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I gotta write this while it's fresh and before I die laughing. And I swear it's 100% true. I just heard it on the 11 o' clock news:

The Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz, had a fund-raiser for underprivileged kids. He has this fundraiser every year and I think it's called Child of Mis-fortune, because they have it in a Chinese restaurant and the wrap-up is that they give out fortune cookies at the end to put every one in a good mood, etc., right?

But this year there was a fuckup. Everything went according to plan and Markowitz was looking forward to the highlight, the people opening their humorous fortune cookies----which, as usual, he proudly picked out. So a guest pulls him aside and says "Er, Marty. Did you see these fortune cookies?" "See them? I picked them!"

So he looks at them, and they're all risque to dirty jokes in there. Shit like "you sexy thing. I can't wait". Turns out there was a mixup and Markowitz's party got cookies meant for a bachelor party. (Probably they got his). Needless to say, both had a shitty party. Markowitz, in the interview, was pretty good-humored, saying "Next year it's gonna be fresh fruit".

But the part that had me doubled over and still does is when they mentioned the name of the party food company that fucked up (on my honor):


Edited by fasstrack
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