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Why do the posts on the Steve Hoffman forum seem more LSD-induced than those on the Albert Hoffmann forum....

Well... comparing 200 different remasterings/pressings of "Hotel California" should have the very same effects: bad trips IMHO.

You don't mean actually listening to that thing 200 times??? :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Why do the posts on the Steve Hoffman forum seem more LSD-induced than those on the Albert Hoffmann forum....

Well... comparing 200 different remasterings/pressings of "Hotel California" should have the very same effects: bad trips IMHO.

You don't mean actually listening to that thing 200 times??? :ph34r:

Buddha said

There are three roads to Nirvana: 200 times "Hotel California", Doctor Hoffmann's medicine or a life of meditation.

I am fine with the meditation, but everybody should find his own way.

Edited by porcy62

May 5, 2008


A Mind-Altering Drug Altered a Culture as Well


When it comes to LSD, I have to confess: I inhaled. But I inhaled like so many other denizens of the 1960s and early ’70s, whether they actually took the drug or not. I inhaled because you couldn’t fail to inhale. LSD — its aura if not its substance — was a component of the air we breathed. This hallucinogen infused the exhalations of musicians, philosophers, advertisers and activists.

There seemed nothing “counter” about this culture; it was prevalent. At the time there seemed to be as many head shops in New York as there are Starbucks now; acid rock played in those darkened spaces to acid heads, as beams of black light caused DayGlo Op-Art images to shimmer dizzyingly. Typefaces ballooned and swooped, melting across posters and album jackets in drug-induced swoons. Lucy was in the sky with diamonds, the Byrds were eight miles high, the Magical Mystery Tour was overbooked; Carlos Castaneda played out his fantasies.

The era’s hallmark drug was championed with as much messianic fervor as the era’s countercultural politics. And I, and seemingly everyone else I knew, ingested that culture even if not the drug itself, not even realizing how strange that culture was.

It seems even stranger with the passing of time. So while the death at 102 last week of Albert Hofmann may have tempted some to resurrect tales of spiritual adventures under the influence, or to invoke the now familiar quip that if you can remember the ’60s you weren’t there, there are other flashbacks — LSD-induced or not — to consider.

Dr. Hofmann, you recall, was the discoverer of LSD when he was a brilliant young Swiss chemist working for Sandoz Laboratories; he was identifying and refining the medicinal properties of various plants. In 1943, after synthesizing a chemical derived from the ergot fungus found on rye kernels, he noticed some unusual sensations. He entered a dreamlike state, as he described it; when he closed his eyes he saw an “uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures.”

His real eureka moment came a few days later when he deliberately ingested a minute quantity (0.25 milligrams) of that synthesized chemical — lysergic acid diethylamide — and had the world’s first bad acid trip. Its components included a horrifying bicycle ride, the frenzied drinking of two liters of milk, a neighbor who appeared as “a malevolent insidious witch,” and an emergency call to the family doctor who could see nothing wrong, even though in his autobiography Dr. Hofmann said he felt like “a demon had invaded me, had taken possession of my body, mind and soul.” But the next day everything glistened in a fresh light: “The world was as if newly created.”

For the LSD era there was something mythic about this initiation. Epic heroes have always descended into the underworld to emerge, however scarred, bearing new forms of wisdom. That was also the LSD archetype: descend into madness and emerge enlightened, seeing the world anew.

Like others, I found the demonic threat too fearsome to engage and saw many an injured traveler drop by the wayside. As for the promised enlightenment, it too raised concerns. I was wary of the trappings — the surface style and attitude that had developed around a substance whose promise was that it would help you see the essence of things.

I doubt if I would have been comfortable ingesting anything more than a Fresca if Timothy Leary had been at my side reciting the spiritual patter he and Ralph Metzner and Richard Alpert — the shamanistic professors of the age — had put together for the 1964 book “The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.” Their manual tried to establish an almost sacramental order for an experience that was much more anarchic.

“O (name of voyager),” its opening recitation begins (prompting for personalization of the impersonal message), “the time has come for you to seek new levels of reality. Your ego and the (name) game are about to cease. You are about to be set face to face with the Clear Light.”

