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People who steal things suck...

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Due to loading my organ in and out of the van repeatedly, the side door on my Plymouth does not lock automatically. I almost always lock it manually when I get out of the car, but last night I must've forgot. This morning I go out to the car to put some leftover tile in the back and my side door is open (it's been raining all night) and a bunch of my stuff is gone, including my daughter's diaper bag, my radio face (not the radio), and various CDs. They even took all the change in my cup holders. Talk about desperate.

Theives are low-lifes. I feel like waiting up some night this week and see if they come back, because this has happened to my wife's car several times (come out in the morning and the glove compartment is rifled through... luckily she keeps nothing of value in her car).


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Due to loading my organ in and out of the van repeatedly, the side door on my Plymouth does not lock automatically. I almost always lock it manually when I get out of the car, but last night I must've forgot. This morning I go out to the car to put some leftover tile in the back and my side door is open (it's been raining all night) and a bunch of my stuff is gone, including my daughter's diaper bag, my radio face (not the radio), and various CDs. They even took all the change in my cup holders. Talk about desperate.

Theives are low-lifes. I feel like waiting up some night this week and see if they come back, because this has happened to my wife's car several times (come out in the morning and the glove compartment is rifled through... luckily she keeps nothing of value in her car).


That sucks, Jim.

Thieves suck.

Edited by connoisseur series500
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Update: I went outside again and noticed some of my papers strewn about the alley (mainly directions to various gigs) and about 100 yards down the alley I found a bunch of my stuff discarded, including the radio face (thankfully!) and some soaking wet CDs. I'm assuming somebody was coming down the alley and the theif or theives got spooked, dropped the shit, and ran. Probably a bunch of kids.

I am going to do a stake-out one of these nights and scare the living fuck out of them.

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Late in the night a while back, I heard someone breaking

into the neighbor's big fancy Lexus.

I moved closer to the open window and said in a firm (but not loud)

voice, "Quick honey! Get the gun!"

All I saw then was a quick blur of a sprinting figure.

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About 15 years ago I was living in a 3rd floor walk up. My bedroom faced the street and I would often park my car right in front of the building. My car had been broken into a few times - so I had stopped locking the doors to keep my windows from being smashed. One night I heard some noise and I looked out to see someone going through my car. The guy had entered from the driver's side door and was laid out on the front seat trying to reach into the glove compartment on the passenger side. I had recently returned from a road trip down South and had acquired an arsenal of fireworks. I grabbed a couple of M-80's, twisted the fuses together, lit them, and tossed them out the window. They landed about a foot away from the car. 5 seconds later..... KA-BOOM!!! The guy bounced about a foot in the air(remember, he was totally horizontal at that point), fell out of the car, and ran off down the street. I went down to shut the car door and found one of the guys's sneakers next to the car. I never had another car break-in problem after that. ;)

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Most thieves are dope fiends, and they steal what they can easily pawn for cash to feed their addiction (crack, heroin, meth). I had a friend have someone clean out his living room of a massive DVD collection--leaving his ridiculously expensive audio/video system where it was.

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I park my car in my driveway next to the house. Several years ago I was awakened in the middle of the night by the police who had received a call from my neighbor that someone had smashed the window and broken into my car. The cops caught the prick in the act and had him in handcuffs. Unfortunately they wouldn't let me at him. :angry: Needless to say, I was very grateful to my neighbor, and fortunately I lost nothing - had to get the window replaced but insurance covered it.

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I had my Audi stolen in broad daylight from a manned U.S. Senate Parking lot located about 100 yards from the Senate Bldgs (not some far off parking annex). Turns out the guy wasn't so swift after all -- he made an effort to disguise things a bit by covering up one of my bumper stickers w/one from his favorite D.C. radio stations......but then he left the plates on. Capitol Hill cops nailed him 16 blocks away when he parked it outside of his rowhouse. :crazy:

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Years ago (perhaps 1982 or '83) I was in Manhattan with a friend. We were in Tower records. I came out to my car and turned to wait on my buddy to come out of the store. When I turned back around towards the car, I noticed the trunk was now open!

I walked around to the back of my car and saw a barefooted, shirtless druggie rifling through my trunk. And this was in the middle of the day, with people walking down the sidewalk, oblivious - or not particularly caring what was going on.

Too stunned to think of the right way to react, I asked him what the hell he was doing. He had an old pair of of my sneakers and my tennis racket in his hands. He dropped everything and ran off. I just let him go, but I considered calling him back to give him the shoes!

Funny thing is, he left his break in tool, a screwdriver.

You are correct. Thieves DO suck.

Edited by slide_advantage_redoux
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It's just a drag because this neighborhood is really starting to get better, but just a few days ago I saw that someone spray-painted the big, brick markers that stand as a gateway to the park (and thus have been there for 110+ years) and it just makes me think, "Why?" Kinda like when someone tagged the elementary school across the street a few months ago. It takes a big man to tag an elementary school.

It's just fucking lame.

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Some scumbag stole my bike from right out of my garage. That kind of pisses me off every time I think about it. Ah, the joys of city living.

Happened to me in 1970. A nice 10-speed my Dad had given me as a birthday gift... never got over that.

At home, we always park our cars in a closed garage or on the driveway up behind the house (with our german shepherd nearby). The one time I remember parking one of our cars on the street overnight, it was broken into... and we live in a relatively good area. <_< That was about 15 years ago. I have to give the scumbag some credit, though. He did it on the night of the 4th of July, and I don't think anybody noticed the sound of the window breaking.

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Some scumbag stole my bike from right out of my garage. That kind of pisses me off every time I think about it. Ah, the joys of city living.

