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I have been following that thread for the past few days and as I commented there, I found the who discussion troubling. Mr. Crouch's reply did not help matters either.


This is actually typical of the discussions on Jazz Corner Speakeasy, from what I can tell, except that Mr. Crouch has chosen to add his two cents in this thread.

For a fascinating, and funny, look into the Jazz Corner Speakeasy community, I suggest http://www.jazzcornertalk.com/speakeasy/sh...ead.php?t=16142 In this thread, the Jazz Corner Speakeasy regulars begin by ridiculing me for mentioning that Jazz Corner Speakeasy is unfriendly--before the thread develops into an out of control flame fest, with personal insults and attacks flying all over the place.

Christiern, did you find the recent post by Scott Dolan on Jazz Corner Speakeasy, in which he states that the value of the other post by Stanley Crouch is that it got rid of you for good? I had to just shake my head at that one.


Chris, since you apparently still check out JC, why not start posting there again? I know of your opposition to Mr. Crouch, but avoiding JC just because he's there (or for most other reasons, for that matter), seems a bit pointless. I often disagree with what you have to say, but still appreciate your contributions here and elsewhere. Hope to see you posting there again soon.


Chris, since you apparently still check out JC, why not start posting there again? I know of your opposition to Mr. Crouch, but avoiding JC just because he's there (or for most other reasons, for that matter), seems a bit pointless. I often disagree with what you have to say, but still appreciate your contributions here and elsewhere. Hope to see you posting there again soon.

I can see why Chris would not want to post there. How much utterly unwarranted punishment should a person invite into their life? I hesitate to post there for that reason. Even my innocuous posts on non-musical topics are usually greeted with hostility. I truly do not understand that site.


Chris, since you apparently still check out JC, why not start posting there again? I know of your opposition to Mr. Crouch, but avoiding JC just because he's there (or for most other reasons, for that matter), seems a bit pointless. I often disagree with what you have to say, but still appreciate your contributions here and elsewhere. Hope to see you posting there again soon.

I can see why Chris would not want to post there. How much utterly unwarranted punishment should a person invite into their life? I hesitate to post there for that reason. Even my innocuous posts on non-musical topics are usually greeted with hostility. I truly do not understand that site.

JC isn't the easiest place to hang out, so I choose my battles carefully. There are a few people there that have been very nice to me (such as the oft-maligned Mr. Dolan), but there are some major jerks, too. I don't let it get to me.


Ok, seriously, Crouch is not an idiot musically. He has some very good understandings of some pretty important things. But lordymercy does he go out of his way to hide that!


Yes. But even so, it's hard for me to imagine Stanley (or anyone who's not certifiable) actually sitting down and writing that, then thinking, "Yeah -- that's cool, I'll send it."

"Thinking" before sending may be the missing piece to this puzzle.


Chris, since you apparently still check out JC, why not start posting there again? I know of your opposition to Mr. Crouch, but avoiding JC just because he's there (or for most other reasons, for that matter), seems a bit pointless. I often disagree with what you have to say, but still appreciate your contributions here and elsewhere. Hope to see you posting there again soon.

I only check occasionally, but this time I was urged to do so by a friend. No, I will never post there again, and Stanley is not the only reason why. You have trolls like Damen, who plays infatuated school girl whenever anyone dares to criticize J@LC or its people (Crouch among them); you have old Rainy and James H, who never fail to have a race card up their sleeve; there's Dolan and his Archie Bunker-like comments and insults; Monte and his lame neo-Con "humor"; and, last but not least, Lois herself, who apparently will resort to anything if she thinks it can resuscitate her board. It was when she sent some of our posts to Stanley and egged him on to respond that I saw the last straw. He, as you probably know, posted one long, self-serving response and when it did not win him a popularity poll, he went back under his rock.

Now, again at Lois' urging, he has reared his head again and posted another piece of self-puffery. Again, this seems to be backfiring for him.

You may wonder why I am not turned off my Organissimo's resident Bushies. Well, I do have my rounds with them, but even the most loyal, Weizen and Conrad, have qualities that make it difficult to not like them. It has a lot to do with the environment. Lois creates a bad one, IMO, Jim and the Big O people don't. Just look at the venomous exchange troll Damen has started at this point--would Jim A let it ride on like that? I don't think so.

Hot Ptah, I found Dolan's remark re me--it's typical. Have you noticed how he is otherwise staying out of this thread? Ditto the corner's other Bush pushers. I wonder why?

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention that there are regulars (and ocasionals) at JC who I wish would join us here.

Posted (edited)

it's hard for me to imagine Stanley (or anyone who's not certifiable) actually sitting down and writing that, then thinking, "Yeah -- that's cool, I'll send it."

After Crouch's last public lecture in Kansas City, I can imagine that.

Edited by Spontooneous

it's hard for me to imagine Stanley (or anyone who's not certifiable) actually sitting down and writing that, then thinking, "Yeah -- that's cool, I'll send it."

After Crouch's last public lecture in Kansas City, I can imagine that.

Somehow I missed a Kansas City appearance by Crouch. When and where was it? What did he say?


He didn't do so well when he appeared before a black audience on Tavis Smiley's annual C-Span panel. It would appear that he holds himself in higher regard than anyone else does ('cept, of course, the JC Winnie pop-ups :g )


When I read the first paragraph of SC's post, it immediately reminded me of some of the great speeches Ignatius J. Reilly gave in the book A Confederacy of Dunces. :)

Maybe the Swift quote is relevant here: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."


Now, again at Lois' urging, he has reared his head again and posted another piece of self-puffery.

Puffery indeed. Thanks for the heads up; the only thing that could have made that post better would be including the word "tome"... :lol:

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