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This is a terrible decision... :tdown:tdown

Treasury says Cuba can't send players to Classic

Associated Press

NEW YORK -- The U.S. government is shutting Cuba out of the inaugural World Baseball Classic, citing the standing embargo against the communist island nation.

The Treasury Department told Major League Baseball of its decision Wednesday, said Pat Courtney, a spokesman for the commissioner's office. The department's Office of Foreign Assets Control confirmed the announcement.

The sport's first World Cup-style tournament, originally to include 16 teams, was jointly organized by the commissioner's office and the players' union. It runs from March 3-20 in the United States, Puerto Rico and Japan.

Organizers will work to have the decision reversed, said Paul Archey, the senior vice president of Major League Baseball International, and Gene Orza, the chief operating officer of the Major League Baseball Players Association.

A permit from OFAC is necessary because of U.S. laws governing certain commercial transactions with the Fidel Castro-controlled nation.

"We are very disappointed with the government's decision to deny the participation of a team from Cuba in the World Baseball Classic," Archey and Orza said. "We will continue to work within appropriate channels in an attempt to address the government's concerns and will not announce a replacement unless and until that effort fails."

In Havana, government officials had yet to react to the decision Thursday, but Cubans on the street were outraged not only because they felt it was unfair, but because it meant they won't be able to see their players go up against the American major league stars.

"Enough already!" said Antonio Mayeta, whose brother is a baseball player in Cuba. "It's unbelievable. This is about sports, not politics. In Cuba, baseball is our culture. Everyone was so anxious to see these games."

Said Victor Renglon, sitting on a park bench in central Havana: "Everyone from Fidel to little boys are born with a bat in their hands."

Organizers had said the Cuban team likely would have included only players currently residing in Cuba and not defectors such as Jose Contreras, Orlando Hernandez and Livan Hernandez, who have become major league stars.

In the tournament schedule announced last week, Cuba was to play its three first-round games in San Juan, Puerto Rico, facing Panama on March 7, the Netherlands on March 9 and Puerto Rico the following day. If the Cubans advanced, they would also have played their second-round games in Puerto Rico.

"It is our policy that we do not confirm, deny or discuss licenses," Treasury spokeswoman Molly Millerwise said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. "Generally speaking, the Cuba embargo prohibits entering into contracts in which Cuba or Cuban nationals have an interest."

Rep. Jose Serrano, a New York Democrat, said Tuesday that he is circulating letters to be sent to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary John Snow asking that Cuba be allowed to play.

"Let's leave the politics out of this," Serrano said in a statement. "The World Baseball Classic should not be tainted by our grudge against Cuba's government. Cuba produces some of the finest baseball talent in the world and they deserve to participate."

At last week's news conference in Dallas announcing tournament plans, Orza sounded unconcerned about OFAC granting a permit.

"I do not think that is a serious impediment," Orza said, adding he was "very, very confident that the Cubans will play."

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I understand that the Giambino himself called Nomar to whistle a Yankee tune.

Up over and out.

Joe Torre did, also. IF(BIG IF) Nomar can stay healthy, he can be a 'supersub', play some 1st, some outfield, DH, some protection against injuries, etc. He may not ask for much as far as salary, either.

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Supposedly, Damon is anxious to become the new Yankee centerfielder if the Yanks will commit to a five year deal. Dan, will that finally put you over the edge? It'll be fun if only to see what he looks like when he sheds the Neanderthal man image.

There's no doubt anymore that Cashman will finally open Steinbrenner's checkbook once Boras comes off the 7 year fantasy. At which point, the bidding war starts, Boras creams his pants, and we'll all find out just how serious Damon was about loving Boston.

On the positive side, its quite likely that by the time that bidding war starts, Theo will be back, and while I don't think it makes a difference in the actual negotiation, it should make Damon more comfortable re-signing insofar as he likes dealing with Theo and was as surprised as everyone else was when he walked away.

So long as Cashman and Steinbrenner keep their commitment to not break the bank, I think he comes back to Boston, if only because the Sox are more likely to offer the most, when push comes to shove.

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From today's NY Post:

Lefty reliever Mike Myers, who officially joined the Yankees yesterday, was a teammate of Damon's in Boston and loves the idea of him joining Myers in The Bronx.

"He is definitely interested in signing here," Myers said yesterday. "Hopefully everything contract wise can be worked out and we can be teammates for the next couple of years. If he hits leadoff with [Derek] Jeter behind him and three through seven with all those boppers, I would put the over/under for Johnny Damon scoring 125 runs."

Personally, I don't think whoever is the GM has anything to do with it, although like you, I was just as surprise to see Epstein walk away from such a dream job. Just shows that when you're 29 or 30, you do dumb juvenile things no matter how much you have thus far accomplished.

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Dan, what about those Damon to the Dodgers rumors that won't die? Makes sense if the Red Sox don't cough up "enough" money, or years. The Dodgers could easily win a very weak division. Their offense is already better than last year, and with Damon, it would at least reach the level of no longer terrible. Plus, he could do more ads, guest on Days of our Lives, and with it being L.A. baseball, there would be little media pressure like he had to go thru in Boston, or would have to go thru in N.Y.

