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charles bobo shaw "junk trap"

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Guest akanalog

my copy of junk trap has some sort of glitch on track 1 near the 4 minute mark (a bit before) which makes the CD either hang and not progress past that point in the song or sort of sound like a digital skip when i used itunes to convert the album into an mp3.

some internet research shows me people had this problem years back but i figured newer discs might have it fixed. my copy isn't "new new" but i was wondering if anyone else owns this album and it is glitch free because maybe then i would try to repurchase it.

black saint/soul note is underrated when it comes to screwing up CD issues. people get pissed at blue note but over in italy they do some even worse stuff (warbling tapes, dividing songs between two tracks a la the old version of "one step beyond", etc)

Guest akanalog

check the first song in the 3:50-4:00 range....if you get a chance.


indeed my version has that flaw, too, at 3:58 - on one player it starts skipping and I need to quickly hit the fast-forward button to get past it, on the other (a discman) it inserts a little pause and then continues (which is probably why I didn't notice when I played the disc some time back, while doing other things simultaneously). sucks!

Guest akanalog

that is a shame.

thank you for checking.

what the heck does this even mean? what kind of flaw is this? and why don't they fix it?

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