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  Rooster_Ties said:

Interesting new covers. Don't know if I immediately like 'em or not, but they are interesting (IMHO).

I like the Hill cover.

The "new" Evans is the same as one of the old CDs it is made up of except, of course, it now says "The Complete Pacific Jazz Sessions".


  Big Al said:

For the life of me, I'll never understand why Blue Note feels they have to issue McLean CDs as limited edition Conns. :(

They can sell the limited edition Conn version at $17.99 list, and then two or three years after it goes OOP, they can turn around and RVG it. Limited, in a sense, but not really.

Easy to complain about it, but if that's what they gotta do to cost-justify getting an obscure date into the marketplace, so be it.

And if the "yeah, it's obscure, but not THAT obscure" dates somehow underwrite the cost of the reisue of the "yeah, now THAT'S what I call obscure!!" dates (that might otherwise never get reissued), then so be it.

They gotta do what they gotta do.


  Rooster_Ties said:

  Big Al said:

For the life of me, I'll never understand why Blue Note feels they have to issue McLean CDs as limited edition Conns. :(

They can sell the limited edition Conn version at $17.99 list, and then two or three years after it goes OOP, they can turn around and RVG it. Limited, in a sense, but not really.

Easy to complain about it, but if that's what they gotta do to cost-justify getting an obscure date into the marketplace, so be it.

And if the "yeah, it's obscure, but not THAT obscure" dates somehow underwrite the cost of the reisue of the "yeah, now THAT'S what I call obscure!!" dates (that might otherwise never get reissued), then so be it.

They gotta do what they gotta do.

Agreed--although it seems (to me) as if the most recent Conn batches have been substantially cheaper than the old ones (roughly $12.99 each).

Posted (edited)

News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!!

I bought these 4 this afternoon in Dublin;

Lou Blackburn - The Complete Imperial Sessions

Andrew Hill - Pax

Jackie McLean - It's Time

Gil Evans - The Complete Pacific Jazz Sessions

very expensive, but just had to splurge, but the thing is, none of them have Copy Protection messages on the packaging. :o:o:o

I haven't listened to them yet but all other Conns I have gotten recently, with the exception of "Sonic Boom" and the Elmo Hope, have had C.P., but this batch doesn't seem to have it. :tup:tup:tup

Edited by Cliff Englewood

  Cliff Englewood said:

News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!! News Flash !!!

I bought these 4 this afternoon in Dublin;

Lou Blackburn - The Complete Imperial Sessions

Andrew Hill - Pax

Jackie McLean - It's Time

Gil Evans - The Complete Pacific Jazz Sessions

very expensive, but just had to splurge, but the thing is, none of them have Copy Protection messages on the packaging. :o:o:o

I haven't listened to them yet but all other Conns I have gotten recently, with the exception of "Sonic Boom" and the Elmo Hope, have had C.P., but this batch doesn't seem to have it. :tup:tup:tup

Good news!


Hmm, amazon.de lists these as "Kopiergeschützt", but the back covers do indeed not have any CP info.


Well, if EMI Europe is starting to release CDs again after a three-year hiatus, it means they once again will offer products that I am interested in buying. Good for them.


Let's hope they've really stopped. I'm pretty sick of having to leave albums that I'm interested

in in the local stores because I have to order them from an American online store. <_<


Just got the Hill, McLean, and Blackburn at my local brick and mortar - listening to them later today (as its raining, and all my kids' afternoon activities will be cancelled)


  milestones20 said:

Anyone know if these are available at Borders? I checked the online inventory system and it didn't even indicate that these had been released.

I picked mine up today at Borders. As usual, they weren't out in the bins on the release date, and I've never had much luck with the "Information" folks, so I usually just go hunt for the "new release" cart (which is usually sitting unattended) and search on my own. I did find the ones I was looking for. I should work there- as I was crouched at the cart no less than three people asked me questions as if I was an employee, and I was able to help them in each circumstance.

I noticed that the Borders I usually frequent (it HAD the best jazz selection of the three in town) has recently "reorganized" and the jazz section has been moved AND diminished significantly. Reminds me of what happened at Best Buy several years ago. I guess it was a matter of time. Looks like my online CD buying will soon totally replace the brick-and-mortar experience, which I feel bad about. I really enjoyed the browsing experience and frequently made several impulsive buys. Oh well...........

Sorry to be cranky. I did pick up the Gil and Jackie Mac. Have a nice day everyone! :)


Hi all!

I really really (yes really!) hope that EMI Europe now stop putting out this Copy Protection nonsense on their discs. Great news about these Conns :)

I never buy copy protected discs. I have passed on soooo many Blue Note discs here in Sweden because of this CP.


Posted (edited)

  shaft said:

Hi all!

I really really (yes really!) hope that EMI Europe now stop putting out this Copy Protection nonsense on their discs. Great news about these Conns :)

I never buy copy protected discs. I have passed on soooo many Blue Note discs here in Sweden because of this CP.


I passed on them all here in UK too. We weren't the only ones. Perhaps our boycott has had some effect? But maybe the copies seen in Dublin were imports and not the euro-editions?

(come to think of it I am so used to ignoring EMI jazz products now that it will take an effort to start buying them again...)

Edited by David Ayers

David, I don't think they were Imports, as then they would have been even more expensive than the €20 I was charged for each disc, yes that's right €20, and they're not even Jap. Imports :D:D:D

I gave the Blackburn a spin and I think comparisons to the Sonny Criss Imperial stuff would not be far of the mark, not necessarily musically, but in terms of quality/quantity, and in terms really great jazz, not life changing Jazz, that people like me would not have heard only for good ole Michael C. The second Session has the edge but I really like the group sound and it shows how much great stuff was produced on the West Coast that never got a chance. Excellent sound quality too.


I don't get the "expensiveness" of these cd's. They are regular full price issues (in Europe) so €20 is on the cheap side. We sell them for €22.50 in our store (JazzCenter, The Hague, The Netherlands). All full priced cd's are that "expensive". Please try to imagine how much EMI is going to sell of these. Then the remastering, seach for tapes, artwork, pressing, etc....and you'll know they might very well be losing money. Let's be greatful EMI is continuing their reissue scedule (as opposed to Sony/BMG, etc) and stop whining about the price.


In the case of the Blackburn and the Evans I think its value for money as there is more than one album involved but considering that the RVG/Pacific Jazz stuff is never more that €13 and can usually be found for €10, I find $20 for a single CD a bit on the expensive side.

I am grateful that EMI is continuing their reissue schedule and whatever the price I will continue to buy them, but I will most definitely continue whining about the price. :D:D:D


  Free For All said:

  milestones20 said:

Anyone know if these are available at Borders? I checked the online inventory system and it didn't even indicate that these had been released.

I picked mine up today at Borders. As usual, they weren't out in the bins on the release date, and I've never had much luck with the "Information" folks, so I usually just go hunt for the "new release" cart (which is usually sitting unattended) and search on my own. I did find the ones I was looking for. I should work there- as I was crouched at the cart no less than three people asked me questions as if I was an employee, and I was able to help them in each circumstance.

Hey, thanks for the help! How much did they cost there? Were they cheaper like they are online or were they still $17.99?


  Bluerein said:

I don't get the "expensiveness" of these cd's. They are regular full price issues (in Europe) so €20 is on the cheap side. We sell them for €22.50 in our store (JazzCenter, The Hague, The Netherlands).

plato.nl sell these for €11.50, and they are also in The Hague.







I will travel to Netherlands this summer again. :D

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