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Name popularity

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interesting to see the downward trend in the total number of babies carrying the top 1000 names covered. Obviously there is an increasing number of people with uncommon names nowadays. Would the little dip in total coverage in the early 1900s be related to larger numbers of immigrants?

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Well, I don't have the right plug in to view that page. . . but I can't imagine mine (Lonson) was ever very popular, let alone in 1955!

Not Lonson, but Lon was #318 in the 1890s, dropped to #845 in the 1920s and peaked again in the 40s at #522, in the 70s it's #918 and then disappears.

Edit: Lonnie did better, all round, and only disappeared after the 90s...

Edited by king ubu
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Flurin, Ros: Thanks.

Lon. . . puny nickname. . . placing higher than the real thing! :D

Don't even get me started on "Lonnie"! (Lonnie in my experience is usually a nickname of Alonozo).

I've only ever encountered "Lonson" in my family. . . it was a name that ran from uncle to nephew as either Lonson Earl or Lonson Butler. . . . Skipped a generation just before me and in recompense there are two of us in mine!

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Another strange trend that I've noticed lately

is towards old-style biblical type names

like Zacharia.

Well, Jeremiah has finally beaten Jeremy by now!

The names I was making fun of above are ones such as "Charity" (c'mon!!!), "Serenity" (well yes, sure...), "Faith" (sure, sure), "Hope" (well, why not... even if the world should have ended in the year 1000...). "Grace" is interesting. Very popular early, then dropping down quite some, and getting very popular again nowadays... sure sure, I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, too!

Mary, on the contrary (shoot them catholics!) was #1 until the 50s, #2 in the 60s, but then dropped to #15 in the 70s and then to #63 today...

Samson and Delilah are gaining prominence, too :lol:

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Another strange trend that I've noticed lately

is towards old-style biblical type names

like Zacharia.

Old Testament names

* Aaron: First high priest of Jews; son of Amram; brother of Miriam and Moses; father of Abihu, Eleazer, Ithamar, and Nadab.

* Abel: Son of Adam and Eve; slain by Cain.

* Abigail: Wife of Nabal; later, wife of David.

* Abihu: Son of Aaron.

* Abimelech: King of Gerar.

* Abner: Commander of army of Saul and Ishbosheth; slain by Joab.

* Abraham (or Abram): Patriarch; forefather of the Jews; son of Terah; husband of Sarah; father of Isaac and Ishmael.

* Absalom: Son of David and Maacah; revolted against David; slain by Joab.

* Achish: King of Gath; gave refuge to David.

* Achsa (or Achsah): Daughter of Caleb; wife of Othniel.

* Adah: Wife of Lamech.

* Adam: First man; husband of Eve; father of Cain, Abel, and Seth.

* Adonijah: Son of David and Haggith.

* Agag: King of Amalek; spared by Saul; slain by Samuel.

* Ahasuerus: King of Persia; husband of Vashti and, later, Esther; sometimes identified with Xerxes the Great.

* Ahijah: Prophet; foretold accession of Jeroboam.

* Ahinoam: Wife of David.

* Amasa: Commander of army of David; slain by Joab.

* Amnon: Son of David and Ahinoam; raped Tamar; slain by Absalom.

* Amram: Husband of Jochebed; father of Aaron, Miriam and Moses.

* Asenath: Wife of Joseph.

* Asher: Son of Jacob and Zilpah.

* Balaam: Prophet; rebuked by his donkey for cursing God.

* Barak: Jewish captain; associated with Deborah.

* Baruch: Secretary to Jeremiah.

* Bathsheba: Wife of Uriah; later, wife of David.

* Belshazzar: Crown prince of Babylon.

* Benaiah: Warrior of David; proclaimed Solomon King.

* Ben-Hadad: Name of several kings of Damascus.

* Benjamin: Son of Jacob and Rachel.

* Bezaleel: Chief architect of Tabernacle.

* Bilbah: Servant of Rachel; mistress of Jacob.

* Bildad: Comforter of Job.

