Templejazz Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 (edited) Ok, I've had several strange dreams over the past several years. Lemme share one that pops up every few months or so. The dream begins with an unnamed bunch of people and I (probably family members) are riding in a car just as it leaves land to turn onto a series of slightly elevated one direction, single lane roads completely surrounded by water, almost like a very low, flat bridge. All you can see around you is water everywhere. In the horizon about 4 miles away is an extremely large, HIGH bridge which extends into the clouds. As we're driving on the road, I dread the real high bridge way before we get there. After turning a couple times on the road, which, remember is completely surrounded on all sides by water, we turn one last time onto a long stretch of road and start to speed up. We speed up because at several spots in the road upcoming there are complete sections missing, about 3 of them, each about 15-20 feet long. We speed up and jump the missing sections and soon afterwards start to climb the large, high suspension bridge. The dream as I have it will end either on the first or second jump over the missing sections. That's when our car plunges into the water and I wake up all freaky like. Other times we will make the jumps and start to climb the bridge. The experience climbing the bridge isn't unlike the climb of a very, VERY steep rollercoaster, which usually gives me a thrill, except in this particular instance the climb is FOREVER and when I mean steep, I mean almost vertical, in a car, no less. Some times the dream will end up there cuz I can take the vertical climb and it actually starts to physically hurt. Other times when I have the dream, we will make it AALLLL the way past there and then we'll start to descend, which is the classic "falling" dream, except in a car. WEIRD huh?? Whaddya think? And have any dreams really taken you for a ride lately? Edited July 29, 2003 by Templejazz Quote
Alexander Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 I actually have never had a recurring dream. I don't remember my dreams, most of the time, however. I will, however, sometimes have a recurring THEME in a dream. There was a period, for example, where I found myself apologizing to somebody I had hurt (in real life) in various dreams for a period of several months. When I finally ran into the person, and apologized in real life, the dreams stopped. This is what Freud called "Wish Fulfillment". Quote
catesta Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 (edited) This isn't really a dream, but I am often awakened at night by the sounds of my cell phone ringing, and or,nextel radio chirping, only to find out neither one has gone off. Edited July 29, 2003 by catesta Quote
Peter Johnson Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 Had, vividly, a dream that recurs every couple of months or so. I'd love some interpretation from those who do such things. It's always a near airplane crash. One of two things: A sharp bank, serious loss of altitude, and bare recovery tens of feet off the ground; -OR- Taking off out of O'Hare, approaching the city, can't get airborne, headed straight for a skyscraper, and the plane pulls up and out of trouble at the last second! Both dreams are excruciatingly vivid, together with sounds, sights and smells. Here's the kicker; I'm not afraid of flying (in fact, I love it); and I've never been in a plane accident. Anyone have any ideas? Quote
Alexander Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 Had, vividly, a dream that recurs every couple of months or so. I'd love some interpretation from those who do such things. It's always a near airplane crash. One of two things: A sharp bank, serious loss of altitude, and bare recovery tens of feet off the ground; -OR- Taking off out of O'Hare, approaching the city, can't get airborne, headed straight for a skyscraper, and the plane pulls up and out of trouble at the last second! Both dreams are excruciatingly vivid, together with sounds, sights and smells. Here's the kicker; I'm not afraid of flying (in fact, I love it); and I've never been in a plane accident. Anyone have any ideas? Do you fly frequently? If you do, your unconcious mind might be working out some anxiety you don't even know you have. My view is the dreams are usually the mind's way of working out problems that we're not aware we have. Quote
Peter Johnson Posted July 29, 2003 Report Posted July 29, 2003 Not really, Alexander--maybe two-four times a year; never for business. But most of my trips are either transcontinental (Philly-Seattle nonstop) or transatlantic. And I've only flown out of O'Hare a handful of times! I will say that I have become a bit more jittery since I started flying into Philly (about two years now); the pilots have a habit of doing tight banked circles around downtown and over the Delaware! I'm sure there's some kind of interpretation, like "the plane represents your parents, and the saftey net you left behind when you went to college," or whatever--but I can't put my finger on a specific anxiety... Quote
