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Why the hell did Fox have Johnny Cougar singing before the game? If they wanted a music act, Detroit could have delivered.

like who? they had Seger (ugh) last night, and Anita Baker butchering the national anthem tonight. I wish they would just play the damn game earlier

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Why the hell did Fox have Johnny Cougar singing before the game? If they wanted a music act, Detroit could have delivered.

like who? they had Seger (ugh) last night, and Anita Baker butchering the national anthem tonight. I wish they would just play the damn game earlier

:tup Anita Baker was no better than that chick that sang last night (american idol finalist).....she was HORRIBLE!

Who ever programs the cheesy music they play during the games is pretty lame to....almost as lame as Tim McCarver....but not quite!

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Ditto but the runner never gets the call.

On another issue, this is what I hate about modern baseball and specialization. Unless Kenny Rogers had nothing left in the tank, he should finish the game. However, managers, no matter how well a starting pitcher has pitched, constantly go to the closer in the ninth and I've seen this blown up many times. The Tigers were lucky on this one.

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Why the hell did Fox have Johnny Cougar singing before the game? If they wanted a music act, Detroit could have delivered.

Of all things his new song is the same one appearing in those Chevy ads in-between innings. See, this is what you should have done when you were producing records. ;) It used to be you had to have the overplayed hit (usually by Bob Seger) before it got played to death in truck ads. Now they're just speeding up the process.

Speaking of ads, the one for the Sharp tv set and the lost golf ball has so many things wrong with it.

1) The "ball" looks like a white dimpless dot hanging in the long grass, not sitting in it. Maybe I need the fancy tv for it to look like something other than a white dot painted on with Liquid-Paper.

2) A whole family watching golf, with great interest? The wife watching golf with the husband? Has this ever happened in human history? The teenage kid watching golf with his parents and caring about it? This is beyond belief.

3) The other shots of crowds of people in bars & transit stattions, again actively caring about golf.

Hey, I even watch the Masters and some of the US & British Opens, but the ad is just too silly, and the "special effect" is worse than old Godzilla movies.

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On the last play of tonight's game, I thought the guy sliding into second was safe.

Slo mo replay indicates the correct call was made.

I'm surprised they showed it! It was late and I was ready for bed, so I just turned it off, figuring that they wouldn't want to cause controversy and decrease their ratings for the rest of the Series.

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kenny rogers has pine tar on his hand......


This column on ESPN's website practically comes out and accuses Rogers of cheating at the start of the game, but while I am hardly a Rogers fan, I think the whole thing is ridiculously blown out of proportion. The fact is you'd have to be the stupidest moron on earth to "hide" your pine tar right on your hand! Pitchers have hidden pine tar in gloves, they hide their emory boards, they may put vaseline behind their ears or in the brim of the cap, they may rough up a ball with their belt buckle ... but no one puts a glob of pine tar in their bare hand, and anyone who suggests that he did ought to have their columnist/commentary license revoked.

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kenny rogers has pine tar on his hand......


This column on ESPN's website practically comes out and accuses Rogers of cheating at the start of the game, but while I am hardly a Rogers fan, I think the whole thing is ridiculously blown out of proportion. The fact is you'd have to be the stupidest moron on earth to "hide" your pine tar right on your hand! Pitchers have hidden pine tar in gloves, they hide their emory boards, they may put vaseline behind their ears or in the brim of the cap, they may rough up a ball with their belt buckle ... but no one puts a glob of pine tar in their bare hand, and anyone who suggests that he did ought to have their columnist/commentary license revoked.

As much as I don't care for Rogers, he pitched a great game! Actually it's not that I don't like him, just worn out with the flopping around everytime a ball is called or he walks a guy; also said "God damn" about 30 times (caught on camera); loved it when he was coming unglued in the top of the 9th when Jones was trying to blow the game. Here is what Rogers looks like...... :angry: !


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The guy got caught with pine tar. That's cheating. Yes, I know many cheat. But if you're caught with it, you need to serve the penalty, which is a 10 game suspension. It's not a question of whether it made a diference or not (plus who knows what he put in his glove after he was made to wash his hands), it's a question of what he did. I hope this is not a question of LaRussa not pushing it because Leyland is his buddy. If I were a Cardinal fan, I'd be raising holy heck about this. You know for sure that if the Mets were in this thing and this had happened and been discovered, there would be a major uproar.

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The guy got caught with pine tar. That's cheating. Yes, I know many cheat. But if you're caught with it, you need to serve the penalty, which is a 10 game suspension. It's not a question of whether it made a diference or not (plus who knows what he put in his glove after he was made to wash his hands), it's a question of what he did. I hope this is not a question of LaRussa not pushing it because Leyland is his buddy. If I were a Cardinal fan, I'd be raising holy heck about this. You know for sure that if the Mets were in this thing and this had happened and been discovered, there would be a major uproar.

If it were pine tar, the umpires would have done something. Clearly it was not pine tar. And there's no way in hell that LaRussa doesn't take advantage of an opportunity to knock out the Tigers best pitcher, "buddies" or not.

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A couple of the baseball-savvy folks over at JC had some convincing comments about this matter:

1. Since LaRussa didn't force the umps to investigate, there is no issue. Maybe LaRussa didn't want to offend his friend and opposing manager Leyland. Maybe some of LaRussa's pitching staff are up to similar things.

2. The substance was only visible during one inning. Rogers threw seven more innings of shut out ball.

3. Pitchers are allowed to use rosin, which is very similar to pine tar and in fact also a pine product.

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