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Been buying the Blue Note Conns and the Prestige RVGs lately and I'll tell ya...I'm just about fed up on this f'ing plastic sticky crap that doesn't peel off!!!!! I pull it off and it leaves half of it behind and is crapping up the CD cases. Can't they get some decent glue goddamn it!!!!


And so it begins...

Yes, I know we've gone down this path before. That said, I'm having a hard time shelling out Conn.-type prices just end up with a CD case in worse shape than my old 1980's issue CDs. It really sucks. Yeah, I've tried all the tricks to get this stuff off, ect. From now on, I'm not even peeling this stuff off. I'm slitting it across the top and forgetting about it. It's really bullshit.


I'm pretty sure I saw this tip somewhere in an earlier thread, but it has worked great for me: cut across the top with a sharp knife, peel back a little bit of one section (just enought to grab ahold of), and then pull off the whole thing, QUICKLY. Repeat for the other section.


WD40 takes that crap right off, neat as a whistle, with no damage to the jewel box.

When i discovered this, I went back and cleaned probably 50 jewel cases. Worked like a charm.


And so it begins...

Yes, I know we've gone down this path before. That said, I'm having a hard time shelling out Conn.-type prices just end up with a CD case in worse shape than my old 1980's issue CDs. It really sucks. Yeah, I've tried all the tricks to get this stuff off, ect. From now on, I'm not even peeling this stuff off. I'm slitting it across the top and forgetting about it. It's really bullshit.

Well (to offset a little bit of the smartassness that is bound to and has already come out of this thread-- :D ), it's been pissing me off, too. Essentially all of the newer Blue Notes are just bitches in the way of adhesive.


I'll go one step further. What's the point of the sticky tape in the first place? The CD is already shrink wrapped. Is this supposed to provide tangible assurance that the product is new? If they have to use this kind of thing to prove their virginity, use the Prestige dog bone. At least if that little guy left a residue, it didn't cover the whole friggin' case. What's even worse than CD's are DVD's. Of course, the simplest solution is to use an adhesive that peels off easily, but not being end users, this has probably never occured to the record companies.

Here's something really stupid. I had it stuck in my mind for awhile when I was buying CD's on spec, that if I had a hard time getting the tape off, the CD was going to be crummy.

BTW, FWIW, I agree with Uncle Skid. Slitting the top and peeling enough of the tape back to gain a purchase seems to work fairly well.

Up over and out.

Posted (edited)

For what it's worth, splitting the top or unhinging the case doesn't work on these beotches the last few years in my experience. Glue-resigoo-o-plenty.

I know this sounds stupid. But we've got a lot of people on this board. If enough of us are 'bout tired of this...perhaps we can all start e-mailing Blue Note and Concord. Maybe they might take notice.

***this is just a stupid pet peeve. But as many CDs as I buy in a year, it's a constant one. So, hope I don't sound TOO much like a spoiled ridiculous beotch. But I guess if the shoe fits... :g

Edited by Soul Stream

Peeling off, BTW, works much better when the stuff is not too cold. Warm it mildly with a hair drier or whatever comes handy, and the glue will soften and become less sticky.

I remember my father got samples for peel-off labels back in the 1970's - and there still ar some - Avery makes peeloff labels for office purposes. Obviously the record companies want their stuff to stick fast.


Over the years, as I have wrestled with this problem I have learned to play a cruel game ... I try to see how many pieces I will end up with after removing all of this tape. So far my record is 18!!! It stops me from crying, and I just laugh trying to picture the executives at EMI trying to do this for themselves ... I bet they have their free copies sent to them without this dreaded tape ...

Posted (edited)

Those things are there so you can read the titles without flipping through the stack. I am rarely in cd stores anymore but appreciate the "strips" when browsing. Move to the EU and escape them but deal with copy protection on the earlier titles (as I understand it).

Life's a bitch. Be happy you don't have to sit around and pick flys off your newborn.

Edited by Chuck Nessa

But other record labels use much stronger tape that doesn't shed as badly as the BN/EMI stuff does. The tape Verve uses is better iirc. I think we all understand the purpose the tape serves, but you'd think the companies could spring for the "expensive" stuff. The music's worth it. :lol:


I've seen so many of these bitch-fest threads and I just have to say ...

I've never had a problem tearing these things off:

Find the side with "pull here". Pull across the length of the jewel box. 9.5 times out of 10, it lifts all the way off.

Now turn the jewel box and get a handle on the part that is over the spine (it should lift off easily). Pull along the length of the jewel box and the rest of the label comes off.

At least 99% of the time, no problem.

And I have never even given a second thought to any left over gunk.

Did I mention that I no longer keep jewel boxes but have switched to a three-ring binder CD storage system? :g

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