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Interesting quote from Michael Strahan, in the NY Post:

Prior to leaving here, Michael Strahan was non-committal about returning for a 16th season with the New York Giants .

"C'mon, man, I'm not even out of the hotel," Strahan said. "Trust me, when I do leave there will be gas in the tank. They're not leaving me completely empty."

Strahan surprisingly said the Patriots were not the toughest opponent the Giants faced this season.

"Trust me, that is the best team we played, the Cowboys," Strahan said.

I'm kinda surprised at that, myself! That, combined with their quick playoff exit, maybe will light a fire under the Cowboys next season to not coast into the playoffs.

It may help motivate the Pats too, though they've got plenty of other things to motivate themselves - 18-1, Spygate I & II now, etc.

I really question the alleged motivational power of "bulletin board" quotes. Possibly it exists, to a limited extent, for super-brash quotes regarding the upcoming week's game, or for nasty ad hominem comments about individual players, but I doubt that Strahan's Cowboys statement will have any effect (or even be remembered) when the '08-'09 season starts.

You're probably right, but in one sense I hope it helps them realize the opportunity they may have squandered this year in the playoffs. Being the first #1 seed in something like 20 years to lose in the first round should be enough embarrassment.

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He wasn't quite the same player this year minus the steroids.

Rodney didn't take any steroids. He took HGH to help an injury heal. It is a banned substance, but it is not a steroid. It is not used to build muscle mass.

Get your facts right before you pile more ignorant hate on a team. Sheesh!

So its ok to take HGH in the NFL but not in MLB?

Its funny how people hold different standards for different sports. Heck a player who got suspended for 4 games last year for steroids was still voted to the pro bowl.

Great job of reading comprehension, dude.

Who says I wrote it's okay to take HGH? :blink: It's banned in the NFL, so no football player should take it. I was correcting an inaccuracy, since it was being labelled as a steroid.

To my knowledge (I'm a nursing student): HGH is a growth hormone which helps to rebuild bone. Anabolic steroids build muscle mass; thus the difference. But I'll defer to a higher authority (Not Dan!!) ;) Building bone doesn't build up a mature human being, but it helps the loss of bone due to age or whatever. It can't turn Rodney Harrison into a linebacker. :lol:

It may have been helpful to Rodney given his injuries, but I cannot support the decision if it is a banned substance.

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Second, HGH makes everything grow bigger - including muscles. To say it doesn't build muscle mass is wrong. Furthermore, because it makes everything grow, HGH has the potential to be more helpful to football players, such as a lineman who grows bigger and wider and fills a larger space. That's a more effective lineman.

Dan, where are you reading that? When Rodney Harrison got busted, I read all I could find on HGH. I thought it was a steroid. But after reading about it, it looked to me that HGH shouldn't even be against the rules. It probably doesn't do anything. Many of it's reported benefits have never been clinically proven. It does not make everything grow bigger, it replaces an enzyme the everyone loses as they age and they no longer need to grow.

I couldn't find one report of an adult who took HGH and grew. It looked to me like the only people who could benefit from taking it are short adolescents. Taking HGH continues their "growth spurt". But adults? I couldn't find anything that said it stopped the aging process.

According to one article I read, it has become a rich man's "fountain of youth", with a lot of stars buying it in an effort to stay young.


It was in Game of Shadows, the BALCO book. In fact, it specifically compared HGH effects and the disease that killed Andre The Giant. Also, in the steroid thread, some time ago, I linked to a page that discussed HGH in specific relation to baseball. The gist of that was that there is no reason why it should help (baseball players), but I believe it did bring out the "everything grows" point and how that might help a football player where greater bulk is an advantage.

Edited by Dan Gould
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Our bones are being recycled daily. When our system is short of calcium, osteoclasts degrade bone in order to place the Ca+ into the bloodstream. Conversely, when there is a lot of Ca+ in the bloodstream, it is taken out and osteoblasts build bone. HGH, as a growth hormone, helps rebuild bone. Rodney suffered some terrible broken bone injuries. GH doesn't affect muscle mass to my knowledge.

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As a Patriot fan, I can certainly empathize with anyone who dislikes Bill Belichick given his apparent arrogance and unfriendly demeanor. But I still prefer to have him as our coach right now over anyone else in the league.

Absolute understanding & agreement on all counts here, absolutely.

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I'm not sure I knew that you could bet on an NFL game with odds instead of a point spread.


Sports books hit by Super loss

Associated Press

February 5, 2008 at 8:26 PM EST

LAS VEGAS — Nevada sports books lost a record US$2.6 million on Super Bowl bets when the New York Giants upset the New England Patriots on Sunday.

The sports books handled just more than $92 million on the game, the third-highest amount ever but down for the second consecutive year.

The record was set in 2006 when $94.5 million was bet.

The last time the books lost money was in 1995, when the San Francisco 49ers blew out the San Diego Chargers, 49-26, and Nevada books lost $400,000.

Nevada Gaming Control Board analyst Frank Streshley says large amounts were bet on the money line that the Giants would win outright.

The payouts on those bets were as large as four times the original bet because New England was such a huge favourite.

The game ended with the Giants winning 17-14.

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Pats, Kraft, Belichick sued for $100M

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- A lawsuit filed Friday by a former St. Louis Rams player and others seeks millions of dollars in damages from the alleged taping of Rams practices by the New England Patriots before the 2002 Super Bowl.

The Patriots won the game 20-17 in the Superdome.

The $100 million suit, filed on behalf of former Rams player Willie Gary in U.S. District Court in New Orleans, names the Patriots, team owner Robert Kraft and head coach Bill Belichick.

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Welcome to Philadelphia Asante Samuel!!!

Good pickup at a halfway decent price. Asante was talking bigger money, but Philadelphia is a well managed club; and they don't mismanage the cap.

Of course, this means that Lito Sheppard will be traded. To New England perhaps? :)

Latest rumor has the Eagles shipping Lito out to Arizona for Larry Fitzgerald. Or possibly moving Sheldon Brown from CB to Safety.

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Welcome to Philadelphia Asante Samuel!!!

Good pickup at a halfway decent price. Asante was talking bigger money, but Philadelphia is a well managed club; and they don't mismanage the cap.

Of course, this means that Lito Sheppard will be traded. To New England perhaps? :)

Latest rumor has the Eagles shipping Lito out to Arizona for Larry Fitzgerald. Or possibly moving Sheldon Brown from CB to Safety.

Puuulleeease get someone on the outside who can stretch a defense. With McNabb's career in the twilight phase, if the Eagles don't get him a go to guy by next season, you can forget about it. Even though I hate saying it, Terrell Owens is the best thing that ever happened to them as long as you limit his influence to what went on inside the lines.

Up over and out.

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Who are the Pats going to get to replace Stallworth?

Jabar Gaffney hasn't left yet, though he might.

Still got Chad Jackson who hasn't yet had the chance to show what he's got. Obviously. the Pats are high on him since they let Stallworth and Gaff look at offers from other teams. Still have Wes Welker and Kelley Washington.

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Who are the Pats going to get to replace Stallworth?

Jabar Gaffney hasn't left yet, though he might.

Still got Chad Jackson who hasn't yet had the chance to show what he's got. Obviously. the Pats are high on him since they let Stallworth and Gaff look at offers from other teams. Still have Wes Welker and Kelley Washington.

I really don't think Stallworth is going to be missed all that severely. He has never quite achieved his "promise" that he had coming into the NFL, he's a career #2 receiver. The Pats used him most successfully on screens and quick out patterns...Welker can easily cover that territory. Welker is a SPECIAL player, I've always liked him, he's just got great football IQ.

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