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Stanley seems like the kind of guy who enjoys trying to make other guys squeal like a pig.

Well, he must be having a ball with all the attention he is receiving here and at JC because the squealing has been long and loud.


I'm just now joining the party, though I hardly seem to have the energy to wade through that lengthy JC thread.

Before I dig in (sooner or later), are we SURE this really IS Stanley Crouch?? Seems like the possibility of an elaborate hoax.


I'm just now joining the party, though I hardly seem to have the energy to wade through that lengthy JC thread.

Before I dig in (sooner or later), are we SURE this really IS Stanley Crouch?? Seems like the possibility of an elaborate hoax.

It's Stanley unless Lois doesn't know who she's asking to come to the forum.


Stanley seems like the kind of guy who enjoys trying to make other guys squeal like a pig.

Well, he must be having a ball with all the attention he is receiving here and at JC because the squealing has been long and loud.

No one is squealing, madame Fuller, and if he is having a ball, it's because the likes of him cares more about being paid attention to than he does about the nature of that attention. His apparently insatiable ego is so inflated that it has taken to the air and made him look down upon us mere mortals. He is a blathering Hindenburg.

BTW, may we ask that you keep your deck of R cards neatly tucked in you bosom? We don't like to play that here.


Who could read a whole book written in that style? I could never make it through his liner notes, or even this last post.

Anyone here read Manchild in the Promised Land? I have around 60 times since it came out when I was a kid in the Bronze Age. Remember Brown talking about how Johnny D., the pimp and gangster in his bulding taught him about 'gittin' over'?..........


Hi, Chris!

Hi Jeff,

Guess I sized Lois up correctly the first time she invited Stanley over. Had Rainy pegged, too. Well, I'm glad that I am long out of there.


Glad you are well, and hope you are enjoying your new community here at organissimo.


I took my own advice and checked out the JC thread again. Wow! Crouch's "minors" are doing some major posting, the thread now has over 1,100 posts and has deteriorated into a pixel ping pong on racism, served by the usual suspects and fueled by the mistress herself. Everything that was saved up for a rainy day is pouring forth and I am glad to see that most of my old favorites are staying out of this one.


I took my own advice and checked out the JC thread again. Wow! Crouch's "minors" are doing some major posting, the thread now has over 1,100 posts and has deteriorated into a pixel ping pong on racism, served by the usual suspects and fueled by the mistress herself. Everything that was saved up for a rainy day is pouring forth and I am glad to see that most of my old favorites are staying out of this one.

Did you receive a promotional email from Louise, touting her site, in which this Crouch thread is one of the few specific items mentioned as a recent highlight? I did.


Did you receive a promotional email from Louise, touting her site, in which this Crouch thread is one of the few specific items mentioned as a recent highlight? I did.

No, Lois knows better than to contact me again. I am not at all surprised to learn that she is trying to lure people over with Stanley as bait. The reason I bid her forever farewell (a couple of years ago, I think) was her underhanded use of our posts to generate controversy. There had been a discussion of Stanley where I was among a number of posters who criticized his work and opportunistic behavior. Lois sent the thread (or selected posts) to Stanley, asking him to sign in and respond. That produced the first self-serving rant from him and led to a rather long thread. As you know, her latest invitation resulted in an even longer, more meaningless thread that now has become an internal, often nasty, quarrel over race. I wonder if she realizes how clueless her own posts make her look and how bad the Stanley thread makes her forum look. I think her interest would be better served if she could hide that thread.

Anyway, it all comes back to an ill-advised PR attempt. She does nothing to improve the environment at JC and when her "celebrity" ass-licking makes her defend the likes of Stanley at the expense of her faithful, long-time posters (the people he so condescendingly refers to as "minor men"), you know that her priorities are severely warped. I used to recommend JC to musicians and friends, but Lois's m.o. is why I left and will never return. I wonder if Stanley us aware of the fact that he is being used?

Posted (edited)

I decided I don't want much to do with that joint. What a bunch of stiff-ass MFs. I will not deal with people with no sense of humor. It's against my religion. Some very good writers are there, though, like Tom Storer, Ron Thorne, Gary Cisco, and the hilarious Scott Dolan. He just doesn't give a fuck. I love it!