* Boaz: Husband of Ruth; father of Obed.

* Cain: Son of Adam and Eve; slayer of Abel; father of Enoch.

* Cainan: Son of Enos.

* Caleb: Spy sent out by Moses to visit Canaan; father of Achsa.

* Canaan: Son of Ham.

* Chilion: Son of Elimelech; husband of Orpah.

* Cush: Son of Ham; father of Nimrod.

* Dan: Son of Jacob and Bilhah.

* Daniel: Prophet; saved from lions by God.

* Deborah: Hebrew prophetess and judge; helped Israelites conquer Canaanites.

* Delilah: Mistress and betrayer of Samson.

* Elam: Son of Shem.

* Eleazar: Son of Aaron; succeeded him as high priest.

* Eli: High priest and judge; teacher of Samuel; father of Hophni and Phinehas.

* Eliakim: Chief minister of Hezekiah.

* Eliezer: Servant of Abraham.

* Elihu: Comforter of Job.

* Elijah (or Elias): Prophet; went to heaven in chariot of fire.

* Elimelech: Husband of Naomi; father of Chilion and Mahlon.

* Eliphaz: Comforter of Job.

* Elisha (or Eliseus): Prophet; successor of Elijah.

* Elkanah: Husband of Hannah; father of Samuel.

* Enoch: Son of Cain.

* Enoch: Father of Methuselah.

* Enos: Son of Seth; father of Cainan.

* Ephraim: Son of Joseph.

* Esau: Son of Isaac and Rebecca; sold his birthright to his twin brother Jacob.

* Esther: Jewish wife of Ahasuerus; saved Jews from Haman's plotting.

* Eve: First woman; wife of Adam.

* Ezra (or Esdras): Hebrew scribe and priest.

* Gad: Son of Jacob and Zilpah.

* Gehazi: Servant of Elisha.

* Gideon: Israelite hero; defeated Midianites.

* Goliath: Philistine giant; slain by David.

* Hagar: Handmaid of Sarah; concubine of Abraham; mother of Ishmael.

* Haggith: Mother of Adonijah.

* Ham: Son of Noah; father of Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan.

* Haman: Chief minister of Ahasuerus; hanged on gallows prepared for Mordecai.

* Hannah: Wife of Elkanah; mother of Samuel.

* Hanun: King of Ammonites.

* Haran: Brother of Abraham; father of Lot.

* Hazael: King of Damascus.

* Hephzi-Bah: Wife of Hezekiah; mother of Mannaseh.

* Hiram: King of Tyre.

* Holofernes: General of Nebuchadnezzar; slain by Judith.

* Hophni: Son of Eli.

* Isaac: Hebrew patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah; half brother of Ishmael; husband of Rebecca; father of Esau and Jacob.

* Ishmael: Son of Abraham and Hagar; half brother of Isaac.

* Issachar: Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Ithamar: Son of Aaron.

* Jabal: Son of Lamech and Adah.

* Jabin: King of Hazor.

* Jacob: Hebrew patriarch; founder of Israel; son of Isaac and Rebecca; husband of Leah and Rachel; father of sons Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, and Zebulun, and daughter Dinah.

* Jael: Slayer of Sisera.

* Japheth:Son of Noah.

* Jehoiada: High priest; husband of Jehoshabeath; revolted against Athaliah and made Joash King of Judah.

* Jehoshabeath (or Jehosheba): Daughter of Jehoram of Judah; wife of Jehoiada.

* Jephthah: Judge in Israel; sacrificed his only daughter because of vow.

* Jesse: Son of Obed; father of David.

* Jethro: Midianite priest; father of Zipporah.

* Jezebel: Phoenician princess; wife of Ahab; mother of Ahaziah, Athaliah, and Jehoram.

* Joab: Commander in chief under David; slayer of Abner, Absalom, and Amasa.

* Job: Patriarch; underwent many afflictions; comforted by Bildad, Elihu, Eliphaz and Zophar.

* Jochebed: Wife of Amram.

