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My first DWI

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There is a St. Joseph's Hospital in Paterson NJ. While there is a Lou Costello Center. In LA.

I can't find a Giuseppe Zangara Pavillion or a William Carlos Williams Outreach Program.

The world according to Google.

You know Chris, I didn't know Lou Costello was born in Patterson. The shit you learn...whadd ya know.


There is a St. Joseph's Hospital in Paterson NJ. While there is a Lou Costello Center. In LA.

I can't find a Giuseppe Zangara Pavillion or a William Carlos Williams Outreach Program.

The world according to Google.

You know Chris, I didn't know Lou Costello was born in Patterson. The shit you learn...whadd ya know.

Sorry I doubted ya Catesta. I owe you a drink. :blink:

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I'm still trying to figure out how Zangara ties in. :wacko::crazy:


Zangara was born in Ferruzano, Italy. After serving in the Tyrolian Alps in the Great War, Zangara did a variety of menial jobs in his home town before emigrating with his uncle to Paterson, New Jersey, in the United States in 1923. On September 11, 1929, he became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

I'm staying out of Paterson. Dem folks crazy.

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Joe Zangara was from Passaic. He shot and killed Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak in the early 1930s. A lot of people believe it was a mob hit and Cermak was the intended target - some people think FDR was the intended target. Zangara kept his mouth shut.

There is a St Joseph's Hospital in Paterson - I was born in it.

There is a Lou Costello Memorial Park in Paterson (it pops up in some Sopranos episodes) and a newly named Lou Costello Boulevard. Also a Lou Costello Pool and a Lou Costello Gym.

Apparently Randy Twizzle knows the area !

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I'm sure, over the years, that most of us have probably driven under the influence, here and there - at least a few times anyway.

I know I have.

BUT, I'm rather proud of the fact that I've done so only a very small handful of times in my life. Probably less than I can count on two hands. Once in high school during my senior year (and only because I was the least shit-faced person of those in the car), and then three or maybe four times in college.

There was also this jazz bar (The Drum Room) that I discovered shortly after I moved to Kansas City in the mid-90's, that for about two years I used to occasionally drive home from after a few drinks. BUT, the drive was only like three blocks long from the bar to my house, and was literally down a "back" back alley (not even a city street - I just checked, and Yahoo Maps doesn't have it), and then two more blocks on the most "side street" side street you could ever imagine (with almost NO traffic on it after 9pm). Usually I'd walk home, but in the winter - when it was cold - I took my chances. (Same when it was raining.)

All in all, I'm pretty risk adverse, and I'm a pretty safe driver too (no accidents ever, other than tapping the bumper of another car on wet pavement back in 1986 - when I was still in high school).

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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My oldest brother had three 502s (one got thrown out on a technicality), so I've been scared away from driving drunk. Luckily enough, the few times I have driven drunk I haven't wrecked, hurt anyone, or gotten caught. Not a risk I take often!

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I can't find a Giuseppe Zangara Pavillion or a William Carlos Williams Outreach Program.

I doubt any outreach program would name themselves after William Carlos Williams. Too obscure. My guess is that this is somewhere between 95% and 100% bs.

Edited by J Larsen
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None of you guys have ever gotten behind the wheel after a few beers? Not "drunk" in the literal sense of stumbling, slurring speech, and swerving all over the road, but "drunk" in the sense that a cop with a breathalizer won't give a fuck? It doesn't take much for a 502.

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None of you guys have ever gotten behind the wheel after a few beers? Not "drunk" in the literal sense of stumbling, slurring speech, and swerving all over the road, but "drunk" in the sense that a cop with a breathalizer won't give a fuck? It doesn't take much for a 502.

Thanks Noj, that's EXACTLY what I'm talking about...

The ONLY time I've ever driven while really drunk was ONE TIME in high-school. EVERY other example I gave before (in my prior post) was after having drank two drinks within the prior 60-90 minutes.

And to further clarify my earlier post, yes, driving under the influence is NEVER acceptable.

I'm simply publicly owning up to my past behavior. For the last 7 or 8 years (since I got married, and settled down), I rarely drink (short of one drink with a meal every now and then – like maybe twice a month). And maybe one mixed-drink when I go out to hear some live music (though for the last few years, I drink coffee as much or more than alcohol).

All I was saying is that driving under the influence is something many of us have done in the past, at one time or another. Yes, it is NEVER acceptable. But I know at least some of us here have occasionally done this in the past (and again, I'm 98% talking about the "two drinks within the prior hour" kind of drunk, not the "slurred speech" kind of drunk), and it's foolish to pretend like these thinks never happened.

In my prior post, my "pride" in the having rarely driven after drinking, is in the recognition that nearly everyone who leaves a bar at or near closing time probably shouldn't be driving. And that over the course of my lifetime, I've hardly ever driven under the influence. Yes - I've done it a time or two. It's NOT something I'm proud of -- but the infrequency of it is something to be proud of.

I worked as a bartender for a few years (about 15 years ago), while I was in college (at a bar mostly college kids went to). And my behavior was MUCH more acceptable and WAY more cautious than the VAST majority of the patrons I served. (I always worked from about 10pm until closing, around 2pm – sometimes 3pm.)

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None of you guys have ever gotten behind the wheel after a few beers? Not "drunk" in the literal sense of stumbling, slurring speech, and swerving all over the road, but "drunk" in the sense that a cop with a breathalizer won't give a fuck? It doesn't take much for a 502.

I made my own personal stand against drink-driving.

I gave up driving.

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To me, someone saying they drove really drunk only once or twice is the same as saying "I've only date raped a girl once of twice."

Just my two cents.

I have never come close to driving drunk.

I have also walked the halls of my high school seconds after they announced three fellow students were killed in a drunk driving accident the night before. Not a pretty sight.

Edited by md655321
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Let's see...forcible rape and driving drunk...while both are reprehensible, that's just not a good comparison. One is a sexual predator causing permanent psychological trauma and likely physical damage to his victims, the other is risking killing/injuring himself and others by his enebriated actions, but might not kill or injure anyone. Both are terrible, but rape is much worse.

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