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I don't care much for recurring dreams because they generally aren't pleasant.In the past I used to dream about nuclear war but I haven't had one of those in a while fortunately. Other recurring dreams I've had involved plane crashes and encounters with my late grandmother . I generally wake up from those feeling very tired.

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I don't care much for recurring dreams because they generally aren't pleasant.In the past I used to dream about nuclear war but I haven't had one of those in a while fortunately.

That is really weird Chris as I was just thinking of posting and I wasn't sure where to start with mine!!!

A few years ago the nuclear war thing was quite common with me. I live in the countryside and from my bedroom window I can see a fair few miles to the east. The dream goes like this. My wife is at work and I'm alone with my son. She has to drive 20 miles to the east, near a large industrial area.

When the warning comes it isn't long before a large mushroom rises in that direction and we brace oursleves for the worst. Then it ends. Same scenario everytime.

At about the same time, I started getting another recurring one.

I ride a bike, 'serious' for a few years. This one dream I am on my bike alone training in a part of the world I rarely visited when out training, a coastal resort about 50 miles away.

I hit some steep hills and grind away. The speed drops to such a point where I either have to get off completely because all forward motion is lost. Or my feet start pulling up off the pedal cleats (sometimes the uppers on the shoe come away from the sole).

Other times I suddenly find myself without any shoes on and my feet 'claw' over the pedals and I continue to plod on in agony.

All of these dreams seem to suggest a total lack of control: over evnts globally and personally.

During therapy following a road accident 3 years ago I spoke to the psychotherapist about one or two more 'sinister' ones in which my son was killed (in various ways) --- he was 2 weeks old at the time of the RTA.

She said all of the above do suggest powerlessness compared to pre-accident when I felt very much to the contrary --- in control.

BTW. Dreaming of things coming out of the mouth; ie. hair growing in between teeth etc. is often said to represent the fact that creepy crawlies may 'visit' during the night. Nice....


I've had one of these things, It was where i would find an apple on the ground then pick it up and procede to eat it. What would happen though was when my teeth first contactd the apple my teeth would shatter instantly. I would usually then wake up and check that all my teeth are still intact. Werid stuff.


This is silly, but I had one of my recurring dreams last night (it must have been this thread that triggered it). :P

My dream is that I find out that I never really finished high school and I have to go back for a semester. But the bad part is that I have to go back at my age now (35). I hate that dream. I always wake up feeling so old.

That's as bad as my dreams get, so I consider myself lucky. B)


Tony M that dream that you posted about things in your mouth reminded me of a hideous nightmare I had. A few years ago I was laying in the hospital after major surgery and I was taking morphine for the pain. During one of the rare times that I actually slept I had a dream where I was having to pick huge shards of glass out of my tounge. After that I stopped the Morphine and the sequences of nightmares that resulted from it's use also stopped.

Posted (edited)

This is silly, but I had one of my recurring dreams last night (it must have been this thread that triggered it).  :P

My dream is that I find out that I never really finished high school and I have to go back for a semester. But the bad part is that I have to go back at my age now (35). I hate that dream. I always wake up feeling so old.

That's as bad as my dreams get, so I consider myself lucky.  B)

I have a recurring dream similar to that. One scenario is that I'm actually back in high school; it's time for finals, and I realize that I've *forgotten* to take one particular course (usually math). Obvious stress ensues yada yada.

Another school-related dream is that I cannot find my locker or remember the combination to the lock and the *late bell* is about to ring, and I just keep searching down these circuitous halls always ending up where I started.

Then there's the one where I move away and forget to take my dog and don't realize it until about a year later. That one is especially vivid and bothersome.

The flying dreams are particularly fun.

Edited by rachel

The flying dreams are particularly fun.

Hmmmm...not sure if I agree! (see my "flying" dreams above). Do you mean flying, like a bird, or flying in a plane?

My terrifying dreams are flying in a plane... :( don't know what it all means... :unsure:


Oops, sorry; I mean the ones where I'm flying (like a bird). Or I've dreamt that suddenly I have the ability to fly a plane. I've never had a dream like yours. :blink:


I'm glad you haven't!!! Actually, it wasn't that terrifying...I distinctly remember being impressed at the pilot's ability to maneuver a 737 in a parking garage. :o Sometimes I can't even maneuver my CAR in a parking garage!!! :lol: I'm still trying to figure it out, though.

