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Being from Portland where we've had to tolerate Paul Allen as an owner, I can say I would kill for someone like Mark Cuban. He's exactly what pro sports needs more of...someone who wears his emotions on his sleeve and who is not unwilling to show it and to take on the suits as necessary. I know he goes overboard sometimes, but if I lived in Dallas, I would absolutely love this guy.

Don't necessarily discount the possibility that the officials are tilted against the Mav's. When you've been ripped by an owner as often as Cuban has ripped the NBA's referees, how could you not have it in for him? I'm not saying this is officially sanctioned by the league, but Cuban has been a burr under a lot of folk's saddles for an awfully long time. There is no way David Stern wants to see Dallas as league champions. I don't care how much he flaunts his neutrality. Who knows, maybe this is their way of sticking it to the man.

Up over and out.


Cuban is an ass, but sometimes he's right. Frankly, I think the officials have not kept up with the game. The players have gotten better and better, the rules tighter and tighter, the game faster and faster, and the officials have stayed in the same spot. The NBA really needs to address this because it's only going to get worse.

At the very least, I think they should allow coaches to challenge calls in a game after the clock ticks past 2:00 in the fourth (and like in football, if the call is upheld, the team that challenged it loses a time-out). This would alleviate many grievances about refs blowing close games.


As usual, the Sportsguy is right on:

Here's what happens if Miami wins the title: New Jersey will say to themselves, "Hey, maybe this could happen to us with Vince Carter"; Washington will say the same about Arenas; Boston with Pierce; G-State with Richardson; the Lakers with Kobe; New Team X with Iverson. And so on and so on. But that's just the thing ... we went through this last decade. There was only one MJ; the formula couldn't be replicated. Same with Dwyane Wade; only LeBron can match him. And everyone else will fail trying, which means we can look forward to another decade of perimeter scorers going 11 for 32 in big games, teammates standing around while stars dribble at the top of the key waiting to challenge two defenders at once, and refs deciding every big game (like in Game 5) by how they interpret contact when the same guy is recklessly driving to the basket over and over again. Does any of this sound fun to you? I didn't think so.

NBA officials stopped calling the game by the rules years ago. When was the last time you saw someone called for palming the ball, yet it goes on almost everytime the ball is brought up the court. How about three seconds in the key? Or how about calling Shaq every now and then when he backs someone down low and bowls them over on the way to the hoop? I know the game is fast and the athletes are better than they've ever been. If the league can't figure out how to keep up, then Cuban is probably just the tip of the iceburg.

One other observation. What's the average age of an NBA referee? They've got some guys out there who are older than dirt.

Up over and out.


Being from Portland where we've had to tolerate Paul Allen as an owner, I can say I would kill for someone like Mark Cuban. He's exactly what pro sports needs more of...someone who wears his emotions on his sleeve and who is not unwilling to show it and to take on the suits as necessary. I know he goes overboard sometimes, but if I lived in Dallas, I would absolutely love this guy.




Must be nice to have so much money that you can do things that will get you fined 250k like Cuban did this time and have it be chump change. That part of it I can't relate to but Stern and the officials might have had it coming to them.


Cuban is an ass

Leave it at that. :P

I have no idea what he is pissed about, but I think the guy is a whiney, cry baby, shit talking dickhead.

True enough, but he's also a helluva good guy in spite of all that. I'm in a "wedding band" that has played a gig or two for him, and all I can say is that everybody should treat musicians as good as he does.

Plus, in the unlikely event that there is a Game 7, Cuban's giving away 1000 tickets: http://www.nba.com/webAction?actionId=surv...sp&surveyId=894

Hardly the action of a total dickhead...

Agreed, he's passionate, outspoken, quite often graceless, and not at all interested in "joining the club". Oh well. This is Texas, and Mark Cuban is the Willie Nelson of NBA owners.


... and not at all interested in "joining the club".

This is exactly why I like him. Plus he's from Pittsburgh (and according to some folks, we're all asses... ^_^ )


Cuban is an ass

Leave it at that. :P

I have no idea what he is pissed about, but I think the guy is a whiney, cry baby, shit talking dickhead.

Yeah, but i could never hate Cuban just because of how much he despises Donald Trump. The enemy of my enemy and all that... :lol:


Years ago I read a book by Red Auerbach, and he said that when an owner complains about the referees, it's like the owner of a restaurant standing outside the front door shouting, "My chef stinks!"


Cuban is an ass

Leave it at that. :P

I have no idea what he is pissed about, but I think the guy is a whiney, cry baby, shit talking dickhead.

True enough, but he's also a helluva good guy in spite of all that. I'm in a "wedding band" that has played a gig or two for him, and all I can say is that everybody should treat musicians as good as he does.

Plus, in the unlikely event that there is a Game 7, Cuban's giving away 1000 tickets: http://www.nba.com/webAction?actionId=surv...sp&surveyId=894

Hardly the action of a total dickhead...

Agreed, he's passionate, outspoken, quite often graceless, and not at all interested in "joining the club". Oh well. This is Texas, and Mark Cuban is the Willie Nelson of NBA owners.

Fair enough. Obviously I don't know the guy and have never worked for him.

Still, it's all his bullshit I can't stand. The running out on to the court, yelling at refs, the shit he talks. He's the fucking owner, there is a coaching staff for that. Dude likes to be in the spotlight plain and simple and as much as he hates to admit it, he's as much of an ego asshole as Trump is. Anything to grab a headline.

Didn't he run onto the court during a fight once or twice?


Can't defend Cuban's more outrageous behavior and won't try to.

What remains to be seen is this - he himself is driven to succeed by any means necessary, and he claims that he expects the same out of his team. So, is he going to let all the (quite often justified) ranting against the league blind him to the fact that his players choked in a way that only two other teams in NBA history have choked? Or is he going to look at this whole thing objectively and do what needs to be done to get the right players to get that success? If I'm a Mavericks player right now, including Dirk, I'm not taking anything for granted as far as my long-term future with this team goes.

If he plays the victim role all the way, then he should sit down and shut the fuck up. Once a poser is exposed, their act's no fun anymore. But if he's truly driven the way he claims to be, and continues to do whatever it takes to build a winner, then hey - a crazy motherfucker on a mission is a whole 'nother critter than just a plain ol' crazy motherfucker. :g


Frank Deford focused on Cuban in his weekly segment on NPR this morning. One might anticipate Deford ripping Mark Cuban a new one but quite the contrary. He didn't excuse the occassional crazy stuff but praised him for his genuine, fanlike enthusiasm, his love for the game and for the new face he has put on "ownership". In the world of sports, according to Deford, Cuban has "redefined the position."


WOW, all this negativity because of what........ Oh, Dallas lost! :lol:

Comon wake up, 25 teams lose every year or whatever the total minus the winner is.

Dallas is a cry baby team, and a dirty team. Do you hear the 3rd, 4th teams making such a stink about everything. It is a game and there is only one winner each time period.

Smoke screens are an infamous tool to be used by whomever wishes to disguise their true intentions or limitations. :lol:

So, onward and upward into the next season and may the best team win (as they usually do). Sometimes, just sometimes though, the smartest team wins. :g:g:g:g

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