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Sports: 2006 NBA Play-Off Pool

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"Y'all can quote me, put it back page, front page, whatever," Wallace said. "They can send whoever they want to send. I know the crew I think they're going to send. But it don't matter. I know we can do it, and they know we can do it. We know what we've got to do."

Although he said he respects the Cavs, Wallace isn't worried about giving them any motivation.

"It ain't bulletin board material, it's a fact," he said bluntly. "They can put it on the bulletin board. They can put it on a video. I don't care. I know what we're capable of doing, that's all that it is."

Tell it like it is big man. BALL DON'T LIE! :bwallace: :bwallace2:

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Go Clips! They had to beat the Suns and the refs. I'm tired of watching the Suns get every touch foul call and get in the bonus before my squads.

Shawn Marion's jumper is hideous. Terrible form.

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Go Clips! They had to beat the Suns and the refs. I'm tired of watching the Suns get every touch foul call and get in the bonus before my squads.

Shawn Marion's jumper is hideous. Terrible form.

Let me reiterate on that: Shawn Marion's jumper is HIDEOUS!


it seems like the knicks and LB might be parting ways....

isiah might be coaching the knicks


Let Isiah deal with the mess he created.

Now, back to the playoffs.

I do not take partiuclar joy in saying "I told you so" but I did make that statement way back when LB first went to the Knicks; to wit: Larry Brown is going to pull the same bullshit he did with the Pistons.

The difference this time is that he did not "teach" anyone anything and they did not want to listen. I also said Larry Brown should go back to college if that is his view of the NBA (likes to teach). He is going to get a buy out of about 40 million bucks. That is ridiculous. He should not even be allowed to have a buy out clause in his contract, given his history.

Larry Brown stinks, is a whiner, and a drama queen. AND the drama has not really started yet.. You'll see.

:bwallace: :bwallace2: :bwallace::cool:

Edited by BruceW
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He is going to get a buy out of about 40 million bucks. That is ridiculous. He should not even be allowed to have a buy out clause in his contract, given his history.

Who allowed that kind of contract to happen in the first place?

Who assembled that team of overpaid mismatches?

The answer to those questions is what ails the Knicks. Brown is just stupid for thinking a) he could work with Isiah and b) he could do anything with that f'd up roster that Isiah put together...or maybe he's smart enough to know going in that it's a terrible situation so "let's make a good escape plan."

It's no surprise to anyone that Brown is quitting--that was a no-brainer from day 1.

Edited by rachel
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How in the world does Zeke keep landing on his feet in these power struggles? If only he was half as good running the Knicks. The Knicks have to get rid of both if they want to go anywhere -- wonder if Brown wished he had listened to Cleveland more seriously.

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The Pistons played like shit tonight. That said, the last play by the Pistons was horribly officiated. Rip got fouled bad and then when they didn't call that, the Cavs get the ball even though they are the ones that pushed it out of bounds.

Oh well. If the Cavs win the next one, I'll start getting worried. Until then, GO PISTONS!

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I must have missed the rule change that allowed Lerbon several extra inches of court space...

Exciting game. Cavs still have no chance, but unfortunately the pistons have to expend much needed energy on them. I guess its better they get in shape and ready to win now than trying to do it against the heat.

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That was a GREAT Spurs/Mavs game last night. I think the Mavs won it because they seem less tired, and maybe a little hungrier than the Spurs. Gonna be tough for the Spurs to pull out this series, down 3-1.

That said, the officiating stunk it up again. There were a number of calls in this game that affected the outcome (IMO). One that still bothers me is when Nowitzki charged Duncan in the 4th Qtr with something like 3 minutes left. It was clearly a charge, as Duncan was firmly planted and outside the circle. Dirk made the basket, Duncan was called for the foul, and then he made the free throw.

The Spurs had been up 5 at that point, and if the correct call of charging had been made, it's Spurs ball with a chance to build on the lead.

Spurs still had a chance to win at the end of regulation though, and didn't pull it out. Just like they did in the previous game when that bad pass (or Dallas deflection) cost the Spurs a chance to get the go-ahead basket in the last secnods of the game.

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