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Dan, what about those Damon to the Dodgers rumors that won't die? Makes sense if the Red Sox don't cough up "enough" money, or years. The Dodgers could easily win a very weak division. Their offense is already better than last year, and with Damon, it would at least reach the level of no longer terrible. Plus, he could do more ads, guest on Days of our Lives, and with it being L.A. baseball, there would be little media pressure like he had to go thru in Boston, or would have to go thru in N.Y.

According to Boston media, particularly the Globe, rumors of Dodger interest are highly overblown. Time will tell.

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Who's a better pitcher, Clement or Arroyo? If the the Sox don't re-sign Damon, the M's will be getting one of these guys in exchange for Jeremy Reed..

Johnny, are you ready for WS in Seattle now that Carl Everett has signed on? :g Seriously, he should help, and as .Mariners general manager Bill Bavasi said Everett "would break up any monotony or boredom."

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Who's a better pitcher, Clement or Arroyo? If the the Sox don't re-sign Damon, the M's will be getting one of these guys in exchange for Jeremy Reed..

Johnny, are you ready for WS in Seattle now that Carl Everett has signed on? :g Seriously, he should help, and as .Mariners general manager Bill Bavasi said Everett "would break up any monotony or boredom."

I don't care what he says or does as long as he knocks in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280.

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Who's a better pitcher, Clement or Arroyo? If the the Sox don't re-sign Damon, the M's will be getting one of these guys in exchange for Jeremy Reed..

Johnny, are you ready for WS in Seattle now that Carl Everett has signed on? :g Seriously, he should help, and as .Mariners general manager Bill Bavasi said Everett "would break up any monotony or boredom."

I don't care what he says or does as long as he knocks in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280.

he hasn't done all three of those things in the same year since 2000. He's accomplished only one of those goals since 2000, when he hit .301 for Texas but only played 73 games.

Tell you what: If Everett reaches all three of those goals and plays at least 125 games, I'll vote for Hillary in 2008. You have my word as a gentleman and a jazz fan.

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Johnny I wasn't sure if you're aware of this but AP reports that Seattle is close to signing former Anaheim pitcher Jarrod Washburn to a four year deal.

I just saw that. And it appears that the Sox are serious about dealing Arroyo for Reed. If those two deals go down Seattle might have a good little ballclub on their hands next year. :)


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Who's a better pitcher, Clement or Arroyo? If the the Sox don't re-sign Damon, the M's will be getting one of these guys in exchange for Jeremy Reed..

Johnny, are you ready for WS in Seattle now that Carl Everett has signed on? :g Seriously, he should help, and as .Mariners general manager Bill Bavasi said Everett "would break up any monotony or boredom."

I don't care what he says or does as long as he knocks in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280.

he hasn't done all three of those things in the same year since 2000. He's accomplished only one of those goals since 2000, when he hit .301 for Texas but only played 73 games.

Tell you what: If Everett reaches all three of those goals and plays at least 125 games, I'll vote for Hillary in 2008. You have my word as a gentleman and a jazz fan.

Now Dan, if Everett drives in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280 in 124 games, you should still vote for Hillary! ^_^

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Who's a better pitcher, Clement or Arroyo? If the the Sox don't re-sign Damon, the M's will be getting one of these guys in exchange for Jeremy Reed..

Johnny, are you ready for WS in Seattle now that Carl Everett has signed on? :g Seriously, he should help, and as .Mariners general manager Bill Bavasi said Everett "would break up any monotony or boredom."

I don't care what he says or does as long as he knocks in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280.

he hasn't done all three of those things in the same year since 2000. He's accomplished only one of those goals since 2000, when he hit .301 for Texas but only played 73 games.

Tell you what: If Everett reaches all three of those goals and plays at least 125 games, I'll vote for Hillary in 2008. You have my word as a gentleman and a jazz fan.

Now Dan, if Everett drives in 100+ RBI, hit 25+ HRs, and has an AVG over .280 in 124 games, you should still vote for Hillary! ^_^

Good luck with Everett man. That guy is a major head case. Even with the White Sox, you could see that he was seething.

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Johnny I wasn't sure if you're aware of this but AP reports that Seattle is close to signing former Anaheim pitcher Jarrod Washburn to a four year deal.

I just saw that. And it appears that the Sox are serious about dealing Arroyo for Reed. If those two deals go down Seattle might have a good little ballclub on their hands next year. :)


Looks like Seattle has a bit of wishful thinking about trading for Arroyo or Clement. Boston media is in agreement that Coco Crisp is the immediate target, not Reed.

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And perhaps I was wrong about Nomar. Looks like he's headed to La-La land. I forgot how much Nomar hated the Boston media, not like there'd be a big improvement dealing with the New York media. Heck, after the seventh inning, he won't even have to deal with fans in L.A. - they're all gone to beat the traffic. :g

Jeez though - if Nomar signs, and maybe the Dodgers get serious about Damon, all the Dodgers need to do is sign Millar as a right handed bat off the bench and it would be Cowboy Up all over again: Mueller, Nomar, Damon and Millar, led by the idiot savant, Grady Little.


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And perhaps I was wrong about Nomar. Looks like he's headed to La-La land. I forgot how much Nomar hated the Boston media, not like there'd be a big improvement dealing with the New York media. Heck, after the seventh inning, he won't even have to deal with fans in L.A. - they're all gone to beat the traffic. :g

Apparently he and Mia have a home in Manhattan Beach, so the Dodgers have the inside track.

Marriage sure changes things! :lol:

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