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Is there that one "mystery" hard bop record

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Guest ariceffron

....now i know you find weird shit all the time you didnt know was out there, but thats besides the point. Basically, i want to ask, do any of you feel there is that one (or perhaps neumours) "jazz mystery record/s" that will unlock the secret door to another realm of post 50s pre 70s jazz, or do we basically know the bulk of whats out there. like we know what blue note and prestige and columbia etc et. al record and shit. and we know even the smaller labels. we dont know the bootlegs very well (do we) but i think we know the bulk if not most of whats out there. is this true. what the hel. whos knows what is up w/ this

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Big Nick Nicholas!

I have his "Big Nick" album on India Navigation. But I don't think it solves any mysteries.

Indeed not! If anything, it creates one. Namely, "Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to let this cat SING?" :D :D :D

But check him out w/Dizzy in Paris, or with Miles and Jaws at Birdland. Now THAT'S some shit!


Conlon Nancarrow, now THERE'S another realm!

No shit!!! And you know, I'd seriously pay good money to read a lengthy post from Aric in response to him listening to a bunch of Nancarrow.

And, you know what else?? - I think Aric could actually kinda half-way get into Nancarrow --- maybe with a little chemical encouragement, perhaps. ;)


You know what's cool? Those Columbia recordings Lotte Lenya did of all the Kurt Weil shit. I like to A-B those with Gil Evans' arrangements of the same tunes.

Too bad Gil & Miles never did THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS.

Posted (edited)

Hey, I just had a crazy thought...

What if Aric and Hardbop are actually one in the same guy, sort of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of thing???


Edited by Rooster_Ties

damn jim, I don't even understand the question and you have more than one answer?

You don't have to understand the question, you just have to understand Aric!!! :P

No, the question is a simple one (well, as simple as things get with Aric when he posts loaded, or seemingly loaded) - what records might be out there that go into someplace different than the what "we" already "know". I know that Aric's hip to Ra & Tristano, so those two REALLY obvious choices aren't an option. He was talking post 50s, pre 70s jazz, but a "hard bop" record, which basically means "jazz". Well, ok, we've gone beyond those parameters, but so did the kind of musicinas he's looking for.

OK, that's not a simple answer, but if I get the gist of the question, it's "what else is there that relates".

Berg relates, Bartok DEFINITELY relates (Reiner's CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA, Dude, get it NOW), all this stuff relates.

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