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Do You Like Peanut Butter?


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I love peanut butter. Chunky style rules. I love it with chocolate, I love PB cookies (but they have to have that fork cross-hatch design), I love it in ice cream. I also love cashew and almond butter. Freshly ground is the best, I don't need all that sugar in the commercial brands.

But I'm currently tending to avoid it completely, since I'm trying to lose weight. So I don't keep it around.

....and don't let me forget the nastiest and tastiest peanut butter treat of all time; the PB and bacon sammich. It hurts so good. Call 911.

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I love peanut butter. Chunky style rules. I love it with chocolate, I love PB cookies (but they have to have that fork cross-hatch design), I love it in ice cream. I also love cashew and almond butter. Freshly ground is the best, I don't need all that sugar in the commercial brands.

But I'm currently tending to avoid it completely, since I'm trying to lose weight. So I don't keep it around.

....and don't let me forget the nastiest and tastiest peanut butter treat of all time; the PB and bacon sammich. It hurts so good. Call 911.

I agree with just about everything Paul says except that last bit. Forget the bacon, give me a PB and banana sandwich (and it doesn't need to be done up Elvis style - you can skip 911 and just call the coroner after one of those bad boys.)

I used to prefer chunky style until I got sick of picking bits out of my teeth. Now its smooth for me.

Chocolate-PB ice cream is definitely ambrosia, but my typical way of consuming PB is spread on Egg & Onion matzo. Also excellent on a toasted sesame bagel, where the PB gets soft and gooey. :wub:

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I have peanut butter and honey toast for breakfast pretty much every morning and peanut butter and jelly for lunch most every day.

I love making ice cream and have a wicked good peanut butter recipe.

I was a crunchy man for years, although now (for the aforementioned teeth-pickin' reasons) creamy is my preference.

Adams peanut butter, and not the pre-stirred crap, is the one and only.

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You know, there aren't many things that other human beings eat that I don't like, but I think PB smells awful. Can't get past the odor. It's up there with microwave popcorn for me.

Love peanut butter (the au naturel kind, not the stuff with piles of shortening & sugar added--bleeeah) but I agree about the scent of microwave popcorn, with that phony butter topping. Ick. Right up there with the faintly vomity smell of cheap commercial chocolate (e.g. Hershey's Kisses).

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I love peanut butter--like Nate said, it has to be au naturel, the health food kind. Skippy and all that stuff is disgustingly sweet. Here in France the most readily available brand, which I think is German, is just how I like it, nothing but peanuts and a little salt. On the rare occasions when chunky PB is available, it's the sweet variety, so I don't go there.

Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches--what a good idea. But in order to cut down on calories, I have stopped eating peanut butter, despite my fondness for the stuff. Maybe I'll have to make an exception soon.

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