Big Al Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 I routinely have dreams that I've flown to New York. Strange, since I've never been there and, outside of wanting to meet Bored members who live in and around there, have never had any real desire to go there. Had one last night, in fact. Quote
Soul Stream Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 The day after my father died, I had a "waking" dream that was as real as being awake. I woke up, and was startled by my father sitting on my bedside. He didn't say anything. Just then, the closet door opened and out walked a dark figure that sat on the other side of my bed. The dark figure then proceeded to tell me the death order of myself and my brothers and sisters. The order was... 1.Myself-first to die 2.My olderst sister second to die 3.My brother third to die 4.My youngest sister fourth to die 5.My second to oldest sister fifth to die I've never told anybody about that dream until now, but I sometimes wonder if that death order will come true. Of course, being the first to go I guess I'll never know if it does. Quote
Jim Alfredson Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 That's pretty spooky, Soul Stream. <shudder> I used to have re-occuring dreams when I was a kid, but I don't anymore. I remember three of them pretty well. 1) The classic falling down the stairs dream. I would dream that I was at the top of the staircase. The house I grew up in was a small farm house. By small I mean two bedroom. There were nine of us altogether in that house (7 kids, 2 parents). My brother and I shared a "room" at the top of the staircase. It was basically the landing of the staircase. You had to walk thru our "room" to get to my sister's room (3 older sisters shared the same room) and the only bathroom in the house. Anyway, I would dream that I would be at the top of the staircase and I would fall down and when I woke up I'd be on the ground (I slept on the top bunk at the time). My dad got sick of hearing my tumble out of bed and was worried I would break something (I broke my collar bone four times, but not by falling out of bed). So one night he told me that if I tried hard enough, I could control my dreams and not fall down the staircase. So sure enough I went to bed and had the dream and I remembered what he said and I started to fall and then realized I didn't have to fall down the stairs and instead willed myself to fly. I flew right down the stairs, into the living room where my older sisters and my parents were watching TV, and right out the door! It seemed real, too. Which leads to my next dream. 2) After I learned to control my dreams (with varying degrees of success) I stopped having the falling dream and starting flying around. Sometimes I couldn't control the dreams, but sometimes I could and I remember I used to have a dream where I was out in the middle of our yard (we had about 10 acres) to the west side of the house. I was just standing there and I realized I was dreaming. It was a beautiful summer night, just at twilight. I though to myself, "Man, I'm dreaming... I wonder if I can make myself fly..." So I concentrated and I just lifted straight up into the air. I could see the top of the trees, the roof of the house, the roof of the barn, everything. And it seemed SO real. I flew around a bit and came back down and I used to have that dream all the time. I would just fly around our yard and I could see everything. I never left the yard, though... 3) We had a huge pile of rocks in our backyard. When my father moved into the house, the yard had been used as a trash dump by all the locals. There was everything imaginable in the yard. Appliances, cars, trash, and lots of rocks from the farmer who tilled the fields. He would dump them every year into the yard because the house was deserted. So my dad collected them all and made a huge pile. One of the rocks was enormous and was near the pile. No one could move it for obvious reasons. I used to dream that I managed to shove it aside and underneath was a tunnel. I'd go down the tunnel and eventually come out into a doll house, but of course I was the same size as the dolls that occupied it. After going thru door after door I realized in the dream that is was the dollhouse at my grandma's house that she kept in the corner bedroom (for real). Once I realized this I would look out the window and see my family at my grandma's house having a party (usually Christmas... I usually had the dream in the winter). I would think, "Crap, they're going to open presents without me!" so I would race through the dollhouse trying to find a way out and eventually get back to the tunnel and up into the real world again. And I'd wake up. I had that dream at least a 1,000 times when I was kid. Weird. Quote
Soul Stream Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 Dreams are great. I usually enjoy them, good or bad, because they are just such a wierd phenom. It's like being in a movie. Anyway, great dreams B3-er. Also, I had a penchant for breaking my collar bone when I was a kid. Not 4 times, but 2. Maybe it's an organ player thing! Also, I'm from a family of 5, you're from 7....hey this is getting strange! Quote
