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"Queer Eye For The Straight Guy"

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OK, I should be practicing, writing tunes, doing something more constructive w/my time than surfing cable, but here I am watching this show. Yes, it's part of a current trend of this type of show (the make-over shows like Trading Spaces and While You Were Out combined with the current media "Will and Grace" bandwagon), and is exploitive and stereotypical in many ways, but so help me, I can't......tear.....myself.....away (Shatner moment). I think I'm attracted partially because my wife and I are getting ready to buy a house and this makeover stuff is interesting. Or maybe I'm just gay. :o

If these guys ever had to deal with me they'd just have to pack it in (no pun intended) and give up.

I'm sure this is not everyone's cup of tea, what do you think? I'm sure it will run its course and disappear like most TV fads. In the meantime............... :rolleyes:

Edited by Free For All
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The show is fun and addictive. I watched an episode with my wife and laughed pretty hard. Very entertaining.

BUT... the show is based on extreme stereotypes. I just wonder if a show like this would exist called "Black Eye For The White Guy" whereupon five black dudes take a straight-laced suburban guy and hip-hop-hiphy (that last part rhymes with "eye"... how would you spell that?) him. You know... get him some street creds... represent. You kno' what I'm sayin?

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I just wonder if a show like this would exist called "Black Eye For The White Guy" whereupon five black dudes take a straight-laced suburban guy and hip-hop-hiphy (that last part rhymes with "eye"... how would you spell that?) him. 

Is that how Vanilla Ice got his start?

P.S., maybe "hip hopify"?

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This show is really funny---and I've learned a lot about fashion, too!!

However, I'd like to see the guys help a 65 year old become a bit more hip. Or someone who is fairly obese. If the show is focused solely on getting 20-30 somethings to look more dashing and clubby, then it will lose its appeal quickly and become stale. The show would be much more interesting if the guys challenged themselves with unconventional clientele.

I think there should be a show where a bunch of jazz fans give a harsh schoolin' to a person whose musical tastes are questionable. Celine Dijon could stand to lose a lot of fans!

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My wife and I have been watching this as well, since it first started. We haven't watched every minute of every episode, but it's been on in the room every time it's shown (I think there have been 4 episodes total).

Fun show. The main blond 'fashion' guy (he seems kind of like the leader of "The Fab Five"), is pretty annoying at times. NOT because he's so flamboyant, but just cuz he runs his mouth 24/7 -- but then what drama-queens (of any gender) don't talk constantly. My wife and I are both introverts (her a little more so than me), so people who are THAT extroverted almost always start to get on our nerves eventually. (And the flamboyant blond guy annoys me far less than your stereotypical straight but extroverted “used-car-salesmen” type, any day.)

My wife and I have various friends that are gay (and some that are lesbian too), so it's been interesting to see the show on a number of levels. I agree that it mostly plays to stereotypes, and all the straight guys on the show end up looking like they're from West Hollywood or something (particularly the apartment make-overs).

Still, there's a little bit of real drama, like the first guy who was having his first real "gallery opening"/"big-time art show", which was cool. And last night's guy proposed to his girlfriend of two years, which was sweet. But then last week's guy wanted his girlfriend to move in with him, and we just thought she was a real bitch (a term I seldom use when describing women, I might add - but this gal really was one).

Fun show, and different. :tup

Also, I gather there's a gay version of "The Bachelor" on right before "Queer Eye" - with the twist that some of the potential matches are actually straight guys pretending to be gay. We only saw the last 2 minutes of it last night, and it looked like a trippy show. Might try to catch it next week, maybe.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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