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Homepage re-designed...

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I would like photo credits on the "photos" link! :)

Other than than, I dig the site!


Sheldon trying to take credit for my pictures again?


But seriously, I like the changes Jim. Just thought I'd make a relatively more public statement.

That's right, :blush: I don't even own a camera!

I will try to get one before Big O's visit to the Chicago Jazz Festival 17 days from now....can't wait!


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It's a good job and in regard to accessibility a huge step up from the last layout.

Too many people urinating into the pool without knowing how difficult it can be to put a tableless layout together (in your spare time, for free, with tons of reading and cross-referencing, checking and double-checking, next to running a forum such as this one, etc., etc., etc.)

Good job! A few things could be improved here and there, but congratulations on the move away from the tables ... it's really tough, as anyone who has actually tried it can attest to. And you did a great job!

I'll continue enjoying my holidays far away from the Internet ...


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Looks great to me, too - much better than the old homepage!

As couw said, some more empty space between the text would be an improvement and would make for a slightly more elegant look, less cluttered (which the site is not at all, but the text itself is...).

Maybe choose a more elegant font than Verdana? One of the Frutiger fonts, maybe? Just thinking aloud and nit-picking... it looks fine, all together!

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