I made the mistake of, as a joke, telling a guy who signed everything 'Cheers' 'fuck Cheers. I say Potrezebie' and he got all offended and shit. Plus I already picked up a personal troll, which took like, what, six minutes? I think they don't deserve my heartfelt stream-of-consciousness reflections, razor-sharp wit, and legendary humility. Organissimo does. This is da joint. People are very jazz-savvy here and generally are higher caliber, plus funny as hell.

A place like that you go on for gig announcements or maybe once in a while to tout an underrated musician you believe in. Wallowing in the muck on the web ain't my idea of a good time generally. Over there it's pitiful.

Organissimo RULES!!

Edited by fasstrack

It does, indeed, rule, Joel.

As for your encounter with the "cheers" troll, he is insufferable and generally only pops up when Wynton or any of those guys are mentioned. I think he has a crush one every one of them.

I just checked back there, they seem to be at each other's throat as they near the 1,200 post mark. Perhaps Mr. Crouch will return with a pixel punch for minor men.

Oh, sorry, I forgot that he turned some kind of charm on you--I've seen that charm myself, but I didn't fall for it/ You are a trusting soul and therein lies your charm. :D


It does, indeed, rule, Joel.

As for your encounter with the "cheers" troll, he is insufferable and generally only pops up when Wynton or any of those guys are mentioned. I think he has a crush one every one of them.

I just checked back there, they seem to be at each other's throat as they near the 1,200 post mark. Perhaps Mr. Crouch will return with a pixel punch for minor men.

Oh, sorry, I forgot that he turned some kind of charm on you--I've seen that charm myself, but I didn't fall for it/ You are a trusting soul and therein lies your charm. :D

I don't trust anyone or anything except music and proven friendship. And if you think I'm charming watch me verbally waste someone incompetent or daring to slow down my *NJD speed. I usually apologize afterward, though, FWIW. I'm an angel at times, an SOB at others, like most of us knuckleros. But I'm hardly naive or trusting of people.

But, like that great bard the Pets.com dog said 'everyone deserves a second chance'. Until (if and when) Stanley screws me I say he's treated me graciously thus far.

The personal troll I allude to is one John P. Cooper, who at first sent me friendly notes asking if I was related to so-and-so. I'm so heartbroken that he turned I swear i may bust out crying any minute. Damen is too concrete-headed and dimwitted to take seriously. Joke 'em all. They can't take a fuck. :g

*Nervous Jew Disorder :excited::crazy:

Posted (edited)

Hey Chris, I have some local gigs this week if you're not doing anything. Tonight, friday and next Wednesday I'm at Blu in Hastings. Next Wed. it's with John Beal on bass, who you may recall. Great player. Tonight Sean Smith, a great musician and close colleague for many years, and Fri. Keith Saunders, co-founder of the hardbop Quintet.

And tomorrow I go to Brooklyn for a little tete-de-tete with noted guitarist/singer/internet loudmouth Doug Wamble. we've battled for years and I told him music speaks loudest. He's a smart guy with a lot to say, though. He also has a good group and is an interesting player. He was gracious to invite me. We're supposed to play a tune or two together and pour a beer (hopefully not over a head) afterwards. Barbe's 9th St. near 6th Ave. Park Slope, Brooklyn. 10-12 PM (don't know when I play, but it's a 2-set gig. Near the 2,3, f and D trains.

Edited by fasstrack

And tomorrow I go to Brooklyn for a little tete-de-tete with noted guitarist/singer/internet loudmouth Doug Wamble. we've battled for years and I told him music speaks loudest. He's a smart guy with a lot to say, though. He also has a good group and is an interesting player. He was gracious to invite me. We're supposed to play a tune or two together and pour a beer (hopefully not over a head) afterwards. Barbe's 9th St. near 6th Ave. Park Slope, Brooklyn. 10-12 PM (don't know when I play, but it's a 2-set gig. Near the 2,3, f and D trains.

'kay, that's where we'll search for the body first. ;)

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