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Oh dear, Mr. Bond....


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news.com.au said:

Spy who was unloved


By Justine Parker and wires

February 24, 2006

CONTROVERSIAL new James Bond Daniel Craig is looking shaken and stirred after a catastrophic start to his career in the role of Hollywood's favourite secret agent.

Fans are campaigning against his casting in the role, and Craig stunned studio bosses this week when he reportedly revealed he couldn't drive 007's classic car while filming the latest instalment of the legendary Bond franchise, Casino Royale.

And it's not just Craig's ego that's looking bloodied and bruised - the Layer Cake star reportedly lost two teeth on the weekend while filming fight scenes for Casino Royale.

Blond Bond Craig told filmmakers he didn't have a license to drive a manual car after they transported 007's original Aston Martin DB5 to the Bahamas for the film shoot, Britain's Daily Star newspaper has reported.

"Er, I don't do gears," he reportedly said.

Producers had to modify the wheels, which Sean Connery drove when he played the dashing spy, so Craig, 39, can drive it.

"We have had to adapt it so it's like an automatic. You don't expect that with James Bond, to be honest," a studio insider said to the Daily Mail.

Last year, Craig admitted another technical hitch - he is afraid of guns.

"I hate handguns," he said at the time.

"They are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other. I've seen a bullet wound and it was a mess."

Angry 007 fans have launched craignotbond.com, asking the public to sign a petition against the gun-shy careful driver after the series of stuff-ups was made public.

"EON Productions angered fans around the world when they fired ex-Bond Pierce Brosnan at the height of his popularity. To add insult to injury, EON cast a short, blond, odd-looking Daniel Craig in the role of Bond," statement on the site said.

"... If EON Productions and Sony Pictures will not accept they've made a big mistake, then Bond fans promise to boycott Casino Royale>/i>".

Brosnan was only replaced because producers refused to give him a pay rise, the website also claimed.

Meanwhile, Brosnan has stepped into the fray, saying he'd love to play 007 again.

The star, who was ditched after playing the sexy spy in the previous four instalments, says he'd love to reprise the role if Craig doesn't work out.

"If such a scenario arose, I would jump at it," he said to the Daily Star.

But Brosnan also revealed his own litany of injuries after Craig's weekend tooth-shattering incident - none of which were held up to media scrutiny during his popular reign in the role.

"It never made it in to the papers, but I've had my face sliced open by a stuntman and a knee injury," he said.

"But it's all part and parcel of being Bond. I'm afraid Daniel will have to face a lot more real-life injuries."

with BANG Showbiz.


I like Craig, but the whole thing about Bond was that men wanted to be like him and women wanted to be with him.

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Full disclosure: I always thought Timothy Dalton gave the most "realistic" Bond portrayal. A bit too tortured and ambivalent at times, but Fleming's hero, as written, was anything but a comic strip character.

I totally agree. Dalton had a darkness that was perfect for a "more serious" Bond, the only actor to play the character like someone who was half mad with remorse over the murder of his wife. It's just too bad they saddled him with a couple less than stellar films to show off his portrayal. I think they should have stuck with him longer.

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No, I didn't like Dalton at all. I personally would put Brosnan ahead of Moore.

I don't really watch the Bond flicks anymore, though I might when my son is at the right age. I can tell you right now I will boycott this new loser Bond. I hope they lose a ton of cash on him. Even better they should either recast or go back to Brosnan -- the publicity can't be good. In fact, I smell an inside job to make him look so bad that the studio has to drop him.

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For me, there's really only one Bond: Sean Connery. Roger Moore doesn't even rate, in my opinion. That said, however, I LOVED the Brosnan films and would rank him right after Connery. I also thought that Dalton had great potential, but that the two films he made were really substandard Bond. I'd like to see Brosnan carry on in the role. Either that or bring back Connery. Sean can still do it!

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Seriously, I think Brosnan was the second best after Connery. My personal opinion about Lazenby is that he was rather bad. And I was never able to take Moore seriously - to me it appears that all the films with Moore are more comic-book-ish (and thus never too involving) than even "Diamonds Are Forever".

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George Lazenby ?? Surely you jest fellow posters.

I recently rewatched On Her Majesty's Secret Service after reading that it has been highly re-evalulated in certain critical circles.

Needless to say my negative opinion hasn't mellowed with the passage of time.

As much as I find Roger Moore wryly amusing, he was, literally, a joke as JB.

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Seriously, I think Brosnan was the second best after Connery. My personal opinion about Lazenby is that he was rather bad. And I was never able to take Moore seriously - to me it appears that all the films with Moore are more comic-book-ish (and thus never too involving) than even "Diamonds Are Forever".

Agree completely. In addition, I found Dalton extremely boring - not a good character trait for a 007.

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How long does it take to learn to drive stick? Someone tell the Bond-wannabe to act like he has a pair.

You'd be surprised (or maybe not!) with what actors - who are often paid millions of dollars by the way - try to get away with. One upcoming project that I'm involved with stars a young man who doesn't want to kiss the leading lady at the end - despite their growing romance over the course of the film - because his new girlfriend doesn't want him to. :rolleyes:

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