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record collection update

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Several months ago I posted a thread about a record collection that a friend of mine was wanting to sell. My name came up between him and a mutual friend, because he knew that in the past I have bought a couple small LP collections. As tempted as I was to pursue this opportunity, I never did follow up because of money reasons. If I went over and looked at the records, I know I would probably be tempted! And besides, the wife says no more vinyl expenses. Grrrr.

At any rate, this guy called me yesterday telling me how he really just wants to get rid of the records, and not for money reasons. He told me that I could take any and all of the records and if I sold them, we could split the money 50/50. More than fair I'd say. He also said that if I just wanted to keep any of them, that would be okay too. (at this point I was pinching myself to see if I was dreaming).

He has around 500 LPs only, and most are jazz. He says he has many old Blue Notes, etc, and he has always has been very careful with them, and that they are all in plastic sleeves.

I will let everyone know what I have here sometime next week or so. I am supposed to drive over to his house and check it out.

please Lord, let there be deep groove BNs!! :excited:

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My bizarre opinion - giving up a record collection is like abandoning a child, well maybe not that abrupt, but

a pet. :beee:

I have had friends say "hey, come on over have a beer, glass of wine...tell me how much I can get for these records." 100% and 50% of the time, if I find they have extremely rare records. Remember, they are my

friend (if you have prices guides bring them over). I'm going to tell 'em. No bullshittin' :g

I'm sure you would do the same, ya get to the last box "and you find a goldmine" be straight up.

"Hey buddy, you got some $500.00 - $1000.00 records here" if your friend knows that you are a lover of the music, and you're straight up...."Offer 'em a deal"...."you can have the wife and kids :crazy:

No seriously, most friends will compromise and they'll appreciate the honesty. "Take the rarest...and sell the rest to reliable dealer."

That's my three cents. Know what I'm saying'?

Oh then again...you can tell if a collection has been cherry picked. :(

I agree absolutely. Not a bizarre opinion at all. I have no respect for anyone who, knowing that a collection they are being given has super-rare, valuable discs wouldn't tell the giver that and even help them find a buyer. Also, a true friend would not do so in order to score part of the proceeds, although I sure wouldn't turn down a finders' fee if offered.;)

Oddly enough, I have never had a true jazz-lover not tell me if I have a rare disc when they peruse my collection, although I would never get rid of a record I love, unless I were really strapped for cash.

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Well, I figured tonight would be the night I pick up those sides. I convinced the wife that this was a deal that had to be done (I also stressed that she wouldn't be expected to lift any record crates when we eventually relocate; it'll be my back going out, not her's).

So I call tmy friend to arrange to come over, and I am told that we have to wait till next week! Arghh, the suspense is killing me! It seems that he has a commission to orchestrate some music for a client, and after that he returns to unemployment. Tell me how I could not be empathetic to a story like that? <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

The day arrived and I have the LPs in my house now. I have slowly been going over and through them, trying to decide what to keep and what to sell. The sides are in terrific condition, and all are in after market plastic lined sleeves. I can cautiously say that they are almost all near mint.

So far I have come across a handful of real gems. Here is what I am keeping so far:

Blue Notes:

Dizzy Reece - "Star Bright" / 4023 / w. 61st: deep groove

Grachan Moncur III - "Some Other Stuff" / 4177 / NYNY

Tyrone Washington - "Natural Essence" / 84274

Don Cherry - "Complete Communion" / 4226 / NYNY

Blue Mitchell - "Bring it on Home to Me" / 4228 / NYNY

Lee Morgan - "Sidewinder" / 4157 / NYNY

Lee Morgan - "Sonic Boom" / LT987

Fats Navarro - "Volume 1" / 1531 / Lexington Ave

Larry Young - "Unity" / 4221 / NYNY

Donald Byrd - "Freeform" / 4118 / NYNY

Johnny Coles - "Little Johnny" / 84144

This collector was a serious Maynard Ferguson fan. So far I have counted 20 LPs, including 11 on Roulette, 2 Cameos, one Mainstream and of course the later Columbia releases (incl. "Live at Jimmy's")

There is a major amount of serious classical as well, with some obscure recordings. (Berio among them)

And like I said, all in extremely clean shape. I wish I could keep them all!

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Just curious - does the donor know that the collection is worth thousands of dollars?

He knows that the potential is there. He told me that he was interested in getting rid of them not out of a need for $, yet he is aware that there is potential value.

It will take me days to draw up a spread sheet with all the details on it. I promised him that I would let him know where everything ended up, etc. I am pinching myself right now. I know I am very very fortunate to have been called by him.

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