That Clear Light sounded nice. So did “the All Good” and “the All Peaceful.” But these chants also warned on the subject of the “Source Energy,” “Do not try to intellectualize it.” And that still seems wrong: ideas of trying to “merge with the world” and “enjoy the dance of the puppets” seem relatively banal compared with really seeing the interconnectedness of things. How did Eastern mysticism, 20th-century pharmacology, messianic politics and 19th-century Romanticism become so intertwined?

This really was a remarkable form of cultural intoxication. And there were important precedents. It was no accident that when Aldous Huxley wrote about his experience taking mescaline in “The Doors of Perception” in 1954, his title was drawn from William Blake: “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.”

Blake was a Romantic visionary, suspicious of the scientific mechanisms of modernity that were transforming 18th-century Britain. His younger compatriot William Wordsworth, once intoxicated by revolutionary fervor, strolled through the English Lake District, beautifully invoking the nurturing powers of Nature and evoking an incorporeal “presence” that moved him deeply “with the joy of elevated thoughts.”

The Romantics were championing an alternative culture that might displace the encroaching industrial age. Cold reason would be tempered by visionary warmth, objective science by internal experience. Coleridge and De Quincey penned their drug dreams, and Coleridge said that nitrous oxide — laughing gas — provided “the most unmingled pleasure” he ever knew.

In Dr. Hofmann’s 1979 autobiography, “LSD: My Problem Child” (reproduced, along with other fascinating texts, at psychedelic-library.org), he sounds at times like the Romantics’ nemesis. He is a frustrated scientist, astonished at the popular interest in the drug and dismayed by how it was swept out of the research laboratory by a “huge wave of inebriant mania that began to spread over the Western world.” During his first meeting with Leary at a Swiss train station in 1971 Dr. Hofmann barely restrained his criticism of that populist showman.

As Dr. Hofmann points out in his memoir, Sandoz Laboratories, seeing no obvious medical purpose for the drug, provided it without cost to researchers at first. About 100 scientific papers appeared annually. But in 1965, when patents had expired, and accounts of bad trips and widespread use had made LSD a “serious threat to public health” (as Sandoz put it), the company announced it was stopping production — which did not, of course, stop proliferation. In Dr. Hofmann’s view abuse of the drug led to its illegality.

But he was torn; the scientist also sounded like a Romantic. He seemed to echo Wordsworth: during one of his childhood walks in a forest path above Baden, Switzerland, Dr. Hoffmann had a euphoric vision of nature, experiencing what he called a “beautiful radiance, speaking to the heart.” He said he believed LSD could recapture that experience, disclosing a “miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality that was hidden from everyday sight.”

Like the British Romantics and like the ’60s counterculturalists, Dr. Hofmann also saw a “spiritual crisis” in “Western industrial society,” one that demanded that we “shift from the materialistic” and discover new modes of understanding. That view gave a political edge to LSD: it was literally counter-cultural, offering a dissent and the promise of a reformation.

The same impulse attracted Huxley. In 1932, in “Brave New World,” he saw drugs as instruments of social control and as short cuts to mood manipulation. But in “The Doors of Perception,” his conversion is complete: the drug plays the opposite role. It provides a way to step outside of the restrictive bounds of one’s culture, revealing alternatives, breaking down boundaries.

There is no need to rehearse again how wildly such countercultural fantasies ultimately failed, how drugs of illumination became drugs of disturbance. Huxley was more prophetic about the influence of mood-altering drugs than about mind-altering drugs. And with all the great promise of LSD, what did it leave behind? What liberatory principles were established or revelations disclosed?

Not many, except in one surprising direction. The LSD counterculture may once have attained its cultural power by dissenting from the scientific world view, encouraging a return to the natural world and stripping away the trappings of materialism. But many alumni of that era have had different ideas.

It is through technology, not despite it, that LSD visions were realized. Leary called the personal computer “the LSD of the 1990s.” And in a 2006 report in Wired magazine, many early computer pioneers are said to have been users of LSD. Steve Jobs, Apple’s presiding genius, described his own LSD experience as “one of the two or three most important things” he has done in his life. So here it is — a world in which we all do more than just inhale. It is through the iPod that, in Leary’s once contentious words, we turn on, tune in and drop out.

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