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Kyle Rowland Music


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Hello all. I'm new here, but wanted to give you guys a heads up on an up and coming producer out of NJ, Kyle Rowland. Check out his website, Kyle Rowland Music.

He works primarily alone, with his keyboard and his computer... and his imagination. On his website, his first effort, "Ideas", is available free of charge, in mp3 format. It's a fusion of jazz and house/techno-esque beats, and it goes down smooth. Some ill improvisation, some ill, well, ideas.

His next effort will be coming in the near future. No title, but when I have more info, you will have more info.

You heard it here first!

Edited by khal
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OK, I didn't want to be a jerk and post some kind of spam reference, so I listened to a sample on the website. To me, it's smooth adult-contempt and not very interesting or particularly original, and not of much interest to me- kind of "Mark Isham-lite", if that's possible. :) The I-vi-IV-V progression with various noodlings gets old pretty quick. If someone hears something that I'm missing, please tell me I'm wrong.

Fortunately, I'm most likely not in the target demographic for this kind of entertainment, so my opinion matters little.

If you're a jazz fan and are legitimately interested in hanging here, then welcome. Check out the Cellar Door box from Miles, lots of interesting improvisation over simple chord progressions there.

If this is just spam, well.....................................................Kyle, is it? Good luck with all that. :g

Some ill improvisation, some ill, well, ideas.

I'd be ill-advised to touch that one. :huh:

Edited by Free For All
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Paul, Paul, Paul... why so cynical? Clearly this young man is just trying to put out some new music, and wants to get the word out to us so that we can be 'ahead of the curve'. I'd like to thank him for giving us the heads up!

And Miles? Cellar Door? You're living in the past, man! I mean, 35 years ago was a totally different time: a corrupt Republican administration, our country embroiled in an ill-advised military action half-way around the world, with no end in sight. Has no relevance to what's happening in today's world.

Get hip, man. Catch the wave, and the wave is idea 1. :D

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There must be some sort of template that all these folks use. The messages are all almost exactly the same.

"Hey, I just checked out some happenin' music from this new cat, insert name here. He's up and coming, and you'll hear lots more in the future.

Just wanted to spread the word. It's insert descriptive - phat/smooth/groovin'/funky like you wouldn't believe!


Edited by Aggie87
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There must be some sort of template that all these folks use. The messages are all almost exactly the same.

"Hey, I just checked out some happenin' music from this new cat, insert name here. He's up and coming, and you'll hear lots more in the future.

Just wanted to spread the word. It's insert descriptive - phat/smooth/groovin'/funky like you wouldn't believe!



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Hey, y'all,

I just checked out some happenin' music from this new cat, Arnold Schoenberg. He's up and coming, and you'll hear lots more in the future. Check out his web site here.

Just wanted to spread the word. It's phat like you wouldn't believe!


Hey, weren't you the guy who was in here pimpin' some Berg guy last month??

I swear, if I hear one word out of you about Webern, it'll be totally bannination for you!!

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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