vernon Wells, the Riverside Press Enterprise reports.

Zito and Bonds! Wouldn't that make you a little conflicted??? Perhaps Bonds could blow his knee out in spring training...and just go away.....

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Breaking news:

JD Drew has voided the last three years of his deal with the Dodgers.

This definitely surprises me, but obviously he believes that if Aramis Ramirez can get a better deal in this market, he can beat the three years/33 million he's got coming. Amazing.

This potentially complicates the Red Sox outfield decisions with RF up in the air and questions about Coco's suitability in CF. Drew can play both decisions, and the Red Sox have expressed interest before, mostly, I suspect, because they like his OBP. Injuries have to be a concern, but I think I read that recently he's been averaging 140-150 games played, so maybe he's over that tendency. If the Sox go for him, that has to mean that Wily Mo or Coco is on the way out. Interesting thing to consider is that Wily Mo clearly showed better CF skills than RF. Does he become the starting CF and Youk is the permanent answer at lead-off?

Decisions, decisions ...

Man I wish something would break on that Japanese pitcher! My understanding is that his Japanese club is holding a meeting today regarding the number that was presented to them by MLB (the team isn't supposed to be given, only the dollar figure). They officially have five days to accept or reject, but I expect they'll accept immediately, given what the reported range has been. So I'm hoping the news will break later this morning if the Japanese team makes an announcement and we might know when we wake up tomorrow.

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I hope neither of the NY teams try to get Zito- I don't think he can handle the cauldron that NYC can be for players. He seems a little too laid back for NYC.


With Gooden available, I'm glad that Steinbrenner is not as involved as he's been- he might get all impulsive and sentimental and sign him up! His nephew's rantings don't surprise me, though- he's trying to create leverage when he has none at all. His choices are to play wherever he's dealt or to retire. Some of my coworkers suggested he be dealt to a terrible team like Pittsburgh just to pay him back for his rabble rousing! :rofl:

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Well, I finally broke down and signed up for baseball insider...sigh....I am such a whore for baseball info....

Conrad, have you tried this site? It has a full compendium of commentary and rumors for every team, from just about every American paper. Even tells you if the link takes you to a site that requires registration or not.

Its one of my regular morning stops while I'm drinking my coffee.

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Zito and Bonds! Wouldn't that make you a little conflicted??? Perhaps Bonds could blow his knee out in spring training...and just go away.....

Yeah, I saw that article today. I'd love it if Zito comes to Texas; I'm sure Boras would love to get his hands on Hicks's wallet again. He won't be cheap, that's for sure.

Ah well; maybe Boras will convince Hicks into taking both Zito and the Japanese kid, leaving no more money to sign Bonds. One can dream.....

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Breaking news:

JD Drew has voided the last three years of his deal with the Dodgers.

This definitely surprises me, but obviously he believes that if Aramis Ramirez can get a better deal in this market, he can beat the three years/33 million he's got coming. Amazing.

This potentially complicates the Red Sox outfield decisions with RF up in the air and questions about Coco's suitability in CF. Drew can play both decisions, and the Red Sox have expressed interest before, mostly, I suspect, because they like his OBP. Injuries have to be a concern, but I think I read that recently he's been averaging 140-150 games played, so maybe he's over that tendency. If the Sox go for him, that has to mean that Wily Mo or Coco is on the way out. Interesting thing to consider is that Wily Mo clearly showed better CF skills than RF. Does he become the starting CF and Youk is the permanent answer at lead-off?

Decisions, decisions ...

Man I wish something would break on that Japanese pitcher! My understanding is that his Japanese club is holding a meeting today regarding the number that was presented to them by MLB (the team isn't supposed to be given, only the dollar figure). They officially have five days to accept or reject, but I expect they'll accept immediately, given what the reported range has been. So I'm hoping the news will break later this morning if the Japanese team makes an announcement and we might know when we wake up tomorrow.

Well, JD, don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! :angry: If there is a player whose stats give a false picture of real value, Drew is it. Mr. DL adds nothing to a team, no character, no intensity, nothing clutch. No way this guy is going to better with age, way too fragile. Mr. Invisible just wants to collect his paycheck and be left alone. Looser :bad:

Edited by Matthew
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Well, I finally broke down and signed up for baseball insider...sigh....I am such a whore for baseball info....

Conrad, have you tried this site? It has a full compendium of commentary and rumors for every team, from just about every American paper. Even tells you if the link takes you to a site that requires registration or not.

Its one of my regular morning stops while I'm drinking my coffee.

