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Sports: 2006 NBA Play-Off Pool

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I think the Mavs should beat Phoenix. Not sure about in how many games, though. Could be as little as 5.

The Suns are the type of team the Mavs used to be until Avery got hold of them an taught them how to really play the game. Thing is, it's a team that hasn't fully internalized those lessons, and it's a team that will still occasionally lapse int their old ways. If they do that for too long in any one game, they'll lose that game. And if they do that for too long in too many games, they'll lose the series. Phoenix's shooters can and will take you out in a big hurry, and they can be counted on for at least one hot run per game. And Steve Nash. god blees him, is a freak. :g

Well, let's keep in mind that the Suns are without Amare Stoudemire -- a guy who gives their run-and-gun style a lot more substance and makes them a real championship contender. If he was playing at full health, this would be quite a series.

Count me as a skeptic about Miami's championship chances -- they will have a lot more difficulty against the Mavs then against a mysteriously imploding Pistons team.

It's a shame that Flip Saunders will probably lose his job because all of a sudden most of his players decided not to show up for the playoffs. :(


Edited by Guy
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I had to shake my head in wonder/disgust when I heard Ben Wallace complaining about Flip Saunders after game 3. If I played 34 minutes, scored 2 points, went 2 for 10 from the line, only collected 6 rebounds, and gave up 27 points (11 for 15 from the field) to Shaq, I think that I'd be looking in the mirror for a long time before I complained publicly about my coach.

As for the other Wallace and his antics - nothing said is enough said.

Big Ben

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I had to shake my head in wonder/disgust when I heard Ben Wallace complaining about Flip Saunders after game 3. If I played 34 minutes, scored 2 points, went 2 for 10 from the line, only collected 6 rebounds, and gave up 27 points (11 for 15 from the field) to Shaq, I think that I'd be looking in the mirror for a long time before I complained publicly about my coach.

As for the other Wallace and his antics - nothing said is enough said.

Big Ben


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Hey, at least the Pistons made it past the first round. :beee:

Oh, no doubt! The Pistons have been the dominant team throughout the entire season, and the Pacers were lucky to even make the play-offs. I'm not dissing the Pistons at all. I'm dissing Ben Wallace; I hate whiny players who don't take responsibility for their crappy playing, and if he were a Pacer I would say the same thing.

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Opened up this morning's paper to see a blurb in the sports section which read, " Hear that sound? It's the sound of the Suns will being crushed," and thinking, "Don't be saying things like that, it'll burn ya."

Suns 106

Mavs 86

Around here, that's called an absolute shit-kickin'! You'd think the media around here would know better than to tempt the gods like that! :g

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Games 2 & 3, Mavs make shots, control the pace of the game by doing so, and win.

Games 1 & 4, Mavs shoot like shit, let the Suns set the pace by doing so, and lose. The Phoenix D didn't do squat to shut the Mavs down. Their own shooting impotence took care of that.

Ought to be obvious what they have to do to get this thing done. They can. But will they?

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heat + 5.5 points vs pistons

i think the pistons win a real close game


Geez, I just posted a multiple quote post and it did not take. Too long to do over, so I will just reply to SS1.

Stop trying to use that reverse wish in order to eliiminate the Pistons.

As much as I hate it, they will probably self destruct again so they can stop playing this year. In my heart I hope they right the ship tonight and stay alive.

:bwallace: :bwallace2:

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