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Phew....Giants managed to hold on so that Eli can get creamed up in Green Bay!! :cool: Looked to me like the refs 'missed' that face mask that Crayton pulled as he was heading toward the end zone on the 2nd to last (Dallas) play. How convenient. That was some poor NYG play halfway into the 4th when Eli was trying to move his team out of the zone and he's going with the run on 2nd and 5 ????? Come on, Eli...that's when you've gotta throw a little 6 or 7 yarder to your tight end.....not run. That's why the Patriots are so good -- Brady will throw it anytime, anywhere and isn't timid.

Edited by Son-of-a-Weizen
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As I've said all along, get ready for a first-round exit for the Cows this weekend.

Big Al calls it!

The Cowboys looked good for awhile this season, but something sure changed.

GB/NE looks like the likely scenario. I'd love to see a Brady/Favre matchup.

I'm sure that's what the league wants too. Keep an eye out for questionable calls next week in the Frozen Tundra (what's the long range weather forecast? Any hope for a repeat of Saturday's game?)

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As I've said all along, get ready for a first-round exit for the Cows this weekend.

Big Al calls it!

The Cowboys looked good for awhile this season, but something sure changed.

GB/NE looks like the likely scenario. I'd love to see a Brady/Favre matchup.

I'm sure that's what the league wants too. Keep an eye out for questionable calls next week in the Frozen Tundra (what's the long range weather forecast? Any hope for a repeat of Saturday's game?)

Tundra's gonna be frozen. Here's the long-range GB forecast, from NOAA National Weather Service:

Friday Night: Mostly cloudy, with a low around -1.

Saturday: Mostly sunny and cold, with a high near 8.

Saturday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around -4.

Sunday: Mostly sunny and cold, with a high near 7.

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Instead of taking Goodspeak's tactic and mocking the team/fans he doesn't like, I'm going to say congrats to the Giants fans on the board. Good solid (but conservative) game today, and a nice win.

Cowboys have nothing to blame but themselves - mistakes (penalties & dropped passes) did them in, despite holding NY to 230 total yards.

Did I just see T.O. crying in the press conference, defending his QB?

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As I've said all along, get ready for a first-round exit for the Cows this weekend.

Big Al calls it!

The Cowboys looked good for awhile this season, but something sure changed.

Nothing changed. Their offensive line has always been atrocious, and their defense hasn't been much better, giving up all those points in games where they won.

Remember all those games when Dallas won when they should've lost? Well, they played another one of those games today, except it bit 'em in the ass this time.

When the blame is passed around, Jessica Simpson's name better not be mentioned AT ALL.

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One other factor which shouldn't be overlooked is the two week rest Phillips gave his starters. Dallas gave their starters a rest last game of the season against the Skins. Giants played all out to try to defeat the Patriots, who also played their starters.

The Wade Phillips/Tony Dungy approach of giving their players such a lengthy rest time is absolute madness.

But I should say to the Cowboy fans here (Aggie, Al, JSangrey) that the scheduling hardly favored the Cowboys here. It's very difficult to defeat the same opponent three times in the same season. It was a very unfortunate matchup for the Cowboys. They'll be back next year. They are a very good team.

As for the Colts fans (Rachel, and Mark), you guys will be back next year again. Dungy hurt your team by resting his players for so long. Colts had their ring last year. They are still a fine club and will be back.

Go Pats!!

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I've been questioning this team's mental toughness to anybody who would lsiten all season long. Thing is, nobody would listen. Fandom & objectivity do not seem to be able to live together in the DFW area.

Too many people, especially locally, swallowed the Romo-As-Jedi-Knight bullshit.

The guy choked in the clutch again, not dumping the ball when he should have and losing yards - and secongs - he didn't have to - douldn't afford to - lose. No it wasn't "all" his fault, not even remotely. But when it came time to get it done, it was on his shoulders, and they weren't big enough.

On the one hand, he flaked out less blatantly than last year. But he still flaked out. So maybe he's "growing". :rolleyes:

On the other hand, I've watched maybe two Mavericks games this year.

Wake me when either of these franchises turn into real championship-caliber operations.

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Jeez, you guys are cynical. Remember, this was still only Romo's first full year as a starter. I don't pretend he's Tom Brady. I think those of you who hold him to the highest standard are being too hard on him.

I don't think Romo choked in the clutch, nor did he last year. A slippery ball (that wasn't his fault) contributed to the loss to Seattle last year, and his performance at QB didn't cost them the loss last year either.

I don't blame Romo for the loss. I do think he can learn from this, and increase his commitment to the game. Take it a bit more seriously. Maybe not take a trip to Mexico to play during his down time before a huge game, but lay low and study and prepare.

Yes, the Cowboys lost. They dominated time of possession and total yardage. It shouldn't have come down to a final drive but it did - due to far too many dropped passes and penalties. I think the dropped passes cost us the game overall, not the final INT in the end zone, which admittedly wasn't the greatest throw.

Wade Phillips needs to accept some of the blame for this loss today, as he didn't have the offense prepared. Yes, Terry Glenn wasn't at full force, and hadn't played all season. T.O. was coming off an injury, and had a couple of drops. Crayton has a couple of critical drops. But they weren't clicking like they were earlier in the season - I think they just peaked a little too early this year.

And the defense was ok overall I think, except for that scoring drive just before halftime that they allowed the Giants. I think that gave the Giants too much confidence/momentum going into the second half.

