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Eddie Monteiro


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Anyone ever hear this guy? He's totally original and amazing. He played corovox when I first heard him some years ago in duo with a singer. Now he also plays something called 'midi accordian'.

I did some recording and the engineer was Lenny Argese. I heard he was a good guitarist and he is. He was a total sweetheart to work with and did the recording the way i asked, got us some sound and basically didn't come out of the booth to make a peep. After we finished the date he gave me this CD he's on called The Trio (It's rounded out by drummer Joe Cocuzzo, another old pro and warrior). I immediately perked up when I saw Monteiro's name. Alas, Argese gave me only a jewel case and when I went there today to pick up my recording he gave me the CD and I'm listening now. I guess it's not for everyone, perhaps a bit on the fusiony side. But it's very unpretentious music, Lenny has a really nice feel and Toninho Horta-like touch and way with melody, Cocuzzo is very sensitive---but this Monteiro is like a force of nature. He's so fresh and in the moment. And he sings along with his solos and also his comping, which makes it even more exciting to me, as he's hearing it at the same time we are. Like Chris Anderson and a very few others I've heard in my life he's that rarest of things: an original.

I'm not sure where to get The Trio. CD Baby maybe? I'll look into it. Three cheers for Italian soul!

Edited by fasstrack
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