Noj Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 Soulstream's dream sounds like an amazing experience, despite being spooky as hell! I have a recurring dream that I am running (location changes dream to dream), and suddenly I can pick up my feet and just float a small distance off the ground for great distances. Very realistic sensation. As I mentioned in another thread, I have had a recurring cigarette-smoking theme in various dreams after quitting several years ago. I had a very strange dream once that has stuck with me: I'm in a swamp at night in water up to my knees plodding along for no apparent reason. I can see civilization through the trees, the lights of a road and a gas station in the distance. It's super dark, as during a new moon. I trudge into deeper water until completely submerged and there no longer seems to be a bottom to the swamp. I drift downward in pitch blackness. Suddenly there are these glowing scorpion-like creatures in the water with me, one of which stings me on the palm. The sting jerks me awake. Quote
Rooster_Ties Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 I'm dreaming about Andrew Hill's "Passing Ships" right now!!! B) Quote
Templejazz Posted July 30, 2003 Author Report Posted July 30, 2003 (edited) That's pretty crazy Jim. I've had similar experiences with the flying and have, to some extent been able to control some of my dreams. Not often though. Every few months I'll realize I'm having a dream and gain control of my own body and things will become clear. Other times I have been able to track my sleeping patterns and catch a dream just as it starts. IOW, many people fall asleep and then dream, and wake up, with no recollection of ever falling asleep. I have been able to grasp that exact moment where I fall into a dream and to some extent retain consciousness into the dream, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Listen to this dream I had about 6 months ago. I remember it vividly only because it was very long and it had several identifying parts.... It begins with my friend Mike and I strolling around my home neighborhood (standard suburban flavor, twin-houses, trees, front and backyard) We come upon a patch of forest which is part of the nearby baseball field. We're up for some adventure and decide to head into the forest. After making our way through bushes and trees for a little while, we come to a complete clearing and find ourselves in front of a huge cave which extends as far to the right and left of us as we can see. The door to the cave is closed and right in front is a parking meter which accepts only dimes from the year 1974. Mike and I look at each other shaking our heads. He fishes in his pocket and finds a dime with the year and puts it in the meter. The door to cave opens. We go inside and its real warm, with a glow from candles on the wall. It's a roomy cave, kinda long, with a big treasure chest not far away from where we entered. We open the treasure chest and there is a neat looking vial of some kind of oil which smells of sandalwood. There are instructions telling us to rub the oil on our temples. Confusinly, we do so and out of nowhere these weird black cats appear. Three of them, meowing, playing with each other and doing weird stuff. We watch them for a bit and then the cats notice us and run to the other side of the cave where this door magically opens up. We have no choice but to follow. The cave opens up right onto a real wide street, with houses real far to the left and right, almost like a residential community. The skies are real gray and it's snowing and there are lamp post every 20 yards or so on both sides and they are lit. After walking for a few minutes, the street starts to slant upwards and into forest treetops. We go up and find a city of these flying folk called sprites. We stay up there for a while and learn about the place. The city is divided into separate sections named for mythological Greek cities, Crete, Argolis, etc. While up there we learn that ghosts from many figures reside on many of the different sections. I remember seeing Miles and Bird up there along with Duke Ellington who was playing with his band at some point. The city had strict rules. You could only leave your specified section at certain points of the day and if you tried to leave to another section, the gods would get angry and there would be a deafening rumbling that would get louder until something terrible happened. I remember leaving back to my neighborhood with my friend Mike and we wanted to tell people about this place. Along the way we met some Temple music friends of mine who were up there and they asked me if I saw Dizzy and Art Blakey. I told them I missed them this time around. The next thing I know, we went back with my good friend Ed, who is a very unique individual, he loves 80's metal, wears leather, spikes and has a huge afro. We bring him up there and the last thing I remember before my alarm went off is my friend Mike and I standing at the bottom of the ramp into the treetops and my friend Ed is air guitarring his way down from the city. WTF was THAT one all about?? I told my friend Mike, who is a film major and a pretty good director. He said he was gonna write it into one of his scripts Edited July 30, 2003 by Templejazz Quote
