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Ben Roethlisberger badly hurt in a motorcycle crash

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It's akin to me saying "Hey, I don't need to wear a seatbelt, I'm a safe driver and I'm careful." I am a safe driver and I am careful, but it's the other idiots on the road I'm worried about, not me. It's terrible that he got hurt, but not wearing a helmet is just plain dumb.

Hmm.... your driving scares me sometimes. :ph34r:

I drive defensively, I'll admit it. But have I ever been in a car accident? Nope. I am always watching the other people on the road and consider myself a safe driver.

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It's akin to me saying "Hey, I don't need to wear a seatbelt, I'm a safe driver and I'm careful." I am a safe driver and I am careful, but it's the other idiots on the road I'm worried about, not me. It's terrible that he got hurt, but not wearing a helmet is just plain dumb.

Hmm.... your driving scares me sometimes. :ph34r:

I drive defensively, I'll admit it. But have I ever been in a car accident? Nope. I am always watching the other people on the road and consider myself a safe driver.

I would just ask you to keep it under 75 mph, and maintain the 1 car length per every 10 mph ratio, when I'm in the passenger seat. It's nerve racking when you're not the one in control. :unsure:

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Wow, so Jim's a tailgating fiend? Has he ever pulled a knife or a 6-iron on another driver?

Anything you tell us will be held in strict confidence.

I don't consider myself a tailgater. Tailgating, to me, means that you're so close the other person can't even see you in their side mirrors. I try to keep at least a one-car distance between me and the person in front, but in high traffic situations, that is not always possible. I do drive 75-80mph on the highway usually but I usually only approach 80+ when there's no one around.

Again, I've never been in a car accident, not even a fender bender.

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I don't consider myself a tailgater. Tailgating, to me, means that you're so close the other person can't even see you in their side mirrors. I try to keep at least a one-car distance between me and the person in front, but in high traffic situations, that is not always possible.

One car length at freeway speed? I do feel for Joe, that can't be easy sitting shotgun. I know the 2 second gap (at least) can be hard to maintain when in high traffic situations, but just one car length makes me wonder if you aren't a closet NASCAR fan. ;)

Edited to note I missed the "at least" part of your post.

Edited by Quincy
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Agreed, athletes riding motorcycles when they have reached a certain level of success is only an egotistical surge in their brain matter. They seem to feel they are invincible, which they are not. While the risk of having accident actually may not be that high, the risk of serious life altering injury or death is very very high.

That is the most moronic statement I've ever seen on this board, outside of the political forum. It's a form of transportation, for crying out loud. Anything else you'd like to ban? Skateboards? Bicycles? Perhaps walking itself is a form egotism; after all, you have absolutely no protection. Certainly professional athletes should never bathe, as the bathtub is where most accidents occur anyway.

Frankly, I find nothing wrong with BruceW's post, but the response is truly moronic. Sorry, Moose.

Care to explain?

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Riding a motorcycle without a helment=shit for brains.

just a thought from the pensacola news journal:

Published - June, 18, 2006

Viewpoint: Motorcycle helmets can do more harm than good

Zeno Weir

The tragic automobile incident of an at-fault driver violating the right of way of motorcyclist and football star Ben Roethlisberger has invited comment by the Safetycrats.

Their specious reasoning is that if Roethlisberger had been wearing a helmet he would have been spared injuries. Ironically, the leading cause of death in motorcycle crash incidents is chest trauma.

Helmets often do more harm than good, yet the Safetycrats advocate mandatory usage rather than jail time for idiots and drunks in cars who slaughter innocent motorcyclists. If Roethlisberger had been wearing a helmet, it could very well have induced a basalar skull fracture, killing him.

After 28 years of riding a Harley-Davidson all over the good ole U.S. of A, I have developed a hate of itchy, hot, heavy, sight- and hearing-restricting helmets. Helmets are as likely to kill a rider as save the rider's skull as long as the impact exceeds 15 miles per hour, since that's all any helmet is rated for.

The danger of helmet usage in a crash incident is that the weight of the helmet is multiplied many times and induces basalar skull fracture.

NASCAR drivers Dale Earnhardt, Kenny Irwin and Adam Petty all suffered basalar skull fractures. Today's NASCAR drivers have their head gear restrained to prevent this fatal injury.

This is not possible on motorcycles.

On March 27, 2003, at about 6:30 p.m. I was riding my Harley on Gulf Beach Highway when I was rear-ended by a distracted "soccer mommy" who fled the incident scene.

Always watching my "six" under the "all cars are guilty until proven innocent" Zeno rule, I saw that the automobile was not even going to hit its brakes, and I accelerated and banked away. Flying through the air, I endeavored to "slide into second base" and suffered a separated shoulder, torn rotator cuff and, eventually, had a hip replacement.

My helmet was of no factor in this incident, but it did nearly break my neck. It still hurts and is stiff to this day. As I was lying there, trying not to move to prevent paralysis, I wondered if my neck were broken, and then had to threaten to shoot the volunteer fireman who insisted upon removing my helmet before I was properly boarded and head-restrained by the well-trained EMT team.

