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Does anyone remember?

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This question goes back to my teen-age years in San Diego. Does anyone remember a radio series that was on FM radio in the late 60s early 70s that centered around a castle and had wizards, time travel, all the usual hippy, sci-fi, fantasy stuff. I really enjoyed it and I want to find if it's possible to track down a recording of the series. I know it's not too much to go on -- if it's any help for old-time San Diegans, if my memory is correct, the series ran on KPRI on a Saturday/Sunday evening.

PS: Just to be explicit, I'm looking for the title...

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Rod: YOU'RE THE MAN! (excuse the caps :blush: ) That is what I was looking for -- unbelievable. I have been racking my brain for months on this question, even asking people I knew from San Diego if they remember this series. Is it as good as I remember? The website looks great, I'm going have to buy this.

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Well, if it made that indelible impression,

then you'd probably still like it - it's fun

and less dated than I would've thought.

Also, ZBS Media features other Jack Flanders adventures.

Another series that was pretty popular on freeform radio in those

days was Ruby: The Galactic Gumshoe which, I think, that they

carry at ZBS too.

Re: considering the times (60's/70's):

I have a complete collection of Alan Watts

recordings too - :lol:


edit: Audio Samples

Edited by rostasi
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