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Anyone game for writing a review on CDBaby?

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CDBaby has been very very good to us, unlike CDStreet who still owes us $300+. We've been doing decent sales thru them and they always pay on time.

I recently noticed that they have a "review" section. If anyone here on the board would like to write a review, that would be very helpful!

Here's the link:

Write A Review For Organissimo!!!


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I apologize for taking so long in placing my order. I was very apprehensive and was holding back. Unfortunately, the organ is one instrument that I don't particularly care for. It just doesn't do it for me in any genre. I broke down a few weeks ago and listened to the sound clips. Boy! was I surprised and impressed. I'll be happy to write a review once I receive your CD that I ordered a couple of days ago.

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Organ playing has changed a lot since the Jimmy Smith days. Jimmy Smith was a monster and no one can touch what he did, but he also spawned a lot of imitators that weren't very interesting. Personally, I love listening to almost any organist, but I can understand why some people don't like it.

That said, some of the modern players are doing some really nice things with it. I love Larry Goldings' playing... he has a very relaxed approach. A few years ago on the Hammond usenet (those wackos) someone posted a clip of Larry live, burning through Coltrane's "Cousin Mary" and remarked "Damn, the guy can really smoke. Why doesn't he play this way on his records?" Well, he does smoke on his records, but in a different way.

Another organist I love is Dan Wall. A buddy of mine calls him the Bill Evans of the organ. He definately approaches the instrument from a pianist's viewpoint and plays it in a non-traditional way. His chords are gorgeous.

With our group, we're trying to do our own thing with the organ trio, but still rooted in the tradition. My musical influences are far and wide and I'm not afraid to throw those in the mix. Joe comes from a varied musical background as well. We're not traditionalists in the sense that we think the music has to be a certain way. More in the sense that we recognize and have studied it's roots to the best of our abilities (and we're still absorbing it) but we're not necessarily trying to copy that.

Ok, I'll shut up about that now.


couw, good idea. I'll see if I can do that.

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I am looking forward to receiving the CD. I couldn't believe the email I got from CDBaby to let me know that my order had been shipped. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Thank you for the names of other organist to check out. I will do that eventually.

I just realized that my bias towards the organ probably comes from having to sit in church three times a week or more with my mother at the organ.

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I was thinking this morning that since we now have three longer reviews over on cdbaby, it would look really good to have a bunch of shorter blurbs. You know the type:

I love this CD! Organissimo rocks!

...and so on. Just a thought, if any of our friends here are inclined. We definitely appreciate the support. :rsmile:

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pryan, thank you very much for the kind and very well-written review! Have you ever considered becoming a music reviewer? :)

ps. The check is in the mail....

just kidding! :)

You are very welcome, sir. I enjoyed writing it. Of course I've considered becoming a record reviewer; it seems like one of the sweetest jobs out there. Maybe I'll check into it after I finish university. Thanks for the compliments and the cash.... ;)

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Guest Chaney

I was thinking this morning that since we now have three longer reviews over on cdbaby, it would look really good to have a bunch of shorter blurbs. You know the type:

I love this CD! Organissimo rocks!

...and so on. Just a thought, if any of our friends here are inclined. We definitely appreciate the support.  :rsmile:


I'll expect to be quoted on the next release.

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