It's not limited to city living... my brother had an 18 foot Coleman canoe stolen from his garage in the boonies of New Hampshire. This was not an easy theft! The sucker weighed a ton.

Theivery is why I now try to limit my car listening CDs to CD-Rs. Everything portable in my car is replaceable.

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Theivery is why I now try to limit my car listening CDs to CD-Rs. Everything portable in my car is replaceable.

Forgot to mention... I learned that lesson as well. The CD's that were stolen from our car that night were not easily replaceable.

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I feel your pain Jim. Back in the mid-nineties I was living and attending college in Olympia, WA. During the Christmas holiday I headed back east to visit my folks in Metro Detroit. On my return back to Olympia, which took 11 hours (cheapest flight I could afford), I came home to discover my apartment completely ransacked and nearly everything I own GONE! I'm talking LP's, CD's, television, stereo receiver, turntable, 35mm SLR, guitar, amp...the list goes on. The worst thing was that I had no renters insurance and an inept police department working on the investigation. My world was destroyed. I felt violated in the worst way. Everything I had worked so long and hard to acquire was gone. I had to start from scratch. I later found out (the landlord tipped me off) that the purp was a scumbag junky who lived a couple of doors down. I told the police about this guy and they did nothing.

The only bright note in this story is that for some reason the mofo's who robbed me didn't touch my Jazz CD/LP collection. At the time, I had a modest assortment of stuff that they decided they were interested in. It was strange to find the place almost empty with only my Jazz collection strewn across the floor.

Needless to say, this is still an emotional thing for me. I’m still very bitter. In the past I’ve had a bike stolen, and my car window smashed (to steal my radio) but nothing compares to this.

I hope you find the pile of shit that broke into your car.

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So I just remembered that I took my Sony digital camera to Chicago this weekend and had not taken it out of the car yet. That explains why the thief (or thieves) dropped everything else.

It's an old model, probably not too many around. I'll call the pawn shops tomorrow and see if anyone brought one in. It's got a bunch of pictures of my kitchen remodel (in various stages), some nice pictures of the band from various gigs, pictures of Zora from months ago. Not priceless stuff by any means, but it would hurt to lose those.

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I feel like waiting up some night this week and see if they come back, because this has happened to my wife's car several times (come out in the morning and the glove compartment is rifled through... luckily she keeps nothing of value in her car).

When I was a kid my mother had an early 1980's Monte Carlo and it was stolen more times then I can count. The routine became that she would always pick it up from the impound lot. then have a new steering column put in it, and then a few months or a year later the whole thing would start all over again.

When my brother was in his early twenties, she gave the car to him. Of course, the same thing kept happening and my brother started getting really pissed off. Finally, he refused to put a new steering column in the car and decided that he was going to stay up nights scoping out the car at night until he caught this guy. Sure enough, a few weeks later the idiot came back again to steel the car. My brother cornered the guy, scared the living sh#t out of the guy, and held him until the police came. The police ended up letting the idiot go, but he was too scared to mess with the car again.

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I lived in the town of Brawley,California which had a high(no pun intended)rate of heroin addicts. I had my car parked behind the radio station where I worked and one night when I went to it I discovered the window smashed and a box of casette tapes and a pair of sunglasses gone. I just assumed that the junkie took the tapes in the hope of getting something to pawn but since they were blues and jazz tapes I doubt that they got anything and probably dropped the tapes in a dumpster somewhere.

Another time I parked the car right underneath my apartment and while I was sleeping a junkie helped himself to my pull out stereo. I left the car window open which was admittedly a stupid thing to do but at least the assbite didn't break the window. Thieves suck and junkies are the lowest of the low. :angry:

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I feel your pain Jim. Back in the mid-nineties I was living and attending college in Olympia, WA. During the Christmas holiday I headed back east to visit my folks in Metro Detroit. On my return back to Olympia, which took 11 hours (cheapest flight I could afford), I came home to discover my apartment completely ransacked and nearly everything I own GONE! .... The only bright note in this story is that for some reason the mofo's who robbed me didn't touch my Jazz CD/LP collection. At the time, I had a modest assortment of stuff that they decided they were interested in. It was strange to find the place almost empty with only my Jazz collection strewn across the floor.

I had a similar experience while in college in the late 70's. I came back after spending Thanksgiving with my folks to discover almost everything in my apartment was stolen. They stole all my stereo gear, and all my cassettes too, but they left the LPs. (too heavy I suppose). The only LP that I lost was a JJ side. I saved the jacket for posterity sake...I still have it.


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  • 3 months later...


As I was pulling up to my house after tonight's gig, I see two kids running around the side of it. As soon as they see me, they instantly stop running and start walking calmly down the sidewalk ... like "Ho de hum, pay no attention to us". I pull my car up to my garage and notice the motion light I installed a few weeks ago is on. It only turns on once you get to my property line (basically, up to one of our cars) so I know the fuckers were back there.

So I park my van and sneak around the side of my house. I see the two kids rifling through my neighbors car. They have a flashlight and backpacks. They get done with that car and check his other one. I yell out, "Is that your car?" They look up and just start walking away, again towards the sidewalk, not saying a word. I walk over to them and say "Are you the little fuckers that stole my digital camera a few months ago?" One of them says, "I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I say, "I bet you don't. Better run, I'm calling the cops." and I start dialing the police department on my cell phone as I watch them head into the neighborhood.

I got a really good visual of both of them. I would say they were in the early teens... no older than 15 or 16. I called the police and an officer came by while another is patrolling the neighborhood. I hope they find the little shits.

Makes me want to put a close-circuit camera on my garage.

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