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2006 MLB Thread

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This is different. We will finish closer to the Blue Jays, or possibly behind them, than we will a playoff spot.


Dan, you are way overreacting!(Though I see this post was made before the friday game) You are only 2 out, in the division, and the wildcard! It's August the 12th! We all knew David Wells still had it! :w

This is a weird year. More teams look have looked bad, that will make the playoffs, than I can ever remember. The Cards have been beaten up by the Cubs, the Braves, hell the Pirates tonight. Bet they still make it in. The Dodgers lost 13 of 14 games and were in last place, before winning 12 of their next 13. The White Sox until recently were looking like a team not going anywhere, but they will get your wildcard slot if you don't watch out. Did you give up on the Sox when they were down 3-0 to the Yankees? This in nothing compared to that. You get right back on this board young man, and tell everyone how the Red Sox are unbeatable! :P

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And look out world, the Braves are only 8 games under .500! :tup And only 5 back in the wildcard. Man the NL sucks! :g I can't tell you how spastic braves fans have been on forums. After going 6-21 in June, EVERYONE and their brother was writing them off. Then they started to beat the crap out of everyone and it seemed like if we could only get some relief pitching, we had a real chance. We got Wickman, and he was lights out, we are going to win the WC!!! Then Chipper got hurt, Tim Hudson pitched like he belonged in AA,(Now we say Smoltz, and pray for 4 days of rain) and the briefly good bullpen was bad as ever. But hey, we beat the vaunted Brewers tonight, Smoltz was going to back out there in the top 10th if the game was still tied. Teams out there made a huge mistake not trying harder to get him.

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This is different. We will finish closer to the Blue Jays, or possibly behind them, than we will a playoff spot.


Dan, you are way overreacting!(Though I see this post was made before the friday game) You are only 2 out, in the division, and the wildcard! It's August the 12th! We all knew David Wells still had it! :w

This is a weird year. More teams look have looked bad, that will make the playoffs, than I can ever remember. The Cards have been beaten up by the Cubs, the Braves, hell the Pirates tonight. Bet they still make it in. The Dodgers lost 13 of 14 games and were in last place, before winning 12 of their next 13. The White Sox until recently were looking like a team not going anywhere, but they will get your wildcard slot if you don't watch out. Did you give up on the Sox when they were down 3-0 to the Yankees? This in nothing compared to that. You get right back on this board young man, and tell everyone how the Red Sox are unbeatable! :P

The only problem is, they aren't. Not this year.

Case in point:

Jason Johnson is already pissing away today's game - and he's lined up to start the five game Yankee series next Friday.

JASON JOHNSON. :bad::excited::crazy::rmad:

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And regardless of what happens today, Jason Johnson and Julian Tavarez STILL SUCK. :bad:

And since there are no replacements for them, they're guaranteed to piss away enough games for this team to be on the outside looking in come October 1.

On the positive side, I am downright ecstatic to have Wily Mo Pena on my team. Next year, or maybe 2008, Papi-Manny-Wily Mo is going to combine for something like 145 HRs. They will be the most dangerous Fenway combination since Dewey-Rice-Armas, and may be one of the most dangerous trios of all time. Hyperbole? Perhaps - but later this year, when Manny reaches 40 homers and 130 RBIs, Papi and Manny will supplant Ruth and Gehrig for consecutive 40 homer-130RBI seasons (3 to 2).

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Well, the Rangers win one by the skin of their teeth. I don't care what happens to the Rangers this year: Showalter should be fired. Brings out Volquez who's pitching a 4-hit shutout, brings in Juoquin (sp?) Benoit who promptly gives up three runs, who gives way to Rick Bauer who promptly gives up a run. Then our "closer" puts two men on with two outs in the ninth, but gets the third out on a long fly. So, the Rangers put another W in the column, but the real story is that they scored only five runs but got twelve hits. They left NINE MEN ON!!!!

Again, if there were any justice in baseball, the AL Worst wouldn't have any teams in the playoffs, so that more deserving teams could taste post-season play. Makes me sick!

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Well, the Rangers win one by the skin of their teeth. I don't care what happens to the Rangers this year: Showalter should be fired. Brings out Volquez who's pitching a 4-hit shutout, brings in Juoquin (sp?) Benoit who promptly gives up three runs

He's a slave to the pitchcount (like many) and Volquez had thrown 104. Must protect the young arm. As far as firing Showalter, all those stories of micromanaging are kinda frightening. Hey, hire someone who has that post-Showalter touch like Torre or Brenley and you'll win the World Series after you fire him! (Good things come in 3s right?) Dang Big Al, as soon as they do so happy days!

Again, if there were any justice in baseball, the AL Worst wouldn't have any teams in the playoffs, so that more deserving teams could taste post-season play. Makes me sick!

But I had Mariner dreams of them slopping their way in and winning in the first round. Of course they'd lose in the LCS, but not before me getting my hopes up due to the momentum. But this series vs. y'all has made that a less likely happening. Oh well, maybe there's next year for Jamie Moyer in the WS.

And yeah, Red Sox & Yankees & Tigers & (since Liriano is down) White Sox (what the hell, defending champs ya know) is the top four fight I want to see, but that's the way it is. There have been plenty of wild card or less deserving winning percentage teams ('73 Mets, '85 Royals, Twins, etc.) that made things interesting at least. So if the system lets in your Rangers, take it! ;)

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wow. The Tigers suddenly suck. What happened to that great defense and pitching?

I don't know but I hope it stays MIA for three more games in Fenway! :g

they havent played well against the red sox, white sox or yankees all year, which looks bad for their playoff hopes

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Have I mentioned how much I hate the dodgers yet on this thread...?

Grrrr :angry:

Go Dodgers! I'm a native Angeleno, so I can root for them fair or foul, and I'll take fair these days. Even though I don't know hardly any of the players on the team anymore. And the team keeps trading its best players.

I went to Friday's game against the Giants though, and I have to say that the Dodgers just looked like a confident, solid team. Really bizarre to go 1-13 and then 13-1.

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MY GOD when you think it can't get any worse, it does:

SWEPT in Kansas City.

That's it - I'm done. See y'all in the 2007 MLB thread.


I don't know about this on again off again thing. Four days ago, you'd checked out completely. I recall saying to myself, with Dan gone, who am I going to have to annoy? Now, it appears you're back. This kind of fence sitting reminds me of the Democrat's connnumdrum over what to do in Iraq. Do we leave now? Do we stay the course? Do we get out but stay close enough to get right back in? I'm afraid we're going to have to call for a decision. Perhaps after this weekend in Fenway?

Up over and out.

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MY GOD when you think it can't get any worse, it does:

SWEPT in Kansas City.

That's it - I'm done. See y'all in the 2007 MLB thread.


I don't know about this on again off again thing. Four days ago, you'd checked out completely. I recall saying to myself, with Dan gone, who am I going to have to annoy? Now, it appears you're back. This kind of fence sitting reminds me of the Democrat's connnumdrum over what to do in Iraq. Do we leave now? Do we stay the course? Do we get out but stay close enough to get right back in? I'm afraid we're going to have to call for a decision. Perhaps after this weekend in Fenway?

Up over and out.

If we get a 4-1 or 5-0 outcome for either team, we'll have a decision.

But like the Iraq conundrum for every Democrat other than Joe Leiberman, I may be in, but my heart's not in it. And I really resent the people who've put me in this position.


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