I think the Cowboys need a young stud WR and a safety to replace Roy Williams. And a replacement for Flozell "2 False Starts Per Game" Adams.

They're still going in the right direction, just not there yet. I think Romo & Co. will learn from this.

Edited by Aggie87
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I've been questioning this team's mental toughness to anybody who would lsiten all season long. Thing is, nobody would listen. Fandom & objectivity do not seem to be able to live together in the DFW area.

Have you not read any of my posts this season? ;)

Whaddya think: Tony = Dirk

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I just read the AP newswire story, and didn't realize that the Cowboys have built up such a recent history of playoff failure:

Dallas tied the most wins in team history with 13, but followed it by tying an NFL record with a sixth straight playoff loss. Romo fell to 0-2 and coach Wade Phillips finished his first year with the Cowboys by falling to 0-4 in his playoff career.

There are other dubious footnotes for Dallas, like being the first No. 1 seed in the NFC to lose in this round since the NFL went to the 12-team playoff format in 1990 and being the seventh team to lose a playoff game against a team they'd beaten twice in the regular season; the '98 Cowboys did it, too.

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They slipped to 12-2, and are now tied with GB for best record in the NFC. If they win out, they still have the homefield advantage for the playoffs, based on their head-to-head win.

Talk about two teams with identical records but going in completely opposite directions. The Packers are red hot. The Cowboys annual December swoon is in full gear (I know they won the previous two games prior to today, but they were difficult wins and they were hardly playing at their best in those games). Today was the proverbial opening of the floodgates. Only now it seems like the problem is on the OFFENSIVE side.

Roy Williams should be suspended for the rest of the season for that horse-collar penatly. Hey shitferbrains: THAT RULE WAS PUT ON THE BOOKS BECAUSE OF YOU, YA DUMBFUCK!

11-2, bigdealsowhat. You heard it here first, and you actually heard it last week: the Cowboys playoff futility continues this year with yet another first-round exit.

I'm not always right about things, but pardon me while I pat (pardon the pun) myself on the back for calling this one way back when.

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Forget about the Cowboy's failures and who is to blame or who called it ahead of time - let's go back to T.O., wearing dark shades and bawling like a pussy at the press conference!

Jeez, just when you think you know you know the dude, he shows you something new. Next time someone asks him about Romo, I think he's going to say "he had my at 'hello'" or perhaps "I can't quit him". :g

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Both the Cowboys & Seahawks should be the official "poster children" of the NFC. Teams brimming with talent...but so GODDAMN schizophrenic you can never guess what you'll get from week to week. Either of these teams SHOULD be good enough to make it to the big game, but when you're this inconsistent you need a fortune teller to figure out whether the dominant or clueless club will walk out onto the field. You ain't gotta worry about that shit in the AFC. The disparity between the two conferences is mind blowing.

P.S. - Mike Holmgren. I've got nothing but the highest respect for the man, he's a sure-fire hall of famer, a great teacher and he's got one hell of a legacy to leave behind...but he needs to RETIRE. Seattle's woes are not talent related...they seem to be all mental errors...only the coach can carry the blame for that.

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Forget about the Cowboy's failures and who is to blame or who called it ahead of time - let's go back to T.O., wearing dark shades and bawling like a pussy at the press conference!

Jeez, just when you think you know you know the dude, he shows you something new. Next time someone asks him about Romo, I think he's going to say "he had my at 'hello'" or perhaps "I can't quit him". :g

I dunno. Maybe it was because his team had been winning all year, but he really became a team player this year. He made blocks that he wouldn't've dreamed of making last year. He drew double-coverage so that another receiver could be left open.

How this translates into the 2008 season, however, is anyone's guess.

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It's been a long time since I enjoyed a day of NFL playoffs as much as yesterday. Watching the Colts go down to the Chargers was a treat (Volek!), and the Cowboys falling to the Giants was the icing on the cake (sorry Al!). I thought the officiating in the Chargers/Colts game was horrible, the hold on the interception return and a late PI call against San Diego were absolute crap.

Terrell Owens...whoa. That was a different peek into his personality. I suppose it's good that he cares so deeply for his teammate.

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Probably the biggest irony in this whole Cow mess is this little tidbit: remember who Jerry Jones passed over for Wade Philips and his spotless playoff record (i.e. it hasn't been blemished by a playoff win)?

Norv Turner. Coach of the Chargers. Who are still in the playoffs. For now, anyway.

More trivia: the Cows are the first top-seed to lose in the first round since the 12-team playoff schedule started in 1990.

They've also tied the record for most consecutive playoff losses with six.

The Jerry Jones Death Star (a/k/a the new home of the Cows) is looking more and more like an exercise in futility.

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It's been a long time since I enjoyed a day of NFL playoffs as much as yesterday. Watching the Colts go down to the Chargers was a treat (Volek!), and the Cowboys falling to the Giants was the icing on the cake (sorry Al!). I thought the officiating in the Chargers/Colts game was horrible, the hold on the interception return and a late PI call against San Diego were absolute crap.

Terrell Owens...whoa. That was a different peek into his personality. I suppose it's good that he cares so deeply for his teammate.

I wasn't surprised the Cowboys lost but I changed the channel immediately after seeing Jerry Jones sitting dumbfounded down on the field. What did I miss?? Was TO really crying?? Maybe I need to watch Sports Center this morning??


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