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Chuck Nessa wrote:

'FWIW, I always enjoyed Aric's spirit until the end of his tenure here when he wished bad things for many. He went "over the top" at the end but I'd welcome him back if he made amends. But that is really up to Jim.'

Hmmm...Aric first appeared on the old Blue Note board asking if Horace Parlan was really gay, and complaining that it was beneath Blue Note's usual standards to hire gay musicians.

This was his very first post. I'm afraid to see the posts that you think were 'over the top'.


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In (sadly) typical "jazz fashion", we're sitting here worrying about the past, as if what's passed is still happening now and can somehow be "fixed".

In the meantime, Aric has resurfaced as a cyberwoman, fooled damn near everybody (including myself - I saw some "signs" but never really made the connection), gotten really wrapped up in the whole Bird Flu thing, is moving to Canada as a result, and has placed Hawk & Tatum above Hank (what about Warne?) in his pantheon of musical gods.

Ya'll tell me what's more interesting here, the past or the present?

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Nah, not wishy-washy at all. The Aric Effron Experience has always been just that - an experience. Yeah, he goes off the hook and over the top eventually. We all know that. That's what he does. If he ain't gonna do that no more, hey, beautiful. But if not, I'm along for the ride until he does, same as I always was. The guy's a genuine "cyber-character". If he was in my real life and he acted like he acts here, I would no doubt feel differently. But he's not - he's on my computer screen only, and there, he brings plenty of entertainment, and not just of the "off the wall" type. You can always depend on him for some genuine enthusiasm towards music (& life in general) and a unique way and perspective of expressing that enthusiasm. I for one find that entertaining and quite often uplifting, just as I find it sad and depressing when he loses it. And when he's off the wall, like with the Parlan/gay thing, it's so far off the wall that I find it impossible to be genuinely offended. I mean, really, complaining that it was beneath Blue Note's usual standards to hire gay musicians, that's just SO wack, in SO many ways, to look at as anything other than a view from a parallel universe, dig?

Look - I've lived and still do live a life surrounded by "characters", some of whom would probably scare the shit out of Aric. I dig characters, and as long as they're not posing me any "real" danger (and for a wish of cancer and death to be a "real" danger would require resources and malevolence far beyond what Mr. Effron is likely to posess in real life), I welcome the flavor that characters bring. A lietime spent exclusively in the company of "normal" people ain't at all what I want out of life, ok?

Now, I understand that not everybody feels that way, and that not everybody digs the type of character that Aric is, either some or all of the time. Different strokes and all that, and no hard feelings about that. "Normal" people can be beautiful too, and we got plenty of examples here. But I do dig "diversity of character", if you know what I mean, and for that I make no apologies. All I'm saying is that until Aric goes off over the edge again (and that's entirely up to him if and when he does), I'm glad to have him around. Again. And when he does cross the line, I'll not squwak about putting him out. Again. That's been the way this show has always played, and most likely always will play.

Edited by JSngry
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JSNEKRGRY u uplift me 2 baby. i havent listened to horace parlan cds in years but im sure they are very good and i dont care how gay he was. i saw QUEEN 3 times last week in two countries and i even grew a moustache in tribute for freddie. so dont be hatin'.

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JSNEKRGRY u uplift me 2 baby. i havent listened to horace parlan cds in years but im sure they are very good and i dont care how gay he was. i saw QUEEN 3 times last week in two countries and i even grew a moustache in tribute for freddie. so dont be hatin'.

Gee, Paul Rogers is gay? You grew a moustache? You really are a contemporary lady from SF!

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