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Posted (edited)

Man, I've lived in Texas a long time...but 109 degrees here in Austin the last couple of days seems EXTREMELY high. It's not even cool in the shade.

...by the way, that's ACTUAL temp., not that silly heat index.

Edited by Soul Stream

Yeah, 110 yesterday, who knows how hot today.

This is among the hottest that I've known here. And the summer wasn't too bad til recently. Just a few more months! ;)


The company I used to work for had a factory down in San Marcos TX, about halfway between Austin and San Antonio. A few years back, I seem to remember that it was over 100 degrees one week, and then only like two weeks later they had a snow-storm, or maybe an ice-storm. Seriously!!! It was at least within the same 30 days, I know that - and it was like nearly record-breaking heat, followed by a freak-of-nature 'winter' thing. (Or the other way around - can't remember if this was in the Fall or Spring.)

Any of you Texans remember that?? I think it might have been like 4 years ago, maybe 5.

Posted (edited)

Don't specifically remember that. . . last icestorm we had in Austin was this year, and then before that in 1997.

But yeah, that falls into the category of a saying here in Tejas "ONLY in Texas." Like pouring rain with full radiant sunshine. . . that ALWAYS freaks me out when it happens.

Edited by jazzbo

Another thing. Here in Kansas City, we've just had the driest July on record, with only like 2/10th of an inch of rain the whole month, and the rest of this summer has been very, very dry as well.

My folks live in St. Louis (barely 250 miles east of here), and they've had somewhat greater than average rainfall this summer. (My Mom said she can barely keep up with the weed-pullin' in her flower-gardens, cuz of all the rain.)

And then, as hot as it's been here in the Midwest, come to find out from my wife's aunt, that Minnesota has had somewhat cooler-than-average temps all summer.

WTF??? :wacko::wacko::wacko:


Don't specifically remember that. . . last icestorm we had in Austin was this year, and then before that in 1997.

Might have just been snow. Not a blizzard, mind you. But snow, right behind 100-degree temps. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Posted (edited)

I complain every damn summer here in Phoenix.

100+ for June, July, August, and most of September. We get lucky every once in awhile when it rains and drops to 99.

It really sucks when the overnight lows are 90-100 degrees.

Edited by catesta

The folks from Austin, Kansas City, and St. Louis forgot to mention the HUMIDITY. People out in the desert talk about their high temps, but the air is dry as a bone. Last week in Tulsa the temps were over 100 and the humidity was in the 60% range.

Like Robin Williams said in Good Morning Vietnam - It's hot and wet...that's fine if you're with a lady, but it sucks if you're in the jungle!


Heat without humitity??? Never heard of such of thing.

Nearly always 80% or 90% humidity here, and the same in St. Louis where I grew up.

You can walk out the door of an air-conditioned house, and be sweating up a storm before you even get to your car. And I mean "gotta mop my brow fast, before the shit runs into my eyes" kinda sweat. <_<


I complain every damn summer here in Phoenix.

100+ for June, July, August, and most of September. We get lucky every once in awhile when it rains and drops to 99.

It really sucks when the overnight lows are 90-100 degrees.

Move :g


Warm here most of the summer in Sacramento - and this year has been one of the hottest on record, with weeks at a time over 100. This week has been wonderful, 80's day with lows in 50's overnight.

Then again, having lived in both St. Louis and Augusta, GA for 4 year stints and now being back in California, I can at least say (to the great annoyance of many, I'm sure) "yeah, but it's a DRY heat." :P


Fortunately, I've been sleeping during the days, so its already at or near peak heat when I wake up, and has cooled off a TAD by the time I get up and actually doing anything.. But from what I hear, this one sucks donkey dicks. The worst one before this was the summer of '79 - 30+ days of 100+ degree days, and I was living in a rent house w/no AC.

Hey Rooster - we recorded the first QO CD in San Marcos. Drove down in an ice storm, in fact. That whole experience was fraught with more adventure that an Indiana Jones movie....

You know, the saying about Texas weather is, "If you don't like it now, wait a few minutes". Unfortunately, that's not been the case lately.

Oh well, at least I'm not in Houston, where the cure for dehydration is just breathing....


It was horrible out here for a couple of weeks or so, (well...California horrible, but you get spoiled out here after a while!), but as DrJ says, the last week has been pure heaven!


Move  :g

I'm working on it. :P

The summer is no picnic for the people that have to be around me everyday either, they all pray for rain. ;)

I usually calm down around the middle of October.

Sounds like you should move to the Seattle area


Sounds like you should move to the Seattle area

Yeah, you and Johnny could get together and have dinner out, compare jazz collections, and then argue about politics until they threw you both out of the restaraunt! (Hint: don't eat at the Space Needle; it's a long fall!) :g


The worst one before this was the summer of '79 - 30+ days of 100+ degree days, and I was living in a rent house w/no AC.

Was it '79? I remember 1980, with 69 straight days of 100+ heat! I remember being at a baseball camp, wearing my Little League uniform (the one with the polyester pants! OUCH!), and praying for death!

And if memory serves me correctly, the next winter was particularly harsh: school was cancelled for three days in order to curtail the heat used by the schools. Record lows (one day, the high was 16! Never seen it that cold down here since!) and ice so thick, we went to the school playground and slid down the slide and all the way across the playground!

Memories like that make these hot daze a little more bearable! :)

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