JSngry Posted July 30, 2003 Report Posted July 30, 2003 I had a dream last week that George Russell stopped off at my house on a Saturday due to car trouble. All he wanted to do was talk baseball. I went to the grocery store to get something to cook, and when I came back, he was gone. Too weird. Quote
connoisseur series500 Posted July 31, 2003 Report Posted July 31, 2003 That's pretty crazy Jim. I've had similar experiences with the flying and have, to some extent been able to control some of my dreams. Not often though. Every few months I'll realize I'm having a dream and gain control of my own body and things will become clear. Other times I have been able to track my sleeping patterns and catch a dream just as it starts. IOW, many people fall asleep and then dream, and wake up, with no recollection of ever falling asleep. I have been able to grasp that exact moment where I fall into a dream and to some extent retain consciousness into the dream, if that makes any sense whatsoever. Listen to this dream I had about 6 months ago. I remember it vividly only because it was very long and it had several identifying parts.... It begins with my friend Mike and I strolling around my home neighborhood (standard suburban flavor, twin-houses, trees, front and backyard) We come upon a patch of forest which is part of the nearby baseball field. We're up for some adventure and decide to head into the forest. After making our way through bushes and trees for a little while, we come to a complete clearing and find ourselves in front of a huge cave which extends as far to the right and left of us as we can see. The door to the cave is closed and right in front is a parking meter which accepts only dimes from the year 1974. Mike and I look at each other shaking our heads. He fishes in his pocket and finds a dime with the year and puts it in the meter. The door to cave opens. We go inside and its real warm, with a glow from candles on the wall. It's a roomy cave, kinda long, with a big treasure chest not far away from where we entered. We open the treasure chest and there is a neat looking vial of some kind of oil which smells of sandalwood. There are instructions telling us to rub the oil on our temples. Confusinly, we do so and out of nowhere these weird black cats appear. Three of them, meowing, playing with each other and doing weird stuff. We watch them for a bit and then the cats notice us and run to the other side of the cave where this door magically opens up. We have no choice but to follow. The cave opens up right onto a real wide street, with houses real far to the left and right, almost like a residential community. The skies are real gray and it's snowing and there are lamp post every 20 yards or so on both sides and they are lit. After walking for a few minutes, the street starts to slant upwards and into forest treetops. We go up and find a city of these flying folk called sprites. We stay up there for a while and learn about the place. The city is divided into separate sections named for mythological Greek cities, Crete, Argolis, etc. While up there we learn that ghosts from many figures reside on many of the different sections. I remember seeing Miles and Bird up there along with Duke Ellington who was playing with his band at some point. The city had strict rules. You could only leave your specified section at certain points of the day and if you tried to leave to another section, the gods would get angry and there would be a deafening rumbling that would get louder until something terrible happened. I remember leaving back to my neighborhood with my friend Mike and we wanted to tell people about this place. Along the way we met some Temple music friends of mine who were up there and they asked me if I saw Dizzy and Art Blakey. I told them I missed them this time around. The next thing I know, we went back with my good friend Ed, who is a very unique individual, he loves 80's metal, wears leather, spikes and has a huge afro. We bring him up there and the last thing I remember before my alarm went off is my friend Mike and I standing at the bottom of the ramp into the treetops and my friend Ed is air guitarring his way down from the city. WTF was THAT one all about?? I told my friend Mike, who is a film major and a pretty good director. He said he was gonna write it into one of his scripts Chrst! At my age I'm still dreaming of chicks! Just kidding! Long past that actually. I don't have time to dream; no REM sleep. I'm awake it seems so quickly after I am asleep. Used to have recurring dreams when I was younger, and not in the declining stage of life. Quote
