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Christmas loot thread

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Norman Granz - The Complete Jam Sessions

I got that for Christmas last year and still spin it regularly! :tup

I'm fortunate that both my parents and my in-laws live here in town and we all get along wonderfully. So we did the traditional running from house-to-house, with everyone gathering at the in-laws for the big dinner.

My loot:

100.00 gift certificate for a new car radio, to replace the one that was stolen this summer

18-speed bike

$20 gift card to Best Buy

Complete Chronicles of Narnia

Cream Reunion DVD

Cordless drill

Scrubs, Season 2

Central Market gift card

$50 gift card to Barnes & Noble

$50 gift certificate to Forever Young Records

Some shirts

Very blessed this year.

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From my kids, the Paul Chambers Select. From my wife, a set of Jim Stinnet's PC transcriptions. Looks like I'll be spending a bit more time in my practice studio this year :D

I was also richly blessed to be priviledged to work at our church's traditional Moravian Christmas vigils this year. These are a special worship service with a small orchestra and our full church choir, combined with the serving of a traditional lovefeast (coffee and a bun), ending with the passing out of candles for the final hymn. For me, this is when Christmas arrives.

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My son gave me the most amazing picture I've ever been presented with (I'll have to take a pic and post it tomorrow); a collage of tissue paper and foil chocolate wrappers made out to be my car. He spent a l-o-n-g time creating it with his mum last week. Also received the Band Of Brothers box which I'm about to embark upon now -- essential vewing even if I will go to bed upset.

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From my kids, the Paul Chambers Select. From my wife, a set of Jim Stinnet's PC transcriptions. Looks like I'll be spending a bit more time in my practice studio this year :D

I was also richly blessed to be priviledged to work at our church's traditional Moravian Christmas vigils this year. These are a special worship service with a small orchestra and our full church choir, combined with the serving of a traditional lovefeast (coffee and a bun), ending with the passing out of candles for the final hymn. For me, this is when Christmas arrives.

Sounds like a perfect Christmas, Pete. I was looking forward to Christmas service at our church, but I spent part of Christmas day in the hospital having surgery to remove a kidney stone. I was out of the hospital Christmas afternoon, but was under the weather for a couple of days. My wife and I waited until last night to turn the tree light on and exchange gifts. She gave me a watch, several shirts that I like very much (even though one is pink - not my usual thing), a tie that I like, and another tie I'm going to return - multi striped - gold, green, pink, etc. - definitely not my thing! My mother gave me the second season Northern Exposure DVD set - I picked that out myself.

It's nice to receive gifts from someone who loves and cares about you, but my recent illness has made it clear to me that the best gift of all is good health - a cliche, but true.

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From my kids, the Paul Chambers Select. From my wife, a set of Jim Stinnet's PC transcriptions. Looks like I'll be spending a bit more time in my practice studio this year :D

I was also richly blessed to be priviledged to work at our church's traditional Moravian Christmas vigils this year. These are a special worship service with a small orchestra and our full church choir, combined with the serving of a traditional lovefeast (coffee and a bun), ending with the passing out of candles for the final hymn. For me, this is when Christmas arrives.

Sounds like a perfect Christmas, Pete. I was looking forward to Christmas service at our church, but I spent part of Christmas day in the hospital having surgery to remove a kidney stone. I was out of the hospital Christmas afternoon, but was under the weather for a couple of days. My wife and I waited until last night to turn the tree light on and exchange gifts. She gave me a watch, several shirts that I like very much (even though one is pink - not my usual thing), a tie that I like, and another tie I'm going to return - multi striped - gold, green, pink, etc. - definitely not my thing! My mother gave me the second season Northern Exposure DVD set - I picked that out myself.

It's nice to receive gifts from someone who loves and cares about you, but my recent illness has made it clear to me that the best gift of all is good health - a cliche, but true.

Having had surgery within days of Christmas in 2003 and 2004, I would agree! Hope you're feeling better and enjoy that pink shirt! ;)


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