I have had a personally flying dream (it was after I saw the first Harry Potter film, go figure :rolleyes: ) and it was the best!


I had a dream last week that George Russell stopped off at my house on a Saturday due to car trouble. All he wanted to do was talk baseball. I went to the grocery store to get something to cook, and when I came back, he was gone.

Too weird.

it would have been stranger if it was George Shearing! :P


I keep having dreams about suddenly realizing that I'm supposed to be on a plane to Japan (or America) and that I have to make a mad dash to get things in order (passports, prepaying utilities/paying hotel bill, etc...) before leaving. I think it has to do with guilt over procrastination regarding household duties (yeah, my house looks like a house on COPS). The reason the destination is Japan (or vice-versa) is that I used to travel to Japan for months at a time and being on my own, if I didn't have my ducks in a row before I left I could come home to a foreclosed house, shut off utilities, etc...

As a kid, I would classify a nightmare as a dream that involved monsters :alien:. But now they involve something like losing my job, letting a Mosaic slip by me - the real stuff of nightmares.


The *airplane-flying-in-parking-garage* theme almost sounds like something that could written for the TV show "Alias".

I agree that most of my nightmares as an adult involve situations that are extremely harrowing yet entirely plausible, which is what makes them terrifying.

I had the *back-in-school* dream again last night... only this time instead of forgetting where my locker is, I forgot to log off the computer and all my personal stuff suddenly became this huge Power Point presentation for the entire student body. The majority of the dream involved me trying to make my way back to the room where I was logged on and the scenarios that prevented me from getting there. I woke up exhausted.


My dream is that I find out that I never really finished high school and I have to go back for a semester. But the bad part is that I have to go back at my age now (35). I hate that dream. I always wake up feeling so old.

Same here. Used to have that dream a lot. It always involved not taking a particular class, resulting in no diploma, nullification of college degree, and so on. Sounds stupid, but in the dream it makes sense. Must have something to do with unfinished business.

The strange thing is, whenever I dream about high school or college the buildings and campus are nothing like where I went or have ever been. But it's always the same buildings no matter what the dream - like the dream buildings are my subconscious image of the real ones. Add airport, hotel, railway station and movie theater to that list too.

It's the Reincarnation of Peter Proud all over again. :huh:


I had a dream last week that George Russell stopped off at my house on a Saturday due to car trouble. All he wanted to do was talk baseball. I went to the grocery store to get something to cook, and when I came back, he was gone.

Too weird.

it would have been stranger if it was George Shearing! :P

Stranger still if he had wanted to PLAY baseball...


B3-er, were you freaked out in your dream when you realized you were pregnant? or did it seem normal?

Also, did you awaken in a cold sweat thinking that you might have had to give birth. I don't think most men could do it. ^_^


No, it seemed perfectly normal. No one was the least bit surprised.

That dream was right after one in which my dad, my brother and I were fighting off these weird intruders at our old house... I think they were aliens of some kind. My dad locked us in the basement and we had to stay perfectly quiet the whole time but unfortunately they got him and starting breaking into the basement, so then we had to fuck them up.

We had those big two-handed sword thingies that the Klingons from Star Trek use.

I have no idea where that dream came from.

I also remember at some point in the dream looking outside the window (it was night) and there were all these explosions rippling towards the house. It was wild.


.... so then we had to fuck them up.

We had those big two-handed sword thingies that the Klingons from Star Trek use. 


Weren' you really big into video games back in the day? hmmmm....


My weird dreams are fairly common anxiety-related themes. In one I've signed up for a difficult class that I need to graduate and forget to go all semester and have to take the final cold.

In another I'm in some kind of a play (never been an actor) getting ready to go on and I have NO idea what any of my lines are.

In another I'm trying to get ready for a gig and can't seem to get it together. Can't find my pants, forgot to shower, keep leaving and have to go back for my axe, etc.

I do have a couple of really cool recurring dreams, though.