* Jonah: Prophet; cast into sea and swallowed by great fish.

* Jonathan: Son of Saul; friend of David.

* Joseph: Son of Jacob and Rachel; sold into slavery by his brothers; husband of Asenath; father of Ephraim and Manassah.

* Joshua: Successor of Moses; son of Nun.

* Jubal: Son of Lamech and Adah.

* Judah: Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Judith: Slayer of Holofernes.

* Kish: Father of Saul.

* Laban: Father of Leah and Rachel.

* Lamech: Son of Methuselah; father of Noah.

* Lamech: Husband of Adah and Zillah; father of Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-Cain.

* Leah: Daughter of Laban; wife of Jacob; sister of Rachel.

* Levi: Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Lot: Son of Haran; escaped destruction of Sodom.

* Maacah: Mother of Absalom and Tamar.

* Mahlon: Son of Elimelech; first husband of Ruth.

* Manasseh: Son of Joseph.

* Melchizedek: King of Salem.

* Methuselah: Patriarch; son of Enoch; father of Lamech.

* Michal: Daughter of Saul; wife of David.

* Miriam: Prophetess; daughter of Amram; sister of Aaron and Moses.

* Mizraim: Son of Ham.

* Mordecai: Uncle of Esther; with her aid, saved Jews from Haman's plotting.

* Moses: Prophet and lawgiver; son of Amram; brother of Aaron and Miriam; husband of Zipporah.

* Naaman: Syrian captain; cured of leprosy by Elisha.

* Nabal: Husband of Abigail.

* Naboth: Owner of vineyard; stoned to death because he would not sell it to Ahab.

* Nadab: Son of Aaron.

* Nahor: Father of Terah.

* Naomi: Wife of Elimelech; mother-in-law of Ruth.

* Naphtali: Son of Jacob and Bilhah.

* Nathan: Prophet; reproved David for causing Uriah's death.

* Nebuchadnezzar (or Nebuchadrezzar): King of Babylon; destroyer of Jerusalem.

* Nehemiah: Jewish leader; empowered by Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem.

* Nimrod: Mighty hunter; son of Cush.

* Noah: Patriarch; son of Lamech; escaped Deluge by building Ark; father of Ham, Japheth and Shem.

* Nun (or Non): Father of Joshua.

* Obed: Son of Boaz; father of Jesse.

* Og: King of Bashan.

* Orpah: Wife of Chilion.

* Othniel: Kenezite; judge of Israel; husband of Achsa.

* Phinehas: Son of Eleazer.

* Phinehas: Son of Eli.

* Phut (or Put): Son of Ham.

* Potiphar: Egyptian official; bought Joseph.

* Rachel: Wife of Jacob; mother of Joseph; sister of Leah.

* Rebecca (or Rebekah): Wife of Isaac; mother of Esau and Jacob.

* Reuben: Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Ruth: Wife of Mahlon, later of Boaz; daughter-in-law of Naomi.

* Samson: Judge of Israel; famed for strength; betrayed by Delilah.

* Samuel: Hebrew judge and prophet; son of Elkanah.

* Sarah (or Sara, Sarai): Wife of Abraham; mother of Isaac.

* Sennacherib: King of Assyria.

* Seth: Son of Adam; father of Enos.

* Shem: Son of Noah; father of Elam.

* Simeon: Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Sisera: Canaanite captain; slain by Jael.

* Tamar: Daughter of David and Maachah; raped by Amnon.

* Terah: Son of Nahor; father of Abraham.

* Tubal-Cain: Son of Lamech and Zillah.

* Uriah: Husband of Bathsheba; sent to death in battle by David.

* Vashti: Wife of Ahasuerus; set aside by him.

* Zadok: High priest during David's reign.

* Zebulun (or Zabulon): Son of Jacob and Leah.

* Zillah: Wife of Lamech.

* Zilpah: Servant of Leah; mistress of Jacob.

* Zipporah: Daughter of Jethro; wife of Moses.

* Zophar: Comforter of Job.

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