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making podcasts...

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Guest akanalog


i did a search and didn't find any topic that soudned right though i imagine this has been asked....

how does one go about making a podcast?

i use nicecast sometimes right now but it would be nicer to make an hour long show and then put it up at my website and let people grab it or something rather than having to broadcast live (also i take up most of my bandwith downloading stuff so the nicecast stream is pretty junky).

i am on a mac G4.

do i need any special equipment or software or programming knowledge?

any input is welcomed and appreciated.


The way I have been doing it is to upload to the occasionally reliable www.ourmedia.org. They automatically provide you with the XML link.

I haven't looked into it for hosting on my own server location.


Can I tack on to his question?

Does anyone fully understand the legality of Podcasting? I've been considering doing it and have received opinions ranging from "it's totally legal" to "you have to pay fees to BMI, ASCAP and the other one". The site that I would podcast from is not one that I would want to bring trouble to.

Anyone know for sure? I know that everyone is doing it.


After speaking with an communications attourney at a broadcasting conference, I was surprised [and not surprised] to find out that it is not fully ironed out. When talking music usage, you will hear people use terms like "fair use" and so on. This attourney informed me that "fair use" is not a legal clause, but rather a defence offered in court proceedings.

Again, the RIAA is behind the curve, behind on the technology, and behind the times on this issue. It has been out there for some time and there is little to be shown from them on it.

Guest akanalog

ok so now i have an ourmedia. org page and i have a blogspot.com page and i still don't know how this is getting me closer to having my own podcast. i have some program called podcast maker open and another window showing something called feedburner. please someone help me.


Just speaking to someone last night/this morning about this...

Do you have an FTP client that you use

to upload stuff to your website?

If so, another idea that's not really podcasting

is just uploading a set of music files to your website:


You may find this explanation to be handy.

You can compile a batch of pieces with m3u on the end

and just send that address out to the music forums and

other friends for all to listen and it comes directly from your website!

As I understand it, Podcasting is legal if you are presenting

something other than music broadcasts of people's work

that you never received permission to podcast.

This is why the majority of freely accessed podcasts

consists of talk programming - news, comedy, etc..

If there is music, it's usually of the kind that's been

freely submitted - usually by up-and-coming artists.

Also, depending on how much money you are willing to devote,

if you are only interested in presenting a specific set of music

and broadcasting it 24/7 for as long as you choose,

then I would *seriously* consider getting something like the cheapest MacMini

(either one that's used or even an old computer that you don't use)

and just using that as a server to run just your audio. You could load up, say, 9 hours of music

and just let it run for a month. That way, anyone could tune in at any time of the day for any length

and you don't have the stupid RIAA rules about how many tunes, by what artist, and in what order

that you have to adhere to.

Live365 idea is interesting in that it allows listeners to

be able to tune in to your preset playlist anytime that they want...

but of course, they charge for this service

and it's a less listener-friendly.

Guest akanalog


so if i submit my podcast to itunes it will be nixed if it is all store bought music....like a radio show?

i like the nicecast idea but since i am always using lots of my bandwith it is tough to do it right.

i would need to commit a lot of space for it and i don't think it is worth that since i have streaming video and stuff for my professional website and i need the juice.

what is this m3u you speak of?

i could edit together a radio show in another program and upload the whole thing and then...

nevermind. i will research.

Guest akanalog

oy. actually here...

for anyone that can answer...

i want to create like one hour radio shows which will be me playing store bought music i like.

i want people to be able to download the shows and then play them in their itunes/be able to burn them/listen on their ipods.

what is my best strategy? is this even possible?

i am not looking to stream.

i am looking to upload and for people to download.


oy. actually here...

for anyone that can answer...

i want to create like one hour radio shows which will be me playing store bought music i like.

i want people to be able to download the shows and then play them in their itunes/be able to burn them/listen on their ipods.

what is my best strategy? is this even possible?

i am not looking to stream.

i am looking to upload and for people to download.

Then just check the link that I sent you on how to do that.

Here's a woman who's been doing the same thing that you want to do...

only, it's with bellydance music:

Radio Bastet

(only program #66 is currently available, but you get the idea...)