The LifeFlight ride was really nice. I would like to thank Trooper Matthew Freeman of the Florida Highway Patrol, whose diligence brought "soccer mommy" to jail. I would also like to thank Assistant State Attorney Lee Robertson for demanding and getting jail time for "soccer mommy," and a big thanks to Gulf Coast Orthopedics.

Bikers all hate to see another person hurt or killed, at any time. We can learn from the tragic deaths of the NASCAR heroes that helmets can be deadly.

Occasionally, they do prevent injuries. I have had rocks bounce off of mine. Perhaps, as more and more real medical information is shown to the public, they will begin to see that helmets don't always save lives, but can kill or inflict serious injury.

Mandatory helmet laws do nothing to prevent accidents or make motorcyclists safer. If the Safetycrats want to pass laws, try increased penalties for the motorists who maim or kill bikers and who are at fault in the vast majority of motorcycle-automobile incidents.

If the State of Pennsylvania would jail the at-fault driver who maimed Roethlisberger, that would coerce some drivers to "Look Twice for Motorcycles and Save a Life."

Zeno Weir is a Realtor, a resident of Pensacola and a longtime motorcycle rider.

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"Safetycrats"? Sorry, he lost me there. Frankly, if you don't want to wear a helmet when riding your motorcycle on the roadways among 6000+ lbs SUVs and stupid teenage drivers, distracted "soccer mommies" and the like, then go for it, dumbass.

I've seen as many motorcyclists drive like assholes as regular automobile drivers, so it cuts both ways. This guy likes to make himself and his fellow riders out as victims, but motorcycle drivers can be just as stupid as us regular car-driving folk.

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A good friend of mine, a woman I went to high school with, was in a serious motorcycle accident about six years ago. She was wearing a helmet (albiet a helment without any padding or lining) but she sustained a serious head trauma anyway. She was in a coma for several days after the accident, and when she came out of it, she wasn't the same person. Her personality has changed completely. Sure she was a little flakey before her accident, but she was a very cool individual. Great sense of humor, very bright...she just made some bad choices. Now she's mean, selfish, reckless (moreso than before) and...well...a nymphomanaic (every time we talk to her she's boasting about her latest sexual conquest...usually another brain-injured patient). If she isn't a nymphomanaic, she's a pathological liar, but it's really six of one/half a dozen of the other. The point is she's not well and her behavior reflects that. We, all of her old friends, tried to stand by her after the accident, but she's really driven everyone away with her behavior. It's tragic. Her life was ruined because of one bad day (the bike, incidentally, had both transmission and braking trouble and she should not have been riding it at all, much less on the LA Freeway).

Another friend of mine has a wife who just became a doctor. We were disscussing this very issue and she told me that in the ER they had a joke that the only difference between a helmet and no helmet in a motorcycle accident is an open casket or closed casket funeral...

Edited by Alexander
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Well, a little research will show that helmets do indeed increase the risk of certain injuries in motorcycle accidents, while reducing the risk of others, particularly if one opts for the full-face variety helmet. The thing is, the injuries that helmets prevent are far more common than the ones that they cause, so this argument advanced by Mr. Weir is rather foolish.

Helmet statistics are tough to read anyway, as a full-face helmet, an open-face helmet, a half-helmet, and those moronic beanie helmets that "tough guys" wear to meet the legal minimum are all entirely different animals. As an example, if you break down a full-face helmet into zones of likely impact in an accident, the most common point to be impacted is the chin area. Naturally, this isn't the case with the other types, as they don't have any chin protection...

By the way, Alexander, if I understand you correctly, her helmet was just a shell? If so, this was pointless, as it's the collapse of the inner material that cushions a blow to the head, not the hard outer shell.

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In my opinion, it is up to the rider whether or not he/she wears a helmet. I can't imagine the odds of a fatal accident decrease THAT much when you strap one on. Its like buying two lotto tickets instead of one. The odds are still pretty much the same, all math aside. Like Jim said, there are more bad drivers out on the road than good drivers. You are assuming a risk in anything smaller than a Tahoe at this point. Riding a motorcycle requires a heightened awareness on the road.

T or F | A quarterback is required to wear a helmet during game play to avoid head trauma in every state in the U.S.

T or F | A quarterback is not required to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle in many states in the U.S.

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Riding a motorcycle without a helment=shit for brains.

just a thought from the pensacola news journal:

Published - June, 18, 2006

Viewpoint: Motorcycle helmets can do more harm than good

Zeno Weir

Zeno Weir is a Realtor, a resident of Pensacola and a longtime motorcycle rider.

Zeno's New Paradox

1. People are fallible.

2. Some people enjoy motorcycling without a helmet.

3. Sometimes automobile drivers make mistakes.

4. Sometimes motorcyclists die or are severely injured in accidents that would be minor fender benders if the motorcyclist had been in an automobile instead of on a motorbike.

5. The best way to address this problem would be the death penalty for harming a motorcyclist.

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