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Finshed Session- Shipp/Sandke/Robinson


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just came back from NYC on Tuesday night, having finished a recording session in Brooklyn on 4/17 with Matt Shipp, Randy Sandke and Scott Robinson, and am quite happy with the results - I haven't set foot in a studio in about 12 years, and I'm working on a complicated new project for which I'm playing alto and guitar. Shipp did two solo piano pieces that I'd written, and we did a guitar/piano duo of an 8 bar blues. Matt is a sweetheart and a brilliant musician; it was the first time we'd met in person (we've been talking on the phone about the project for about 4 months); it was my recording debut on guitar so I was nervous but it went well.

I than did a trio with Sandke and Robinson; Scott played the bass parts on contra bass clarinet - we did two tunes I'd written, one based on the changes to I'm Coming Virginia, the other based on Yardbird Suite - I played alto on these - and I want to praise Randy as one of the giants, an amazing soloist and the nicest guy on earth - and Scott was brilliant if a little cranky (he came back from Moscow the day before; and is still recovering from a broken leg) -

I'm going down again to NYC to record with Marc Ribot on 5/15 and will probably do the final recordings back in Maine at the end of May with my local group -

should also mention that we recorded at Systems Two in Brooklyn; great sounding room, nice people, excellent engineer (Richard Lamb) -

Edited by AllenLowe
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Sounds like you got some good stuff done. Let us know when any of it is available.

Scott Robinson is quite the multi-instrumentalist. A title sealed when he had a Theramin credit on one of the Maria Schneider big band sides. I also really dug his baritone sax work on the Brookmeyer side where Robinson was the featured soloist on the "Celebration Suite", written for Mulligan.

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unless I get a call from Chuck Nessa I'll probably put it out myself - it's interesting, though not surprising - - of the 6 CDs I've put out prior to this, three were on regular labels, three I put out myself - and I always made more money on the ones I financed - has to do with some sleazy European publishing deal and the general accounting practices of even small independent labels -

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thanks - there's a little more to go but I'm optimistic about this one - I've been up in the boonies (Maine) a little too long, so it was nice to work with such world-class musicians. There'll be a few surprises, I think -

Edited by AllenLowe
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