Also, about your iTunes comment: it is possible that your

music set may be accepted into the iTunes podcast list,

but don't be surprised if down the road, someone -

and I mean even people who don't have a stake in the matter,

but just get all bothered about the legal issues - decides to complain

to iTunes about your podcast tunes. I wouldn't upload it myself, because I'd

always have the feeling of walking on eggshells.

Like I said, I think your best bet is to either use the ourmedia site

(but I've never used it like WD45 has, so I don't know how reliable it is)

or read the easy tutorial at the link I sent you

and upload your individual files that make up an hour right to your website

and provide your friends, enemies, and ne'r do well's the address

and we can all go right there and listen while we whistle or download the

stream link so we can listen while we tinkle!

m3u: it's streaming media - again, read the link that I sent you.



Guest akanalog

i mean is the best thing to do just to upload edited together mp3s (into a one hour segment single mp3) up to my website and then people can listen as a quicktime and save the mp3 to their desktop? no because then the whole space issue because i can't house a ton of long mp3s. is that where ourmedia comes in?

Guest akanalog

ok i will read the link now.

sorry you did send me off to do some research and i did not.


whether you offer store bought music as (mp3) downloads or in podcast format from your own website or a hosted site you are violating copyright laws and risk getting sued by RIAA or the content owner

Guest akanalog

an update on my situation....

i have been exploring nicecast and it seems pretty cool besides that it is streaming so i don't know if people can record it.

but i have been screwing with my router and firewalls and i think i can broadcast to the world now.

i will update more but i like what this nicecast program is cooking.

seems like there is some rebuffering, but i will try to tweak the settings in nicecast to get rid of this.


Been using Nicecast for about 10 months now

and it has given me (and others, I think) much joy!

Remember, to create a smooth stream

for listeners, you have to set your bitrate

at something comparable with your UPLOAD

streaming speed.

In other words, if your home connection is

384 kbps DSL/Cable and you decide to

stream your Nicecast at 128 kbps,

then you can only have a maximum of 3

listeners at any one time. [384 ÷ 128 = 3]

So, lower bit rates get you more simultaneous listeners,

but you sacrifice quality.

Posted (edited)

Been using Nicecast for about 10 months now

and it has given me (and others, I think) much joy!

I have received much joy from several rodcasts!

Since you have a Mac, you should get the new iLife 06 suite. Apple has added podcasting tools to GarageBand. I haven't spent too much time with it, but it looks like it makes the whole process pretty easy.

I would suggest getting an Odeo account. Free bandwidth, easy online tools and the ability to podcast by phone! It's very cool.

Edited by Jim Dye
Posted (edited)

Thanks Jim for the kind words!

Also, you really are missing out on some good radio

thru your Last.Fm account!

You haven't been connected for nearly 3 months

and the features that they have now are incredible!

Forget Pandora and a couple of those others

(can't remember their names now). With the playlists

that you've had, you can really find some fine Last.FM

radio listening pleasure :tup

Thanks for the tip on the new iLife and ODEO.

I'll check into that. I've only just considered

doing set shows - where there's a theme and you

put together a few hours of something, send people the stream link,

and they listen whenever they want - it's pretty easy really and

it's a bit of a precursor to Podcasting.

I've been away from playing anything for a few weeks

because I'm working on a bunch of audio projects,

but I'll be back at it next week.


Edited by rostasi
  • 2 weeks later...

I have an old friend who works in enforcement at RIAA. Our friendship precedes his employment and I promise I'm not a mole. I had this conversation with him recently, specifically in the context of recordings of local guys playing standards or a band putting sound clips of them playing standards up on their website or a public board of some kind.

What he told me (very unofficially) is that the RIAA protects the recorded music of artists that it represents. If the performers of the recording consent to it's broadcast, it is not an RIAA issue.

He opined that it is likely a broadcast rights issue, which is governed by ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. As I understand it, radio stations and even official music venues pay these 3 agencies an annual fee to broadcast music that is copywrited. This includes performances of other people's songs. This likely pertains to someone podcasting or uploading sound clips of themself playing standards on to a website. I think it costs about $800/year.

We went on to talk about "enforcement priorities" which is a very opinion based concept about what someone may or may not make an issue of. It's all somewhat subjecture, except the first part, I think. It doesn't surprise me to know that the industry and law have not completely caught up with the technology yet. It will be interesting to keep an eye on. I'm personally going to procede cautiously. I just don't need the trouble.

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