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If you guys will indulge me, I'd like to use this space to wax poetically about the man who made me who I am.

My Dad died Monday night at the young ago of 70. Totally unexpected. Heart attack. Really knocking me on my butt but he'd want me to get back up. His death notice is listed at: http://www.legacy.com/masslive/DeathNotice...rsonId=18523417 but it's funny when you read these things... they always miss stuff.

Like the fact that he could fix anything. Cars, motorcycles, boats, bicycles, clocks, telephones... nothing he couldn't fix. He has about 6 old Indian motorcycles out in his garage, and those are just his latest projects. He loved restoring those old Indians.

I remember going to a huge estate auction of antique motorcycle stuff with him many years ago. We had a blast bidding up a box of garbage that some deep-pocketed phone buyer wanted. Jay Leno was there (he's a huge Henderson fan) and even he got beat out by Mr. Deepockets. He was doing stand=up with every item. We entered in line just in front of Leno so I got his autograph on the program. My Dad must have that somewhere.

The toughest thing about being back home is his workshops. The basement was where me & him worked. Every tool has it's place. Just today I had to put in a new faucet for my Mom and I just broke down getting the tools. I knew where every one of them was and I haven't been working down there in years.

Lately, I'd become the teacher, showing my Dad the ins & outs of PCs. He was very good. I used to get calls all time in the beginning. Later on, he started teaching "PC Basics" at the Senior Center! Dad was a quick learner.

Dad worked at the telephone company, back when it was "Ma Bell". He used to get called out late at night to fix the lines. He was a toll tester. Even though it was against the rules, he used to bring me. I remember once when he got the truck with the "special" phone. It was a radio phone. We called my Mom when we were drinving down the highway. I was yelling at her, "Mom, I'm talking to you in a car!!" How times change. :)

Dad was an early geek. He always had the latest electronic stuff, which was mostly telephone related. It went on even today. Just 2 weeks ago, we installed a 12 disc CD/mp3 changer in the saddle bag of his Kawasaki Voyager XII. He has these CD-Rs of mp3s of old-time country music. He was in heaven. He only got to drive it twice since we installed but Mom said he loved it. We also put an mp3 player in his truck. He's the guy all the old timers ask when they need PC help, just like I am in my circle of friends.

That's probably what bums me out the most. Me and my Dad were so alike. I have two older brothers and today when we fixed the sink, it was comical watching my bros... I love 'em, but they are so inept with tools! :D

One of Dad's favorite things was his E-mail joke lists. He maintained a joke list of probably 150 people. I showed him how to manage e-mail lists, and even how to use BCC so no one can see everyone else's E-mail address. He had lists for his grandkids, lists with more mature humor and even a special list for political stuff. He covered all the bases. Mom hates the computer, so I had unenviable task of e-mailing them all the bad news. Mom was surprised when many of them, who she hardly knew, started sending flowers.

I feel like I'm in "It's A Wonderful Life" but there's no happy ending. Everyone Dad influenced is going to have to learn to live without him. Even me.

After the dust settles, I'll come back in a bit. Until then, I'm bummin'.


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My condolences. That is a very moving remembrance. You were very blessed to have such a loving, involved father.

Your words make me appreciate how much my own father has given me, and also how important my job is as a father to my son (and daughter).

-- Mark


I'm sure he's very proud of you, even now :)

Will say a prayer for you and your family tonight with my kids.

Your words make me appreciate how much my own father has given me, and also how important my job is as a father to my son (and daughter).



Thanks for sharing that, Kevin. Very personal...wow...

You're lucky to have had him. As someone who never had a father, I can only imagine how cool it must have been to have someone to teach you stuff.

I'm real sorry for you. Hang in there. :ph34r:


I also feel inclined to offer my appreciation for the wonderful tribute, Kevin. Like others, your words made me think of the many ways I appreciate my own father. Sincerest condolences.



Kevin, very sorry for yours and your family's loss. And very moving, thoughtful words about your Dad. Don't expect to ever truly get over the loss of someone so dear to you. Take care of your Mother, and siblings,(And yourself) And do your best to have his grandkids understand what a special person he was to you all with stories like the one's in your post.


My deepest condolences Kevin. We lost my dad last year in September, still a little difficult to handle sometimes. Your writing shows how lucky he was to have you as a son.

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