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I can't believe you didn't get laid even with no lights on ANYWHERE ! :tdown

For chrisakes, even missus and I did it, with candles and Black Market playing on my laptop. The battery lasted for about 35 minutes and then it too went dead. ;)


I can't believe you didn't get laid even with no lights on ANYWHERE ! :tdown

For chrisakes, even missus and I did it, with candles and Black Market playing on my laptop. The battery lasted for about 35 minutes and then it too went dead. ;)

You ought to keep more batteries on hand for the vibrator...you know, just in case! :o:w


...unless the babe thread is returned in its entirety! :angry::angry::angry:


Now don't be a coward - start a new one! But leave off that one kind of "babes" - or post photos of your wives and girlfriends, then you at least know who has the copyright?!? ;)


post photos of your wives and girlfriends, then you at least know who has the copyright?!? ;)


The one in the middle is showing too much face! :tdown The one on the right side on the other hand, oh I don't know...there is something mysterious about her! :wub::wub::wub:

Posted (edited)

Or Dmitry.

Maybe he can start us off with some of those sultry Russian babes from the Sopranos. :P

Ok, why not.

This is Countess Maria Lopukhina.


Edited by Dmitry

post photos of your wives and girlfriends, then you at least know who has the copyright?!? ;)



This is probably VERY politically incorrect, but I thought this was kind of a funny juxtoposition.


post photos of your wives and girlfriends, then you at least know who has the copyright?!? ;)


If that photo was taken near WalMart, don't tell Berigan! :g

Sorry, I just realized that it's from a catalog: Martha Stewart's 2003 Spring Collection.

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