Thanks Dan. I think either you or Johnny mentioned the site awhile back...I forgot the address. I just wanted some weekly baseball info, and the insider is free for 30 days, so if I don't think it's worth $6.95, I'll drop it . It's just that this is the time of year I want to read about baseball the most, and we are still almost 4 months away from spring training.

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Breaking news:

JD Drew has voided the last three years of his deal with the Dodgers.

This definitely surprises me, but obviously he believes that if Aramis Ramirez can get a better deal in this market, he can beat the three years/33 million he's got coming. Amazing.

This potentially complicates the Red Sox outfield decisions with RF up in the air and questions about Coco's suitability in CF. Drew can play both decisions, and the Red Sox have expressed interest before, mostly, I suspect, because they like his OBP. Injuries have to be a concern, but I think I read that recently he's been averaging 140-150 games played, so maybe he's over that tendency. If the Sox go for him, that has to mean that Wily Mo or Coco is on the way out. Interesting thing to consider is that Wily Mo clearly showed better CF skills than RF. Does he become the starting CF and Youk is the permanent answer at lead-off?

Decisions, decisions ...

Man I wish something would break on that Japanese pitcher! My understanding is that his Japanese club is holding a meeting today regarding the number that was presented to them by MLB (the team isn't supposed to be given, only the dollar figure). They officially have five days to accept or reject, but I expect they'll accept immediately, given what the reported range has been. So I'm hoping the news will break later this morning if the Japanese team makes an announcement and we might know when we wake up tomorrow.

Well, JD, don't let the door hit you in the ass when you leave! :angry: If there is a player whose stats give a false picture of real value, Drew is it. Mr. DL adds nothing to a team, no character, no intensity, nothing clutch. No way this guy is going to better with age, way too fragile. Mr. Invisible just wants to collect his paycheck and be left alone. Looser :bad:

Dan, he played a year with the Braves, and while he has tools, he really doesn't impress one at all. I think the Dodgers are lucky to be rid of his contract. Now they have more money to go after a Carlos Lee, or Soriano....So if you have any pull Dan, tell them to run away from him, Willy Mo is the way to go!!! ^_^

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I think so, too, Conrad, but Theo has loved this guy before. Frankly my hope would be that Coco is the guy on the outs. His contract is cheap, including control over what should be his first year of free agency. That makes him relatively easy to trade.

One question for Matthew is, where did J.D. bat in the lineup? Assuming that they don't use him to replace Manny, I doubt he'd be in a position where he's the bat, so without the pressure to produce, maybe he plays a little more consistently.

I don't know, my impression is similar, lots of skills that he's never lived up to overall. But if he's sensitive and doesn't want the pressure, Theo should stay far away.

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Drew usually batted fifth in the lineup, behind Kent. I can't believe that Drew thought there was too much pressure in L.A., which is Cakewalk City in terms of the press. With Boston, I would imagine he would bat behind Manny to give him some protection. I just don't see Drew surviving the Boston press though, he's too use to hands-off teatment from his days in St. Louis, Atlanta, and L.A., none of which is noted for an agressive press.

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ESPN News doesn't have it as breaking news, but I am hearing that Buster Olney is reporting that the Red Sox submitted the high bid for the Japanese pitcher, somewhere between 38 & 45 million. Tremendous news, if its true, although its an enormous amount of money to pay when Boras expects probably a minimum of 11-12 million a year to get him signed.

My only problem with the report is the fact that nothing has come out of Japan that his team has accepted the bid. If its really that high, and they were scheduled to have an ownership meeting yesterday, how can they not have accepted it? That is, unless Boras and Matsazuka or however you spell his name have made it known that unless the Yankees win the bidding, they won't come to an agreement and will wait a year to be free agents. In which case the whole posting process is back to being a sham.

But oh, if it is true ... Schilling, Matzazuka, Beckett and Papelbon? And 2008, Matzazuka, Beckett, Papelbon and Lester? I smell dynasty. ;):g:excited::cool:

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Breaking News:

Looks like Sheffield is reunited with his old Marlin manager. Very interesting, because it was reported that while the old manager apparently liked him, GM Dumbrowski, who was in charge for the Marlins at the time, didn't exactly love him. But I guess time heals all wounds, cuz they dealt three pitching prospects for Sheff, and signed him to the two year extention he wanted.

