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It’s Gloria Coleman's birthday today. Don't know how old she is; it doesn't give the year in AMG. Anyway, happy birthday Auntie Gloria!

This is what Pete Fallico has to say about her.


I was at this gig in Newark in late '96. There was a lady playing electric piano; with a bass line that grabbed me. I thought, "this has GOT to be Gloria Coleman", so I went up to her afterwards and asked.

And it was Gloria. She is a very straightforward, business-like lady, but spared me some time to talk. She seems pretty modest; surprised to find people who knew of her work. She talked about how pleased being recognised made her; Pete Fallico had had her on his radio show and surprised her by playing a record she was on that she thought no one would have known about.

She was playing a little Casio keyboard, which she tied onto a suitcase trailer to move about. That impressed me; no false airs to Gloria, just do what's needed.

When you listen to her play, that's what you get, too. She swings and wails. What more is needed?

Happy birthday Auntie Gloria!


Edited by The Magnificent Goldberg

I guess this is the only recording/album available on CD?


Under her own name. She made another LP for Mainstream in the early '70s. Haven't got that one.

As a sideperson, this is available - on Water, I think.


Instead of GG it has Kenny Burrell on guitar, with Frankie Dunlop taking the gorgeous Pola's place (but still playing well). Great session. Must think about upgrading it to CD.

Also available, but don't get too excited, is this


Gloria plays on 1 track "Come get to this".

Of deleted material;

If you see a copy of Nat Simpkins "Cooking with some barbecue" going second hand, that has some great Gloria (and some great Russell Malone).



Yes I picked up the Impulse side quick as a flash when it was reissued a while ago....really liked it too. Thanks also for the heads up about the Leo Wright side...did not know about that and so will go and find it


Yes I picked up the Impulse side quick as a flash when it was reissued a while ago....really liked it too. Thanks also for the heads up about the Leo Wright side...did not know about that and so will go and find it

Ditto; something I would have missed if it wasn't for this board.

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