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Posted (edited)

I am trying to find the following LP Mosaic sets. I will pay fair prices for them but I would accept gifts as well! :P I have most of these sets on CD if you are interested in trading. Please send me a PM if interested. Paypal is the most convenient way for me to pay US or European board members; Cheque or Paypal for the UK. Thanks

Sam Rivers

Curtis Fuller

Jimmy Smith

Stan Getz

Chet Baker (122)


Lee Morgan

Bill Evans ( I haven't got much hope for this one! :( )

Horace Parlan

Edited by ASNL77

I am trying to find the following LP Mosaic sets. I will pay fair prices for them but I would accept gifts as well! :P I have most of these sets on CD if you are interested in trading. Please send me a PM if interested. Paypal is the most convenient way for me to pay US or European board members; Cheque or Paypal for the UK. Thanks

Sam Rivers

Curtis Fuller

Jimmy Smith

Stan Getz

Chet Baker (122)

Thad Jones

Lee Morgan

Bill Evans ( I haven't got much hope for this one! :( )

Horace Parlan

thanks to that greedy pinhead that runs Mosaic, lps sets such as the ones you seek will cost you a small fortune. Too bad vinyl lovers.

Posted (edited)

I can't imagine anyone resorting to such juvenile namecalling about Mosaic's Michael Cuscuna. I'm sure that the leases of material from various companies' vaults don't come cheaply, not to mention that he has a risk factor of having to sell many of these sets within a fixed time frame per the lease agreements. The prices the label charges for their discs are more than reasonable, given that they return a lot of rare material to print, have thorough liner notes written for the projects, as well as reproducing session or period photos in each boxed set. Once the label had the ability to issue CD versions of their sets, they had to strike a balance between estimated sales of CDs and LPs. The production costs of LP sets have increased, which has limited the number of titles available in that format from Mosaic.

European bootleg labels that don't pay royalties to anyone involved in making of the original recordings can obviously get by with selling an inferior product for a lower price per disc.

While some record label heads deserve to be in a hall of infamy, especially cheapskate Herman Lubinsky (who founded Savoy) who was notorious for not paying musicians, not to mention a few others, Michael Cuscuna is one of the good guys in my book.

Edited by Ken Dryden

I can't imagine anyone resorting to such juvenile namecalling about Mosaic's Michael Cuscuna.

While some record label heads deserve to be in a hall of infamy, especially cheapskate Herman Lubinsky (who founded Savoy) who was notorious for not paying musicians, not to mention a few others, Michael Cuscuna is one of the good guys in my book.

Hi Ken,

Don't worry about jazzhound too much. He's simply bitter that Cuscuna would not offer him a recording contract back in the day, so he takes his revenge by firing barbs like this on internet boards every now and then.

It used to bother me quite a bit that jazzhound dissed Cuscuna, but now that I know the whole story, I just shake my head in pity at jazzhound's bitterness. It's sad, really. Jazzhound, get over it already!

Oh, and while you're at it, feel free to start up your own reissue label so that you can do things any damn way you want!




Shane: I wasn't overly concerned about defending Michael Cuscuna, whose work needs no defense.

One can't hold grudges in this business. I am frustrated with not getting more liner note assignments but there is a lot of competition out there, plus many artists have their favorite writers. But I keep on asking.

Starting a reissue label is tempting but a bit out of my financial grasp. At least I would know who to send review copies to with my long list of contacts!



Starting a reissue label is tempting but a bit out of my financial grasp. At least I would know who to send review copies to with my long list of contacts!


Hi Ken,

Sorry, I didn't mean to intimate that I wanted YOU to start your own reissue label (although it would be great, I'm sure). That statement was meant for jazzhound! All he does is bitch about Cuscuna and Mosaic at every turn, so I usually "invite" him to start up his own reissue label so that he can do things the way he thinks they should be done. Oddly enough, he never has started up his own label... he just keeps bitching on and on and on!

Keep on plugging away though, Ken... I'm crossing my fingers that those liner note gigs become more frequent for you! :tup





Sorry to derail this thread! Please accept my apologies!

Good luck with your search on the Mosaic LPs. I can say that I love the sound of the Curtis Fuller set, but unfortunately I don't have a spare to sell. Sorry 'bout that!





Sorry to derail this thread! Please accept my apologies!

Good luck with your search on the Mosaic LPs. I can say that I love the sound of the Curtis Fuller set, but unfortunately I don't have a spare to sell. Sorry 'bout that!



No worries,Shane! I still live in hope.

I haven't been very successfull so far. :(


Why not eBay? With patience you can get the sets you are looking for at very fair prices(excepting the Morgan).

I've seen your list go for the following prices:

Sam Rivers $206 $246 $290

Curtis Fuller $144

Jimmy Smith $134 $144 $191 $153 $153

Stan Getz $180 $94 $255 $160 $166 $181 $146

Chet Baker (122)$113 $91 $136 $122 $141 $83 $150 $56 $100 $87 $157 $128 $86 $171

Thad Jones $219 $150 $102 $169 $290 $215 $137

Lee Morgan $352

Bill Evans ( I haven't got much hope for this one! ) $287 $230 $294 $499 $456 $161

Horace Parlan $280

Posted (edited)

I saw several cd box sets (mostly select ) being sold at a discount by one of Mosaic's underpaid employees at a local record show recently. the art work was so bad I had to pass. Its disgraceful that such great music has gotten such a poor presentation by Mosaic. Maybe when they raise their prices to 25 bucks a cd you guys will wise up.

I don't why anyone would believe I have a grudge against Cuscuna cause of some rediculous reason posted above. Based on the records he's produced it obvious he has no talent in that regard. Strictly an opportunist who had the chance to distribute great music to a wider audience but decided to maximize his own wealth instead.

oh yeah I forgot to mention..


Edited by jazzhound

I saw several cd box sets (mostly select ) being sold at a discount by one of Mosaic's underpaid employees at a local record show recently. the art work was so bad I had to pass. Its disgraceful that such great music has gotten such a poor presentation by Mosaic. Maybe when they raise their prices to 25 bucks a cd you guys will wise up.

I don't why anyone would believe I have a grudge against Cuscuna cause of some rediculous reason posted above. Based on the records he's produced it obvious he has no talent in that regard. Strictly an opportunist who had the chance to distribute great music to a wider audience but decided to maximize his own wealth instead.

oh yeah I forgot to mention..


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I rest my case...



P.S. ASNL77, I'll look around a few local shops to see if they have any of the vinyl Mosaic's you are interested in. Not likely to find much, but I'll give it a shot! (i.e., sorry for derailing your thread a second time)

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