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FWIW, anyone who opted out of the Politics forum after the October date now has access to them again. At least, that would explain why I can see that forum again.

Also, since JSngry's signature font changed, has the word "through" always been misspelled? :blink::g

If you want to opt out of the politics forum (again), just PM me.

It's the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick: it's not that anyone's opinion bothers me one way or the other; it's that I can easily spend two hours reading/replying in there, that I lose a lot of time.

I'll keep it open for now. Probably go back to opting out after I've wasted a whole lotta time. Again! :g

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Posted (edited)

The search function isn't working for me. Is this just me, or a problem since the crash?

edit - working now, I think...never mind...

Edited by Aggie87

What was the topic? I might've been editing it as you were posting. There are some topics that, for one reason or another, are not showing "topic starter", and so I am manually editing those. We might have been working on the same topic at the same time.

Jim, sorry- I replied to your post a few hours ago, but my post didn't go through (got an error message, which I've gotten with every post I've submitted this morning). I had to leave for awhile, but I just returned and realized that my new e-mail address (which I entered a few weeks ago) was no longer showing up as having been updated. Not sure if this was causing any of my problems, but just thought I'd mention it.

Okay, each time I posted this morning, rather than being taken back to the thread I was posting to, I got a "Safari can't connect to this server" type of error message. Despite this, my first couple of posts appeared normally when I returned to the board (which I was able to do quickly and effortlessly after getting the error message), but didn't show up on the Today's Active Topics page (those threads didn't move up on the TAT page, and the previous poster's name still showed as the last person to post to those threads). Then, right before I had to leave, I was posting a response here to your question, and not only did I get the same error message, but that post did not go through (was not there when I returned to this thread).

So, I'm posting here again to see what happens... :unsure:


Okay... that one worked perfectly (with no error message), and is also indicated normally on the TAT page. So, NEVER MIND. ^_^ (hopefully I'm out of the proverbial woods)...


All I know is, if I don't get back the 2000 posts I lost in the post-count, there's gonna be some legal action! :angry: Maybe even a CLASS ACTION on behalf of ALL of the board members. :rmad:



All I know is, if I don't get back the 2000 posts I lost in the post-count, there's gonna be some legal action! :angry: Maybe even a CLASS ACTION on behalf of ALL of the board members. :rmad:


Oh no...a pissed off lawyer! :rfr


All I know is, if I don't get back the 2000 posts I lost in the post-count, there's gonna be some legal action! :angry: Maybe even a CLASS ACTION on behalf of ALL of the board members. :rmad:


Oh no...a pissed off lawyer! :rfr

Is there any other kind? :huh:


Jim--my old PMs, attachments, everything--it's all back. Everything but the post count is back in order (and that doesn't really matter, does it?). Thanks so much. I'm a 'he' by the way (at least I hope so).

AHH!!! Sweet!!! It is working! It's just not reflecting the correct post count. I think that would require a special query to the database in the admin panel. I have an option for "rebuilding user post counts", but it's very server intensive. I'll probably try it tonight after the gig and see if it will make the post counts of "lost" members match up to their posts.

I just did the same thing with member "ep1str0phy" and it seemed to work as well:


Epistrophy looks like he/she re-signed up yesterday, member 1451. Are his old posts going to be added to his new account, or are you trying to tie his old posts back to his old account? This is confusing to me.

edit - never mind. I think I understand...

He actually signed up and was assigned member number 1333. I manually set his member number, in three different tables in the database, to 1451, which was his old member number. The only way I am able to determine what a deleted member's original member number was set to is by cross-referencing one of the member tables that did not get deleted using their old email address. Unfortunately, this particular table does not contain the member name, only the user ID number, email address, and specifics about passwords, PMs, etc.

Another question for felser and ep1str0phy... are your old PMs still there?


All I know is, if I don't get back the 2000 posts I lost in the post-count, there's gonna be some legal action! :angry: Maybe even a CLASS ACTION on behalf of ALL of the board members. :rmad:


Oh no...a pissed off lawyer! :rfr

Is there any other kind? :huh:



Comrades!!! We must all unite to defeat this insidious attempt to privatize Social Security, and to--zounds!!!!!!! Where in blazes have I landed??? My sabbatical!!!!

If only Comrade Alfredson could resort to a backup from November 1917. And now back to sorting through Dr. Achtung Freud's considerable treasure trove of private messages. Some most interesting communiques I have come across!!! What on earth are these "K Street Projects" and "hospitality suites" to which he constantly refers??? He sounds so jovial!!! :g

And now back to my sabbatical.


I don't even think I'd be able to estimate how many posts I have made if I had to! For all I know, my post count hasn't changed. Just so long as they are all preserved in their inconsequential infiniteness, I'm happy!


I don't even think I'd be able to estimate how many posts I have made if I had to! For all I know, my post count hasn't changed. Just so long as they are all preserved in their inconsequential infiniteness, I'm happy!

Heavy thought, that the lost post counts are preserved somewhere in the cosmos, existing in a realm beyond human comprehension.

On the Last Day the dead shall rise up from out of the earth and ascend into heaven, with their bodies and their lost post counts restored to them, as the choirs of the heavenly host sings praise to the restored post counts--but only as to the righteous among thee. The wicked shall be cast into a pit of unending flame, with their lost post counts never restored to them, for all infinity! The wicked shall live for all eternity with the torment that their lost post counts are forever lost, and shall never be found!


I don't even think I'd be able to estimate how many posts I have made if I had to! For all I know, my post count hasn't changed. Just so long as they are all preserved in their inconsequential infiniteness, I'm happy!

FWIW, a search came up with 1929 posts of yours. :)


I don't even think I'd be able to estimate how many posts I have made if I had to! For all I know, my post count hasn't changed. Just so long as they are all preserved in their inconsequential infiniteness, I'm happy!

FWIW, a search came up with 1929 posts of yours. :)

I trust you are reading through them all over the next few days, neglecting all other responsibilities, held in suspense to see what happens next! ;) 1929. I always liked that number.

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