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The Flaming Lips


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I've been on the prowl recently for some good, modern rock bands to get into (and have taken some cues from the thread devoted to this topic). I have been hearing about the Flaming Lips for a long time from some friends whose musical tastes I hold in high regard. I took a chance earlier this week and bought one of their CD's called "The Soft Bulletin". Needless to say I was quite unprepared for what I was about to hear.

I was so surprised to hear these very personal, introspective lyrics written in a way that resembles pop music. The melodies of the songs are "poppy", and the choruses of most of the songs are memorable enough to remember after just one listen. Yet this is music that I could NEVER imagine getting any sort of mainstream popularity. This may be due to the absolutely incredible soundscapes that fill the backgrounds of these "pop" songs. I was COMPLETELY blown away by the beautiful background orchestrations that incorporate so many different instruments and sounds. It was a strange listening experience.....I had never quite heard any music like that in my life, but at the same time I knew that what I was hearing was very special, and I was enjoying it very much.

I want to listen to the disc more, but I'm convinced that I'm now officially a Flaming Lips fan, and plan on exploring more of their albums. Anybody here a fan? Any recommendations for other good Flaming Lips albums?

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Yoshimi Battles... is an extension of the sound that they created on The Soft Bulletin. The newest, At War With The Mystics further explores this with some really slick production techniques, including some Fennesz Endless Summer-like guitar.

Really, this is a brand new era for their music. You may be interested in the four disc album Zaireeka (all four discs are to be played simultaneously) and Clouds Taste Metallic, but The Soft Bulletin really starts a new sound for The Flaming Lips.

I believe The Soft Bulletin is also the first The Flaming Lips album to be released in an alternate 5.1 format.

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