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Ok, seriously, Crouch is not an idiot musically. He has some very good understandings of some pretty important things...

...drumming not being one of them ;)

As someone who doesn't read that forum at all, Crouch just comes over as a twat. I'm almost with Larry...could it be for real a guy playing the 'do you know who I am'/'look at what *these* famous people think of me' card?

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Posted (edited)

it's hard for me to imagine Stanley (or anyone who's not certifiable) actually sitting down and writing that, then thinking, "Yeah -- that's cool, I'll send it."

After Crouch's last public lecture in Kansas City, I can imagine that.

Somehow I missed a Kansas City appearance by Crouch. When and where was it? What did he say?

He may have been here more recently, but I saw/heard him speak/ramble before the Charles McPherson/Tom Harrell show at the Gem a couple years ago.

Edited by Eric

it's hard for me to imagine Stanley (or anyone who's not certifiable) actually sitting down and writing that, then thinking, "Yeah -- that's cool, I'll send it."

After Crouch's last public lecture in Kansas City, I can imagine that.

Somehow I missed a Kansas City appearance by Crouch. When and where was it? What did he say?

It was virtually unannounced; maybe they didn't want to drive the audience away. Crouch spoke before the Charlie Parker Memorial Concert with Charles McPherson and Tom Harrell at the Gem a couple of years back, or was it 2003? This man who supposedly has spent much of his life researching a Bird bio got up and spoke for about 15 minutes -- a rambling, aimless, incoherent discourse about Bird's supposed sexual prowess and little else. It was the longest and most uncomfortable 15 minutes of the year.


"This thread has the potential of being one of the most meaningful on this board that I've read in a long time."
-- Lois Gilbert (this evening).


Well, she started the thread, but she is clueless.

Posted (edited)

Met Lois in the '70s when she was married to Cuscuna (stayed at their apartment a couple of times). I always thought she was smarter than she seems right now.

Edited by Chuck Nessa

Well, I've been posting at JC for almost three years. It's like a strange addiction. I've been trying to move over here for jazz-related discussion, as there is little to be found there, but it's hard to do.

I used to post at JC as crawjo, now I go both there and here as Face of the Bass. JC does have a lot of nice people there, and it is a great place to talk about sports and the like.

Hi Chris. :)


Chuck Nessa: "Met Lois in the '70s when she was married to Cuscuna (stayed at their apartment a couple of times). I always thought she was smarter than she seems right now."

Let's hope so, Chuck, but the evidence isn't there right now. She was very nice when I knew her and supported her endeavors, but something has happened--I have a feeling that she measures friendship in terms of industry contacts. So far, she has extended two invitations to Stanley. He bit twice, each time posting a rambling, response to "minor men"* that borders on (some say crosses into) the egomaniacal. Judging by the reception's Stanley received, Lois has clearly struck out twice.

I do not normally traffic in responses to minor men who lather themselves crazy as they condescend up to me.
--Crouch in post #2.

It's too bad, because Jazz Corner could be a a pleasant place to hang one's thoughts--as it once was--but it just isn't. When I say that Lois is clueless, I mean that she should realize that the people Crouch calls "minor" are the ones who help her keep her forum going. Does she defend them against his ungrounded insults? No, she sides with Crouch and seems bewildered that everybody isn't fawning over him. Clueless, indeed.

BTW, I recommend that anyone who hasn't dropped by JC and read the new post by Stanley do so. It is an extraordinary, shameless piece of self-puffery--so bad that some posters actually think it is a put-on. No one can make a fool of Crouch as well as he himself can. :P

Hi Crawjo, good to see you here :)


hey, Chris, since you'd know much better than anyone on JC, do you think I'm right with my Damen=Gibson hunch?

Good to see you here, Jon. No, I don't think you are right about Damen=Gibson (Gibson should feel relieved). I think Damen is just a pretentious, arrogant little troll with an infatuation for you-know-who. He sure comes off as a shill for the J@LC crowd, but Gibson did not leave under the best of circumstances, so I don't think he would be fawning in the manner of Damen. Also, I think Gibson is more mature, he would not resort to the childish arguments and conjectures that are Damen's stock in trade. Damen is a mean-spirited, shallow troll who pops up to annoy rather than to contribute.

I hope you will join us over here--we argue, differ widely, &c. but I think we are a rather nice bunch of posters and the board is owned and operated by great guys who make fine music when not having to put up with us. :g


hey, Chris, since you'd know much better than anyone on JC, do you think I'm right with my Damen=Gibson hunch?

Good to see you here, Jon. No, I don't think you are right about Damen=Gibson (Gibson should feel relieved). I think Damen is just a pretentious, arrogant little troll with an infatuation for you-know-who. He sure comes off as a shill for the J@LC crowd, but Gibson did not leave under the best of circumstances, so I don't think he would be fawning in the manner of Damen. Also, I think Gibson is more mature, he would not resort to the childish arguments and conjectures that are Damen's stock in trade. Damen is a mean-spirited, shallow troll who pops up to annoy rather than to contribute.

I hope you will join us over here--we argue, differ widely, &c. but I think we are a rather nice bunch of posters and the board is owned and operated by great guys who make fine music when not having to put up with us. :g

Hi Chris!

As far as I am concerned, you can have him. it would be appreciated if you take his groupies too, especially Olewnik.


As the Jazz Corner thread has continued, someone there placed a link to this Organissimo discussion. Walto, one of my favorite people at JC, has submitted a thoughtful response to Lois.


I can't believe Lois is backing this pile of shit at the expense of her regulars. That's just plain sad and downright pathetic. She may as well change the name of the place to "JazzCroucher."

Posted (edited)

Turn Funny Rat into its own forum and I think we'd pick up more JC posters.

I enjoy posting at JC from time to time--some very bright, hip, entertaining people over there. The humor's more dry than it is here. Does seem like the jazz content has diminished quite a bit, but maybe I'm just not seeking it out as much myself... ironic thing about Crouch is that his "rap sheet" (heh, heh) sounds rather like the denizens of hiphop whom he's always attacking.

Edited by ghost of miles

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