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Has this board influenced your music purchases?

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I have my own tastes (as does almost everyone), but I'm always looking for new things to listen to. Over the past couple of months, I've bought Don Menza's Jack Rabbit, Pieter Wispelwey's performances of the Bach Suites for Solo Cello, the Coleman Hawkins Centennial Collection, and the New World reissue of Earl Hines Plays Cole Porter, because of recommendations from Board members. There probably are others I could mention, but they don't come to mind at the moment. Occasionally, I've gotten something that didn't make it for me, but I've come to learn which members have tastes somewhat similar to mine, and that hasn't happened recently.

For me, one of the great things about being here is there's always something new to learn or to hear.

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After getting on for 50 years, my tastes are pretty well defined and confined within what I can afford. But there are a number of people whose music I haven't explored and things I've read on this board (and AAJ) have persuaded me to give them a go. This includes Ahmad Jamal, George Lewis, Jelly Roll Morton and Red Garland. It also includes some specific records I would otherwise have missed but for SS1 and Jim Sangrey: Oliver Nelson's "Takin' care of business" and George Clinton's "How late do UF2BB4UR absent". Thanks mucho folks.

I also find, like Jim R, that discussions on the board send me to play records that I otherwise might not have for a while. Today so far, for example, it's been Herbie Mann's "Memphis underground". One problem with that is that my 800 odd West African albums, which don't get discussed, are played rather less than they otherwise might be. Anyone know a Senegalese music forum?


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I would also add that info from board members has led me to cheaper sources and some great deals.

I feel like I've become a more informed and frugal buyer.

When I recently figured up my CD purchases from last year (for tax purposes) the total amount was quite a bit lower than in previous years, but I think I've been getting more for my money. A little searching does have its benefits!

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I have definitely purchased more music in the last year than I did before joining this forum. And, like FreeForAll, I really appreciate that I've been able to find less expensive outlets for the music, including several purchases from board members.

I've also checked out some new (to me) music, thanks to recommendations and discussions on this board. And, in addition to all of the goofing around that happens here, when the serious discussions of music start, the insightful opinions that are eloquently shared by fellow members prove to be very thought provoking.

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I would also add that info from board members has led me to cheaper sources and some great deals.

I feel like I've become a more informed and frugal buyer.

When I recently figured up my CD purchases from last year (for tax purposes) the total amount was quite a bit lower than in previous years, but I think I've been getting more for my money. A little searching does have its benefits!

Can I ask a real stupid question?

Why do you add up your CD purchases for tax purposes?


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Damn band teacher never mentioned that... :angry:

Same here. The sludge they were teaching did not make me work hard at trying to master an instrument it only inspired me to quit trying, Who's sorry now -me!!!! :( Anyway back to the topic at hand that's one of the reasons I come to this board is to get turned on to different music and dealing with board members has saved me some $$$$. Thanks one and all!!!!! :)

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I will happily admit that even an old dog like me has learned a lot from this board, and my musical tastes, so carefully honed over the years, have been greatly expanded by listening to what people have to offer on here. Why else would I buy Allen Lowe's wonderful compendium "The Devlin' Tune" or where else would I learn about those great inexpensive box sets from European sources ... So, yes, I am spending more ... and enjoying it as much as I ever did.

As I have mentioned a few times, I sold my 8,000+ LP collection in 2001 ... but Damn! I already have about 3,800 CDs now ... what happend to my plan to downsize? I put a great deal of the blame on my membership on this board.

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