brownie Posted August 1, 2003 Report Posted August 1, 2003 I'm a bit like Catesta. I am awaken by the phone ringing, except my calls are real ones. From the head office alerting me to breaking newsstories. Like that beautiful Saturday night six years ago shortly after I had gone to sleep. It was Satuday, August 31, 1997. The voice on the other end was alerting me to a tip that Princess Diana was involved in a car crash 'somewhere in Paris'. No other details. The next hours were chaos and it took a couple of days before I could get back to sleep. Or the night when, oh! forget it... Quote
catesta Posted August 1, 2003 Report Posted August 1, 2003 Brownie, I get plenty of real ones. It's usually an alert of the alarm going off at my equipment yard. I think now my brain is programmed with the rings, it's very annoying when it's not real. Quote
Peter Johnson Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 Another airplane dream last night! This time I was on a 737 or A320, USAir (clearly remember that) flying into Philadelphia. One pilot (attractive female with blond hair; not sure it matters, but it's a detail I remember), no co- or radio operator; the cockpit was open, and I must have been in a bulkhead seat, because I could see into the cockpit and out the front windows. We were flying into Philadelphia and losing altitude, so we landed on the expressway that goes into/out of Philly from the east/west. We were taxiing on the expressway for a while, in traffic (stop and go for a while, then traffic sped up), and the pilot finally found an opening (I distinctly remember she was searching for either a) a place with no overhead wires, or B) a downhill to assist the speed and takeoff). We sped up, and successfully lifted off the expressway to fly the remaining few miles into Philadelphia. We approached the airport, came in for a landing, but couldn't decrease speed once on the ground, which was a problem because we were rapidly approaching a parking garage! Here's where it gets weird--the entrance to the parking garage was large enough to "swallow" the plane, so the pilot retracted the gear, lifted a bit, and flew in to the parking garage. I remember the plane's roof scraping the ceiling, but the pilot handled it, and we were literally flying around the INSIDE of this garage--up ramps, etc. Finally, we approached a big metal door, which opened instantly upon our approach. We flew through the door, stopped immediately, and all got off the plane and walked into the airport as if nothing had happened. WTF??? Anyone want to give interpreting THAT a shot? Quote
Joe G Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 That is wild. I'll consult the dream interpretation book I have at home and get back to you. Quote
scottb Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 Don't dream much anymore but when I was a kid I used to have this recurring dream about being at my grandmother's house and playing keep away with a set of keys. It was my family vs some very slow yet terrifying monsters. Quote
SGUD missile Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 I have a recurring dream where I'm running late to a gig, and I'm always trying to set up my drum set and play at the same time, the leader is glaring at me, and the drums keep falling apart, the cymbals fall off, or the pedals are too far away , etc etc .. I self-analyzed this as being an artifact from my past work life where I was always on sosme sort of deadline or another ,and was always worrying about being unprepared in some way .. I think I'll pass on telling you the other recurring dream.. involving Daisy Fuentes and the giant brandy snifter of whipped cream ... Quote
Jim Alfredson Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 I had a dream the other night similair to SGUD's. I dreamt that I arrived at a gig with my other band (the R&B band) and I was late so they were helping me take my stuff out of the van, including my B3. I let them take the organ in while I grabbed other stuff. When I walked into the venue, I saw that they had somehow managed to tear on of the legs right off the B3!!! WHAT THE HELL!?!? So I spent the rest of the dream trying to fix it in time for the gig. The other night I had a dream that I was loaning my organ to Joey DeFrancesco (which I have done three times in real life). But all of a sudden I was not only loaning the organ, but running sound for his group for an outdoor concert... that was, for some reason, located in the front yard of my childhood home! Joey was set-up on the front porch and there was another stage way off in the distance in the corn field. Joey had two drummers with him for some reason and I was scurrying around trying to get everything to work and then realized I didn't have enough mics to cover two drumsets. I was about to get in my van and get my studio drum mics here at my house when I woke up. Joey was playing the organ and was very happy with the bass, at least! Quote
mikeweil Posted April 2, 2004 Report Posted April 2, 2004 Nice to see THIS thread on dreams seems to get some response - I posted one of mine here - too lazy to repost here ... Quote
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