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People who steal things suck...

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Jim, you will probably here from some of the other old folks like myself. No way you should have confronted these punks, mid teens or not. Those Duquesne University basketball players were shot by teenagers. The punks in your neighborhood could have just grabbed a gun from some house or car. If you didn't have a young wife or baby...no, you still shouldn't have confronted them, just call the police.(Man, I must be channeling my Mom!) Hopefully, they will stay away from your block from now on, but the close-circuit camera idea isn't so bad.

Edited by BERIGAN
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Of course you guys are right. I thought about that after I did it. I should've done what Dan suggested and followed them at a safe distance while calling the cops.

I was just frickin' pissed off! Little shits. I could pick them out of a line-up easy... I got good looks at both their faces.

Zora without a father vis-a-vis a camera...?

I have had to reign myself in in recent years. It is hard, but necessary. This little fucks could have had a gun. If they are meth or crack heads they WILL shoot your ass.

Something told me to hang out with you at your place for a bit last night...but I don't know why. Figured I was just not sleepy after our gig... I will come by your place tonight after the gig. Hopefully, Flint boy will not surface. But damn, if some body were messin around my house, I can't promise the pitbull wouldn't come out.

Somebody here gave some nice moderate advice about trailing them from a distance (I would be very distant) while talking to the cops on the cell phone.

Maybe it is time for a neighborhood watch program?


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