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Internet behavior

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I'm glad this is being taken up w/o being me being read the Riot Act (the White Death affair. Not sure if the thread was removed or closed-but it raised the wrong kind of hell than was intended). There are some aspects of modern times I wouldn't want to be w/o now that they're here, esp. email. There are ongoing dialogs that spoken would not permit the right level of prior reflection. And I've had charts and tracks emailed back and forth-inconceitable even 15 years ago. It's when you misbehave in public that it gets hairy. I have to admit to getting so wrapped up in finishing cell phone email that-in lunatic fashion-I did it while driving car service (stopped at lights, but still). When you think you can save the message and send later-not to mention the other person is not going to answer right away-it's especially demented. Customers complained sometimes. However long or boring a day I'm no better than the objects of my derision having done that.

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