So I guess Sheff is happy, too. :P

I find it really interesting that they didn't ship him to the NL and instead shipped him to a team that may not be as successful as they were this year (the rookie pitchers, especially, will probably decline a bit) but are clearly one of the elite teams, and a team that is greatly helped by Sheffield's bat. Even if they decide he can't play RF anymore, they've got a fine DH. So now the Yanks are setting themselves up to get pummelled by a pissed off Sheffield?

Those pitching prospects better be topnotch.

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I can't believe the Yanks couldn't get at least one major leaguer for Sheffield. Dan, I agree with you, those three guys they got had better be the real deal. I know the Yanks are making a concerted effort to rebuild their minor league system, but I'm not interested in guys that will only be, at best, marginal big league ballplayers.

One other thought. If the Yanks lose out on the Japanese pitcher, I'd have to think Barry Zito comes squarely into their crosshairs.

Up over and out.

Edited by Dave James
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The dude on ESPN (who I've never seen before, I think he just writes for Insider) is saying that its a good deal for both teams, that the Yanks got high quality arms. But I agree they should have gotten major league talent. And the other thing is, why pull the trigger now? It seemed like everyone agreed that it would make sense to hold out and see where Soriano and Lee go. Certainly whoever misses out on those two would pay more than they're currently offering for Sheff, right?

So it doesn't make sense from at least two perspectives. These guys better be impact arms, Papelbon, Bonderman, Liriano types, or this is a fantastically bad trade.

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I can't believe the Yanks couldn't get at least one major leaguer for Sheffield. Dan, I agree with you, those three guys they got had better be the real deal. I know the Yanks are making a concerted effort to rebuild their minor league system, but I'm not interested in guys that will only be, at best, marginal big league ballplayers.

Details on the pitching prospects the Yanks received:

The 23-year-old Sanchez was a combined 10-6 with a 2.53 ERA and 129 strikeouts in 123 innings with Triple-A Toledo and Double-A Erie this year. Whelan, 22, was 4-1 with a 2.67 ERA and 27 saves for Class A Lakeland. Claggett, 22, was 7-2 with an 0.91 ERA and 14 saves for Class A West Michigan.

Realistically, its the first one who can be regarded as a legit prospect and impact arm, being that he's progressed to Triple-A. The others look impressive, but we all know its a long way from Single-A to being a successful major leaguer.

I'd be more impressed if the Yanks had gotten two Double-A or above prospects rather than one strong one and two guys who haven't gotten past Single-A.

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According to last spring's Baseball Prospectus Whelan throws a 95-96 fastball and a good splitter. He started his Texas A&M career as a catcher but tore up the Cape Cod League as a reliever, putting him on the map.

Oddly enough the other 2 weren't even mentioned in BP '06.

Sheffield was high priced poison. I think the Yanks done good enough given how badly they need pitching. For Detroit Granderson is the only starter under 30 now (Monroe & Inge just turned 30), so adding Sheffield means they want it now.

At least Detroit fans now don't have to worry about Bonds signing on. :lol:

Edited by Quincy
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Wait a minute.. Lemme see if I got this straight.... The Yankees just traded one of the best hitters in baseball to the team that steam rolled them in the playoffs and all they got were 3 prospects????

At least when Gillick traded Abreu for prospects he traded him to the other league.

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Since it's done to ARod all the time here's Sheff's postseason record:

19 rbi in 44 games. .248 AVG, .398 SLG

Looks like they might not have much to fear here. (I'm being sarcastic about the weight put on playoff stats btw.)

ARod's is:

16 rbi in 35 games. .280 AVG, .485 SLG

Pitching is going to be costly this year.

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Since it's done to ARod all the time here's Sheff's postseason record:

19 rbi in 44 games. .248 AVG, .398 SLG

Looks like they might not have much to fear here. (I'm being sarcastic about the weight put on playoff stats btw.)

ARod's is:

16 rbi in 35 games. .280 AVG, .485 SLG

Pitching is going to be costly this year.

Excellent point Quince(If I can call you Quince, and since it's not your name... :P )Let me tell ya, Sheffield tanked in the playoffs with the Braves. Let's see now in the NLDS in 2002 Sheff hit a robust .062(Gee, wonder why we didn't get to the next round?) but he made up for it with a white hot .143 in the 2003 NLDS(Again we didn't make it to the next round)

He is the black JD Drew, in other words, worthless come playoff time. He's 38 as well. The Yanks got something for someone they just don't need. and my God, they saved some money even!!! Of course I thought Detroit was nuts for going after Kenny Rogers.

I wish the Yanks had just dumped him, and like someone mentioned above he'd have to settle for a one year deal in Pittsburgh.

Edited by BERIGAN
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