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Wish me luck on my debut leader CD


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Tomorrow I make at least 1/2 of a debut leader CD. (1/2 b/c I ain't killin' myself or the band doing 7 pieces in a day or recording anything that doesn't feel ready) I have a good cast and material. 6 more of my cockamamie pieces in different shades and moods, plus In the Still of the Night and Last Night When we were Young and maybe one throwaway with James Chirillo.

Besides me: John Eckert, trumpet; Ralph LaLama, tenor (3 or 4 tunes only); xxxxx, vocals*; M'freghu, piano; Bim Strausberg, bass; Rudy Petschauer; drums. James Chirillo is my eyes and ears in the booth and if you knew him and knew me you'd know why.

I hope some of y'all will actually buy this music when it comes out. I'm taking name. (Or not :g )

Please do wish me luck. I want this to kick ass.

(the name of the vocalist has been removed to spare her embarrassment since I'm a gentleman. See below for how she screwed me)

Edited by fasstrack
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Rehearsed the easier things today and that went well. A laugh-fest with those maniacs, lemme tell yiz (not that I'm not a nutburger). It should be fun. The stuff that needs more attention shall get it and recorded when it feels right.

Thanks for your good wishes. Means so much :g

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Talk about improvising! The singer just bailed. :blush: The night before. Had her manager call to demand, not ask, that I get her from Newark to the recording. (She had previously asked if I had a budget to fly her in. I made very clear from jump street that I had a small budget and it didn't allow for travel expenses. We left off that we would do the recording around when she would be in NY. I had to lose two musicians I wanted to accomodate her schedule. Then she casually dropped on me she wasn't making the rehearsal because she took another gig. Even that I dealt with by asking the very nice engineer if we could get there early). With all the other shit on my mind just what I needed. I told her to stay home and called another singer. Anyway I have a backup demo of my ballad with another singer. If she doesn't get the message in time I'm doing a record today. We can record the other material at a later date.

Not only one monkey but 2 monkeys don't stop no show. Jazz is taking a fuck-up and turning it into gold.

Edited by fasstrack
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Singers. :rolleyes:

Yeah, no shit.

You hadda see the attitude on that bitch (the manager). I went out to do some shopping just to unwind, figuring everything was cool, and get home to a frantic message from some woman I never heard of and never dealt with before. I called her back and she told me there was no possible way to get from Newark to the studio in Paterson and I had to get her 'artist' there. (Bullshit. There's always a way, and if said singer had taken the time between hustling to care enough to work these things out I would've been too happy to pick her up at the airport myself and put her up on my couch or with friends or something. But she was sandwiching my project in-between other whistlestops in her brilliant career. She blew off my rehearsal and now, after with every fucking thing else I needed to see to like paying a guy to do 2 Sibelius charts since I have just gotten into the program and anyway am a computer moron, getting the bugs out of the material, rehearsing the cats (that was fun with these madmen) just troubleshooting, I'm delivered an 11th hour demand by this devil-woman to arrange to get her ass there ('or else she won't be there' were the exact words)right after I got off the phone and given her directions and the name of the place. And we wasted time practicing her tunes in her key without her. I called the singer and left a message for her to stay home. She lost a gig on an album I think may do something and made an enemy out of a good guitarist, songwriter, and guy. Smart, lady.

Next time no girl singer. At least not without a non-torture clause in writing.....

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Why'd you hire a singer you've never met?

I did meet her 2 years ago. She seemed cool, I dug her work, and I had trouble with the first one on my demo. Funny, I'm gonna end up using the 1st anyway because she's good, knows the tune and it's not like I can afford Andy Bey.

Usually poor people into the arts really understand and help each other. This wasn't usually, obviously. You're on the right track, though, Jim. The tip-off should've been when she asked if I had a budget to fly her in from Nashville. That's when I should've had sense enough to catch that red flag and move on, but I didn't. Then again I made it abundantly clear that I wasn't flying her or Barbra Streisand in from anywhere---and she accepted that (but still asked and i still said uh uh). "Too Late Now..."

Straight ahead and aim for pure tone.....

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