In the first, I get to talk to my mom (who passed in '94) and am absolutely overwhelmed with joy, which sometimes continues for a while after I wake up. No sadness, just total bliss. I'm totally aware in the dream that she has passed away and I'm getting some kind of gift by getting to talk to her. Man, I wish I could have that dream every night!

In the other one I'm playing a gig and for some reason everything is clicking perfectly. Good rhythm section and I'm TOTALLY focused- everything I can even vaguely conceive immediately comes out with no effort. Total Zen. Like you're driving and just let go of the wheel and the car stays on course. I'm thinking way ahead of what I'm playing and it's like the world is in slow motion. Now when I wake up I'm always a little disappointed it was just a dream, but it's also exhilarating that something like that exists in my subconscious- to me it means that if I can dream it, maybe at some point I'll be able to really experience it on a regular basis.

On a few occasions (in real life) I've been in a similar circumstance where things are clicking,but I often blow the Zen moment by thinking "Hey, I'm really playing great!" >POOF<! It's gone because I acknowledged it. I really believe in the Zen concept of not getting wrapped up in extreme highs and lows. It's a good way to deal with maintaining optimism on a bad day and humility on a good day. I used to make myself crazy by over-analyzing every performance and reliving every bad moment. Once I stopped "punishing" myself for mistakes, I immediately started making fewer mistakes. Letting go of what you can't change is the way to go.


I had a dream last week that George Russell stopped off at my house on a Saturday due to car trouble. All he wanted to do was talk baseball. I went to the grocery store to get something to cook, and when I came back, he was gone.

Too weird.

it would have been stranger if it was George Shearing! :P

Stranger still if he had wanted to PLAY baseball...


Posted (edited)

On a few occasions (in real life) I've been in a similar circumstance where things are clicking,but I often blow the Zen moment by thinking "Hey, I'm really playing great!" >POOF<!  It's gone because I acknowledged it.

Often expressed as, "Here I am, wasn't I!" ^_^

I've had a couple of dreams where I was watching a band play, either at a club or a big festival, and after a little bit, the guitarist steps up to solo. All three times it's been an older man, late 60's or so. He starts to play, and it's the most beautiful guitar music I've ever heard. Awesome tone, perfect melodies, exciting rhythms. And it just keeps building. Then I wake up. I think these dreams are telling me to persevere. We have this idea in our culture that if you haven't "made it" by a particular age, then you might as well quit. I feel like this dream says, "Screw that! The best is yet to come!"

Edited by Joe G

Your dream Joe reminds me of one I had a few times about 7 or 8 years ago before I took the plunge and had formal sax lessons.

I had briefly attempted sax in school at about 12 but it didn't last long for various reasons.

Just before I rented a sax I had been a jazz fan for a few years and in the dream I remember putting the mouthpiece in and my fingers 'floating' over the keys producing a carbon copy Giant Steps solo.

Funny thing is, it must have been 13 or 14 years since I had last held a sax but the 'taste' of the reed and the mustiness of the instrument seemed so familiar, even down to the smell of the case (those school horns must have been a bit on the funky side!).

Ironically, I haven't yet been able to play that solo -- or any Trane solos for that matter :(

  • 3 months later...

I had a weird (jazz-related!) dream last night. In the dream, I go to the local supermarket and buy the latest Jackie McLean RVG reissue, The Cookie Bag. (In the real, conscious world, I just picked up the RVG of Jackie's Bag.) Like its real world dopplegange, The Cookie Bag is made up of two sessions, one from 1961. Except the trumpeter has a Scandinavian name I don't recognize.

Anyway, I'm leafing through the liner notes (no Bob B, as far as I remember) and one of the writers reminisces about a symposium he went to attended by a bunch of jazz luminaries, including Chick Corea, Hawk, Coltrane, and Michael Cuscuna (other names I don't remember). Initially I think this took place recently, but then I see Hawk's name and realize this must have taken place in the 60s.

So at this symposium, young Mr. Corea starts describing what he thinks (prophetically) the future of jazz will look like. Michael Cuscuna bitches him out for talking nonsense, but then Hawk steps in to cover for Chick and puts Cuscuna in his place. And then Trane does too.

I don't remember the rest of the dream.


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